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Everything posted by creeky

  1. Where is the Williamson County Sheriff's range located?
  2. Hey guys. (Admins: If this is too far out of line feel free to delete, it's cool.) As some know and others don't, I do a little Hobby webcomic called Suspicious Minds. I'm also a member of a Webcomic Collective called Eyeskream. This year Eyeskream is having it's first ever "Skreamie Awards". So if any of you want to check out the comic and like it enough to want vote for it... you can in any ONE of these catagories. - Best Eyeskream Webcomic - Best Eyeskream Webcomic Writer - Best Eyeskream Webcomic Artist - Best Eyeskream Webcomic Website Design - Most Improved Eyeskream Webcomic Art Voting ends Jan. 31st. (Announcing winners first week of Feb.) You can vote HERE! You'll need to leave a name (doesn't have to be real, a screen name, alias, [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwFqZPg9d8k]"Mike Honcho"[/ame], etc.) and a valid email address. (Curbs cheating.) Also while your there be sure and check out the other Artist's Webcomics. Some really great webcomics over there. Well worth the click! Thanks! -Mike (Creeky) Want a quick over view of Suspicious Minds, click here. Want to start form the begining of the latest story arc, click here. To start from the very begining, click here. (Warning though... art has changed a lot form the start.)
  3. A friend recently bought his first Glock. The first time he got to shoot it was when we all got together (about 30 of us). After going over the range rules we called him out in front of everyone and annointed his head with "Glock Holy Water". It protects you from Ka-Booms! LOL! (Oh yeah... he and his wife both love it!)
  4. I have been checking CompUsa (Cool Springs Store) over the past weeks. Bought a coupld of things... nothing major. On lunch I dropped by there to see if prices had dropped some more. As I was looking around I walked past the back wall. They are bringing office stuff from the back and stacking it up for sell. Typical used stuff... Then I saw something truly sad... they are selling picture frames... with employees pictures still in them... some say... "5 years", "10 years", in them. It was pretty tragic and funny. Had to share.
  5. I bet 600 are from here. Notice it's a "geocities" freebie webhosting?
  6. creeky

    Got another XD

    Molonlabetn forgot to mention that chicks dig guys who shoot it. He probably didn't mention it because it is widely known, and has been a proven "Chick-Magnet" in many government funded tests.
  7. BWAhahahaha!!! LOL! That is hilarious! I'm going to have to use that! The Great Brown Menace!
  8. creeky

    Got another XD

    That's what I like to hear. More people buying guns in .357 sig! (Congrats BTW!)
  9. It was the G23 I shot that made me come around to Glocks. I had up to then (I'm sorry to admit) turned my nose up at them. But they are great. Even like the Baby glocks as well now. LOL!!!
  10. The worst traffic stop I ever had ended up with me, and my truck being searched for a "weapon" because I had about twenty or thirty .223 brass casing in the bed of my truck. Everytime she asked me for something and I would slowly go to get it she would order me to stop and ask me if I had a gun in there. A couple of times she actually said "YOU BETTER NOT HAVE A GUN IN THERE!!!" It was 4:OO am, I was 23 (before I had a Permit) and I'll be straight up honest... She scarried the CRAP out me. I thought for sure she was going to shoot me. I was searched with my arms placed through my window. It was then I asked that another officer be present for the remander of the "stop". I was never so glad to see another cop in my life. We ended up talking about guns the whole time she searched my truck And found nothing but a piece of foam with a "v" cut into it, some targets, and hearing protection under the seat. (He was nice and professional.) I got a ticket for speeding, and expired tags. On the ticket she got my Age, sex, model of my truck, and year of my truck... WRONG! (Total time: 40 minutes.)Since then I assume all cops are "new hires" and "nervous" until they prove otherwise.
  11. I'm confused a little... what harm is it in telling, or showing the officer that you have a conceal weapons permit? If (and I have never been a cop, but do have retired relatives and friends that are active duty) pulled someone over and in the course of it they leaned over to the glovebox to get additional information for me I saw the butt end of a handgun sticking out of his shirt the first thing I would think would be "CONCEALED WEAPON!" and would stand to reason I would be alot more concerned for my saftey. If the guy had a permit, showed it to me, then I saw it sticking out It would seem that I would not be so alerted. I don't see how my liberties are been intruded on, because when they run my DL (which the permits are tied to) it's going to come up. To me it is more of a common curtisee(sp?). Am I missing something?
  12. I feel their prices are better than most others. Plus they are generally VERy helpful. *I am biased in my opinion of them. I have known Dennis and his family personally for over ten yeras now.
  13. Hmmm... This would make a good point in both the husband and wife carrying the same weapon. Say a Glock, or same model Sig, Hk, etc.
  14. creeky


    Merry Christmas everyone.
  15. Is this going to be your main carry weapon, something for the range or maybe IDPA?
  16. Just my opinion... I see carrying more as a journey now and not some pick for an end all perfect carry gun. In my early twenties I carried a .38 snubby. Mid twenties a .45 officer's size, and for the past 7 years a Hk USPc. As I have aged and had different experiences I have moved from gun to gun. Caliber to caliber. Each time for different reasons. To me one of the most important things is how well the gun fits you. Then how comfortable it is to carry. As far as carry modes... that will change with time, and your situations. OWB may suit you fine, then a change of jobs, or locations or heck even the birth of kids may make IWB a better choice for you. It's really a very personal choice, and one that can't be critized too much. I would just suggest making a mental note of what other people carry, and if any are ones you might be interested in, go by a store and handle them a bit. Maybe meet up with a TGO member at a range and get a chance to shoot it. At 38, I am looking at moving toward a Colt Detecive Special, and a Baby Glock. Both inside the waist band. (But I shall NOT sell my HK! )
  17. creeky

    New gun!

    YEAH!! Another .357 sig Shooter in da' house!
  18. Thanks. As an "outsider" I had always wondered why all branches didn't approach it the same way as the Marines did.
  19. (I have never been in the military so forgive if this sounds stupid.) Hasn't that been the postion of the Marines forever? The "everyone is a rifleman" mentality. I thought it was interesting that the piston driven ARs didn't prove themselves to be "the greatest advancement" that they are marketed and bragged about being. In one article I read an officer had commented that the M4 was overall well suited for the current conditions. That are complete (and costly) change over would be a waste of money. That when a better design with noticable advantages comes to light they would be more than willing to change over. (I paraphase of course.)
  20. creeky


    Amen... My kids have airsoft guns and me and my wife love going outside and playing with them. We also play paintball with my in-laws in the woods. We don't do it to keep our "warrior" mind set sharp... we do it just for the fun of it. Same way with video games, cards and monopoly.
  21. creeky

    what would you buy

    Glock 23 FTF $425 http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3392 Glock 22 FTF $380 http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?p=42360#post42360
  22. Ahhhhh... providence. I like guns with a story/history behind them. That's the one you hold on to and pass down. Can't wait to hear who you like it.
  23. creeky

    Kel-Tec .40?

    Here is a link I found about them... http://www.ktog.org/reviews-p40.htm Hope this helps. (I know very little about Kel-tecs.)
  24. Totally and completely off subject... What kind of Art do you do? Like the animated avatar... did you do that?
  25. hahaha... I hear you. The only HK rifles I will be owning will be Clones. When you think about... they are just stamp metal guns. Why there aren't more people making really good copies is beyond me.


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