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Everything posted by creeky

  1. From the HKpro forum these is all I found... http://hkpro.com/forum/showthread.php?t=74142 Heckler & Koch USP 9mm Compact- used. AA Code (2000), night sights, Variant 1 trigger, DA/SA with external safety for optional cocked and locked carry. These are very good to excellent condition showing minor finish wear on the slide. Come with box, manual and two 13 round magazines. One magazine has the extended base pad and the other has the flat base plate. $599.95 If your thinking about one for CCW, I'd hold one at a store first. they Are a bit blocky, when you consider the newer P2000sk's that are out there. i like it because my hands are small, and it feels like a full size gun in my hand. But that is just me.
  2. I like the H&Ks as well, but the prices have always kept me away. If it wasn't for the deal I got I wouldn't even have the USPc I got. Have thought about the Vector clones though. (In the 53, 5.56) Always thought it would be nice to have one in a SBR form. Had thought many times of the G3 clones, but have always been a little scared of throwing the money down and running into problems. As my kids are getting a little order, money is starting to get a little freed up, I'm begining to look at the Hk rifles more and more. You're not the first person I have heard say that. The fact that there are so many G3s out and running about in the world has to say a lot about them.
  3. CDNN has Sig P239 Blackened Stainless in 9mm NIB for $549.99... Add another $50 for FFL transfer and Background check and that should hit the $600 dollar mark. As much as I hate to admit it... H&k for under $600 bucks is a little hard. CDNN still has NIB HK USPc but in .357sig for $549.99. With 4 mags! (1-12rd. and 3-10rd.) They do have PSP p7s used for $599, but that pushes you over the $600 mark. Plus mags are expensive and if this is your first pistol you might not want a sueeze cocker. (I wish I had one... ) They also have some Full Size Used USP, Night Sights, varient 3's in .40sw for $419.99-$449.99... but again not the cal. your looking for. (Uh... I just got an order of Mags from them and have a catalog right in front of me. ) But glocks, taurus, Smiths, XDs, etc. they all are pretty good guns. Just find one that fits your hand well.
  4. I have heard many good things about them. You can find more talk about them on the HKpro boards, under the "Clones" section. I would like to own one myself one day. -gcrookstone... I saw your "family" picture on the board. Couldn't help but notice the M1A, and Hks in there. Cool!
  5. creeky

    Guns & Leather

    From reading your post, I have no doubt you had a bad experience there. I can only say that I have known Mark, (his Son) Robert, and Dennis personally for years. (I had worked right next to mark for 12 years, and can state only my experience with him that he is a great guy, and a most trusted friend.) It sounds like you just had a series of bad things, and miscommunications happen at once. I can understand orders getting mixed up when you are busy, and things getting heated from time to time. Maybe Mark, five minutes before you walked in just went round and round with someone else, or maybe he was just feeling sick. Who knows? One thing is certain... you had a bad experience, and you have chosen to take your business else where. I have done the same thing many times myself with other businesses. I feel that as consumers we need to do that more often when we don't get the service we expect. That is the only way service will improve. **As mentioned above though... I may be biased in my opinion of them since I do know them.
  6. This is one of the rare occasions where open care might just be the best. Change your colors to resemmble a Bicycle Cop. (Black shorts, a slightly baggy shirt, black helmet, etc.) They might just think your a cop and leave you alone. LOL!!! In honesty... I don't know what to tell you. That is a rather hard call to make.
  7. true... but they do rent the range out. Cost depends a lot on when you are wanting to rent it and for how long. But would be neat to have an "All TGO range" session. Wish Dennis could have extended the range when they went to add on and all.
  8. ROFL!!!! Oh my goodness that was good!
  9. You're not alone my brother! Anyone can go flat-top and halo sight these days. I like to think we're kick'n it old school Cool! (Sadly, I am thinking seriously of going SBR 10.5", and... dare I say... Flat-top! )
  10. Nerf bat? Start wailing in on him, then after about 4 or 5 hits he comes at you... shoot him. "Your Honor... I tried to defend myself peaceably... but he just kept comming!"
  11. The three main "kids"... Hk USP Compact (.357 sig)... It is dated "KI" (1998) was bought in 2000. Wife bought this for me. I had decided to by it and she snuck up to the store and bought it out from under me! When I called the guy and told him I would get it he said he just sold it... I was heart broken! Then she handed it to me on my Birthday! Savage .308 (Wife bought this for me, Father in law got me the scope.) I would have prefered a short action... but it still shoots better than me. Need to work on the trigger though. AR-15 Oly Lower (Built by Dennis's (guns and leather) Brother for me.) A1 upper, Heavy barrel, I've had it for 14 years now. Wife paid to have it built for me for my Birthday. Did I ever mention what a great wife I have?
  12. Right now... Gorillaz "Clint Eastwood" Up next... Smiley Faces - Gmarls Barkley I can dream about you - Dan Hartman Moving in Stero - The Cars Float On - Modest Mouse Paint It Black - Stones La jolie Blon - Buckwheat Zydeco More Human that Human - White Zombie
  13. creeky

    .40S&W vs .45ACP

    I carried a .45 acp that held 6... (I then had a change of mind about carring only 6 rounds.) Now carry a pistol that holds 12rds of .357 sig and weighs less than my old .45 (36oz empty) Love the .45 and would like to own another, like the 40sw as well. The only difference I see is capacity and cost of shells. That falls more into the personal opinion catagory. No matter what we say... it's your money, and you'll be carrying it.
  14. Welcome to the fold.
  15. Hahaha!!! Behold the power of fresh baked cookies! Some say thay the Double Chocolate Chip cookies are overkill... But as you all can see... you never know who may be knocking at your door. Better to be pack'n the Doubles! LOL!!!
  16. I generally try to open the door with a plate of double chocolatechip cookies. (Fresh baked prefered, but not always ready.)
  17. What they say now and what they do when they get into office can be very different things. I'm unsure any of them have any real convictions about anything. (*Keep in mind I'm still jaded.)
  18. It would be nice to have a "Sticky" on the Handgun Carry Permit info. More people are joining every day. Although the info is around, it would make it easier for new people on the board to find it on teh forum. Maybe with some links to Vendors here that offer classes. Just a thought... ***EDIT: Nevermind... I see we do. Doh! That's what I get for clicking "today's posts" too much! LOL!
  19. I feel your pain. my youngest lost it in the hall... I waited just a second... he said he felt better, I told him I'd carry him to the bathroom (9 feet away)... picked him up iunder the arms and he starts spewing again! No sooner did I have him 2 inches off the ground. Good grief it shot everywhere! I'd never seen anything like it. 4 foot spray... like he had a hose. It was everywhere... me... him.. carpet... couch... walls... the horror. (It was just me and him BTW.) Needless to say after we made it to the bathroom he was fine. Felt great. You wonder how you'll react when the PHF. (Puke hits the fan) You hope you'll handle it, stnde tall... be brave... face it like a man. I fully expected a lung to pop out at any minute. (His, not mine.) I had no idea the sheer volume a kid can generate. Sometimes at night... I wake up screaming... the horror... the horror.
  20. (Serious now...) pro-gun, anti-amensty, pro-military & defense, pro-life... etc. As far as charisma... I kind of liked his straight forward approach. [ame] [/ame]
  21. yeah... it's a lot better to just set them in front of a TV hooked up to Cable, and an xbox... then walk off and let them raise themselves. +1 for sterilization +2 for "Rusty Spoon"
  22. plus... he... he... completed me...
  23. Some people look down on the Fobus holsters, but I like them. For the money they are very hard to beat. Quick on and off, and for nothing else a good holster to use as a beater. Plus a real checp holster to mount places. Coupld of Drywall screws into a stud and you can mount them in a closet or anywhere.
  24. Welome!
  25. creeky

    Building new AR15

    I have an "Oly" lower... no problems. But mine was bought a long time ago. About... '97 so things could have changed. I'm hoping to get a couple of lowers to put up for my boys. Maybe one for my wife as well.


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