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Everything posted by creeky
For regular driving... right hand side. If I'm driving a long distance... One truck I can attach my Fobus to the Driver door at the bottom or it's in the center console. Other truck it's in the holster under a towel on the seat neat to me. In the camaro... hmmmm good question. Since it's not running yet I don't. Once it it is... I guess strong side again, or in the center console. Might be able to rig somthing in there as well, but not likely.
When pulled over I hand them my Permit with my license and have not had a problem. In the past I have been pulled over without a permit and handgun and been treated harshly. When I complained to my GrandDad (Retired Cop), and my Step Dad (Retired Cop) they both said the same thing... "There's bad apples in every profession." Doesn't make it right... doesn't make it wrong... makes it what it is.. the reality of life. For me, I'm just can't see a problem with handing over my Permit. But that is just me.
I don't like snakes... they creep me out. I do like "J frames"... and Lab puppies. They are cute and don't creep me out.
I agree. Most people sre so busy with what they are doing they don't notice. The only people that really notice (or even look for it) is other HCP holders. (IMHO) I had one incident where my gun was exposed in home depot years ago. I was getting a lot of wood, stacking it up on the dolly an done started to fall and I bent over to try and catch it. My light jacket came up and stayed above the grip. I felt it though and pulled it down. When I tirned around I noticed a guy with a look of "is that what I think it was?". No screaming, no yelling, no nothing... just paid for the wood and left a little while later.
Now that is COOOL!!
Hk USPc .357 sig Normally... One 10 rd. mag in the pistol. (Too Cheap to pay $39.99 for a HK 12 rd when I can buy 10 rds. mags for $9.99) I very rarely carry an extra magazine. When I travel out of state... two extra 10 rd. mags in the truck.
Welcome Home!
Congrats on the USPc! Love mine as well. The stainless looks great. Kind of wish mine was. Great group too!
I have never served in the military... so I don't feel comfortable in saying that we should have mandatory military service for all. I would be speaking from only one side of the fence. As far as 18 year olds and CCW... I'd rather have military service & voting start at 21. Drinking and HCP are fine with me at 21. If your currently in the military at 18, I think you should be able to drink, and have a HCP. The service to your country should be taken in to consideration. *As a side note, I started paying attention to politics when I got my selective service card in the wall saying I had thirty days to register.
WOW! That really looks great! Wild how it matches your knife. Looks... I don't know... real no nonsense, business like. Or just plain COOL!
I've always felt that if I need to wear a gun in my own home that it was time to move. But that s just me.
I had a Fire "FireStar" a long time ago. Great gun. I could hit with it, never jamed and was fun to shoot! I carried it one in the chamber hammer down. Which meant I had to either pull the hammer back, or rack the slide. I always thought if there was any trouble I would just ease the hammer back. I was never comfortable with carring it cocked and locked since it didn't have a grip safety. Mine only held six, and I had a situation where I had two to individuals approaching the car and had no time to ease the hammer back. I had to get out of the car really quick, so I was going to have to rack the slide after the draw. It wasn't long after that I got rid of it. I never wanted to be put into that situation again. Crazy. Everything was fine... then all of a sudden it turned to crap. Like a blink of an eye. Replaced it with an USP compact. But hey man... you do what you think is best for you.
I agree... seems logical.
I really need to pick one of these up at some point. I hear nothing but great things about them. fury2neon... Great choices! I never thought much about the old Colts, that is until I shot a Detective Special. I was quite surprised in how good the trigger pull was, as well as the over all fit, finish and balance. (Shot good too!) As for the P7... well needless to say, I'm jealous! Congrats.
I don't think you would be happy the way you would be portrayed after the final edits of everything you said. No matter how well you said it. (IMHO)
What Would You Do During a Mall Shooting?
creeky replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Two Words... "Food Court". Theoretically there won't be any lines then. (I hate the long lines, yet will silently stand in a rather long one for "Bourbon Chicken" at the Galleria. Strange. Perhaps that says something about the soothing power of chicken. Hmmm...) If it happened in the Food Court, I admit that it would present a problem for me. Granted... the lines would vanish, but I have noticed there really isn't any cover in front of any of the restaurants. (Did I just call those places "restaurants"?!?) This truly is a hard ethical and philosophical question. Stand and fight for my life and more so for the Bourbon Chicken I hold so dear? Or seek proper cover, hoping to taste that sweet, sweet Bourbon Chicken another day. And to add even another layer to problem... what if that day... they had a drink special? Oh my... I don't think I could honestly say. -
I'm thinking if it keeps snowing and picks up just a little bit... We could have social unrest by 5:00pm, with a total breakdown of society by morning. Pretty much "Road Warrior" meets a "Lynard Skynrd" concert type of thing. (Thought I would provide a visual.)
That is why I didn't vote either... I think it might have been better if we had a 1-10 Scale to vote on. I consider them about an "8" or "9".
Do you guys (Admins that is) think we're getting enough questions to warrant "NFA" section? I know I have posted a couple of questions, I know we have a few members that own "NFA's" and we have Vendors on here that both Sell and Make them. Just a thought...
Again... fresh baked DOUBLE chocolate chip cookies. It'll stop anyone right in their tracks.
I have a spring fed creek that runs a cross my place, plus I backpack a little and can filter water. So I guess you could say that my Backpacking gear is my "Disaster" kit. I can heat with either electric, propane Gas Logs, or wood burning stove. We had lost power for three days during the ice storm (back in '94... I think.) so when I built my current house I wanted to make sure we had alternate was to heat the place. We usually keep extra can goods around and frozen stuff as well. My Deep freeze can last two days if it's not opened too much. Plus I have access to a couple of generators.