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Everything posted by creeky
Obama- Small town people "cling" to guns and religion
creeky replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Yup. -
Personal reasons mostly. None of which reflect negatively on Freemasons. After my father passed I gave it a lot of very serious thought, and have since then from time to time. I have both friends and family that are Freemasons.
As the son of a Mason (I am not a mason) it is hard to even convey the support and fraternity (not to mention genuine love) for both my Dad and my family while he was sick and at his passing. I truly believe that they can make a good man better... (*Also my mother was of the Order of The Eastern Star.)
Most range bags I looked at a few years ago seemed a little steep for me. I looked in the fishing section of Sports Academy a few years ago and they had some tackle bags on sale. I got this one for about 16 bucks. It came with some plastic tackle box stuff as well. (Gave them away.) While looking at it the sales guy was trying to help me and asked what kind of fishing I did. I told him I didn't fish and he said "Ahhhh.. your a shooter huh?" Turns out he said sees a few guys coming in and buying these for range bags. Works good for me. Shoulder strap and double sewn handles, the main compartment has the heavy duty zippers that you can put a small lock on (only good for keeping kids out), the two sides can hold eight 50rd boxes in each side, plus about three pistols in the middle compartment plus my other junk. (Strap comes in handy when fully loaded.) It doesn't have the cool mag holders and stuff like that.... but suits me well. Also it doesn't "look" like a range bag. That is something that I like too. (I also use an old portable diaper changing mat that folds up small as a pistol rug. )
They take a man... and make him better.
This really makes me miss mine. I had two Black Labs about ten years ago... brothers. Named 'em "Starsky" & "Hutch".
Currently Carry: HK USPc (.357sig) variant 1 Carry Mode: Fobus paddle / Mexican Carry (looking at a Fist Holster, and Don Hume) Ammo: 125 gr. Speer Gold Dots Why this Firearm: Wanted more than 6 rounds (I was replacing a .45 single action) and a decocker. I also got this one for a good price. I was also looking seriously at a Sig 239 (in .357 sig) at the time as well. What sold me was the fit to my hand, plus the deal that I got at the time. Thinking about also adding to the mix some day: Glock 23, HK PSP, Colt Detective Special and maybe some J-Frame. (In no Special order.)
Maybe some bio-hazzard tape across the front door. or a chalk outline of a guy on the porch half in and half out of the door with a little water based red paint splattered here and there.
For the mac... give Camino a try. Especially if you have older macs. It based off Mozilla (firefox blend) but it is made specifically for macs. I've found it really shines on older stuff. (Not trying to derail the thread.)
No... you are checked as you walk in. Your weapons are checked and "zip" tied. You'll also notice security in orange shirts walking around keeping an eye out to make sure everything stays "zipped". Next to the rental range there is a section that you can shoot what you brought. They (range officers) cut your "zips" and reapply them before you leave the range. It's awesome. I have taken my little boys since 2001, and have been going a little longer than that. It has grown incredibly since I started going. We usually go in a group for the Fall shoot and stay for the day. My boys love it! Got some pictures on my flickr account. I'm afraid we may not go this year (the fall shoot) because of the spring on being flooded. I'm thinking it will be twice as crowded. It's been getting hard for my kids to be able to get a good position behind the line to see. (Haven't told my boys yet... to be honest I'm afraid to! LOL!)
It would be ironic when they ran the background check that Mr. Naifeh was found to have committed a Felony back in his past. Sorry... not ironic... Hilarious!
This is a problem I have with government... it turns into skirt the rules to get what "you" want. One side "bends" the rules to kill legislation because they don't want to take a chance on losing in the vote. (Which is what they are their to do right? Vote on legislation?) Then the other side (feeling wronged, and frustrated) decides to go the same route. In the end we seem to have a pissing match that belittles us all. The people aren't truly represented by those they elected because legislation is "killed" before the elected representatives are able to even vote on it and we loose what little respect we had for who we elected. The best recourse is to support grassroots efforts to remove elected officials from office that seek to subvert and pervert the system to keep legislation from reaching the floor. That goes all the way from the local level up to the Federal level. Sorry... didn't mean to rant.
I don't think they even know we exist sometimes.
Molon... <sigh> The only reason that is funny. Is because there is some truth in it. That's the only reason.
Sorry Guys... I read this quickly this morning while getting the kids ready for school. I would go back and edit my posts... but i think I need a public reminder to read a bit slower.
Has the NRS said anything publicly about this? Notice also the ACLU doesn't have a problem with it. Must be because they aren't knocking on "their" door. Typical.
I owned one years ago. A .38, 5 shot snubby with no hammer. Sold, and have regretted it every since. Really need to gat another one.
Do you remember when Handgun Permits were first passed?
creeky replied to waynesan's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
As I remember it was old "Ned" that got it through before he left as Governor. I could be wrong. Got mine about a year after it passed I think. It was right after they lifted the requirement that you had to be bonded, and could only carry the gun that you qualified with. -
They kept pulling my old picture as well. Even when I had them retake last time they still pulled my old picture! I wear my hair much shorter and have grayed a lot since then. I've noticed the TSA giving me the double take when I have to travel. LOL!!
Have you looked into Fist's "Lady Fist" holsters? http://www.fist-inc.com/holsters/lady/Default.htm (Be sure to click on the women's names at the bottom of their page to see how they "ride" differently.)
I have often wondered if there is any huge difference between the Smith "J-Frames" and Taurus' .38 snubs. I have owned a Taurus Mod 35 (I think) 5 shot hammerless years ago and have regretted selling it many times. Not trying to start anything, but what is the difference between the two to justify the higher cost of the Smiths? Besides name... is tehre a huge difference in quality, or trigger pull? I understand that Taurus machines them from old machines that were once owned by Smith & Wesson. Is that also true? (Not trying to hijack a thread guys, thought this fit since it is comparing them to J-Frames and all. )
I've got about another 600 (somewhere) of regular once fired brass as well. I used to reload .308, .223, .45, .38/.357 magnum, and have the dies to reload .41 magnum for my Brother-in-Law's pistol.
I plan on it and have that site bookmarked. Just right now I am a little stretched for cash. I have a few projects in the works and it's hard to juggle the funds right now. A buddy gave me a 1000 rounds of once fired nickel brass, so I have been thinking of buying the dies and reloading as well.
I carry a USPc in .357 sig and have had it for about eight years and have carried it the whole time. I've also shot a Glock 31 (mini glock in .357 sig) the recoil was perfectly manageable. Molon's right about the cost, but it's a fun little round. I pay something like $19-$20 a box from wally world. (Unless they have gone up.) I like the looks of the P2000sk as well.
I have noticed the same thing... but to be fair, I would think their overhead would be a lot more as well considering their location. I know it's just the old Uncle Buds... but still being in Franklin has got to be expensive. They do have a great selection. I kill some time there on lunch myself. I used to by some accessories there, but when I needed a spring quick for my AR they charged me 3 bucks for it. So I haven't bought anything else from there. Nice bunch of guys and all. Real friendly.