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Everything posted by creeky

  1. What seems to be the problem with them?
  2. Bought a Blackhawk Serpa this past weekend at G&L. The one that comes with a belt attachment and a paddle attachment. (For my USPc) I really like this holster. What pushed me toward it was the fact a number of the guys (and gals) on the board have them and love them. Being able to configure the cant, go from paddle and belt was really neat. Also having the "button" lock was a great added bonus as well. Can't brag about it enough. Well made, light, and adjustable. It's just really hard to beat. (IMHO)
  3. No experience with Hammocks "Suntzu". Seen some people use them though. The dirty clothes in my tent bag is getting old for a pillow. One night isn't bad. But after this last trip it get old on the third night in. LOL! I've heard really good stuff about the MSR Hubba Hubba. My wife is starting to get the itch to go, so I'll be tent shopping again in a couple of years. If not sooner.
  4. I already had a decent cook set other wise I would have a jet broil myself. Those things are awesome! My next purchase is a new mat. I'm getting older and need more padding that my foam I have now. I carry a 2 Liter water bladder as well. I'll look into that "Thermarest TrailLite" for sure!
  5. (Hey Mods... it would be neat of we had a "The Great Outdoors" section for backpacking and nature related stuff. RVing, Boating, camping, backpacking, etc. Just a thought. ) Just got back from hiking to Gregory Bald, again, (and Parsons Bald) Sunday night. We went up Long Hungry Ridge trail, then across Gregory Bald then back down Wolf Ridge. Had a great time but my camera is going out and taking blurry pictures which was a MAJOR disappointment. Still I got some decent shots off. Total of 15 miles. We took our time and made a 4 day three night hike. We hit the woods at 5:30pm Thursday and pulled out at 1:00 pm Sunday. Picture s below, then stats for any backpacking geeks. (Click on images for a larger view.) Here is our first night's campsite. (#92) My tent is the Green one. Another view of two other tents that were with us. View from across the bridge and the creek looking back. My pack loaded up. One of our guys with our pet "dog". He followed us all around the bald. All you had to do is hold your hand up and she would come right up to you. (On top of Gregory Bald.) Hazy view of Cades Cove from Gregory Bald. The last two times I have been up there it wasn't hazy a bit. Still a nice view though. (Elevation is 4995 ft.) Gregory Bald is full of Blueberry bushes. They were AWESOME! And Sweeeeet!! I was pretty happy to see that there were some "Gregory Azelas" left in bloom on the Bald. They peak in the last two weeks of June. Artsy, Fartsy picture from Gregory Bald. Another shot from the Bald. Another Picture of our "dog". Here she is nosing around my pack. If I had the time I sure i could have taught her to fetch. Me at the Bald. The next morning me and my Bro-in-law hiked back up to the Bald to watch the Sun rise. Really cool. A great place to set when at the Bald. A Spike in velvet and a doe. Again she came right up, but the Lil' spike would only come within five feet and we had to be really still for him to get that close. Our tent at #13 Sheep Pen Gap MORE Blueberrys!!! Yeah!!! Eat too many... Crap like a goose!! BOOO!!! Parsons Bald. It is not "maintained" anymore and is allowed to grow. Full of Bluberries! Tons of them. Less plants than on "Gregory", but more berriess because less people go there I guess. Saw this on Parsons Bald. Don't have any idea what it is but it caught my eye. Flaming Red! Really pretty. (But in a manly sort of way. LOL!) Our packs at rest while we are playing around in the creek. Quick shot of our creek heading down the trail. Gratuitous water shot. Okay... geeky backpacking stats... • 15 miles total • Saw: Bear, Deer, Flushed a covey of quail, rabbits, turkey, yellowjackets! LOL! • Used my new Kelty Coyote 4750 pack (AWESOME!) Stayed at campsites: #92, #13, #95 • Drive was about 500 miles round trip (WHich included the "Dragons Tail"... SUPER COOL, and WICKED AWESOME!) • Other packs were 2 Kelty "Soar" packs, and 1 Kelty "Nimble" • My tent is an Eureka Mountain Pas XT (No longer made.) Pack weighed 25 Lbs. w/o water, about 30-32 lbs. w/water. (I think I could have shaved a couple of more pounds though.) • My stove is a "Coleman Peak One", other guys have "Jet Broils" Hope you like the pictures.
  6. I think the fact that the assaulters were able to use cellphones to summon more attackers is very serious. It also makes a case (IMHO) that capacity should be considered more these days. Not just the "I carry a spare mag".
  7. I just found that one myself. I think that one will work the best for me. I'll do more research on it. I've got it book marked. The "spy" type shops are listing it for over a hundred, but I found another place that had the same one for around $40. A review I read said it can also serve as a Thumb Flash drive for carrying files back and forth. So that leads me to believe it mounts as an external drive. If so then a mac would (should) see it fine. Thanks for all the suggestions. It's amazing that these things can hold and do so much now.
  8. I'm looking for something very small and compact.
  9. No one have any suggestions? (Shameless bump.)
  10. I am finding myself in need for a digital voice recording device. Not really sure where to look or what names to look for exactly. The needs I want it to feel are: • Mac compatible • Download via USB (it would be nice if it could be seen as just an external drive) • Records as MP3 or wav files • Able to record sound in a 12x12' room clearly. • Very small, roughly the size of a pack of gum, or generally .5" tall by 3" square if that is as small as I can get. • Records up to 1hr, but 2 hr would be much better though. I realize I may be hurting myself with such stringent requirements, but if any of you guys know of any products I can research I would really appreciate it. - Thanks
  11. Great pictures! I'll have to get over that way. You're really setting a great example for the rest of us. I'm very proud of all you have accomplished so far! Excellent work! I'm about to head out this Thursday for the smokies myself. Starting at Twenty mile ranger station, and up "twenty mile trail" to "long hungry ridge trail", then over Gregory Bald and back down "Wolf Ridge". This will be my longest hike. 4 days, 3 nights. A TGO Hike would be cool! But I would have to have a ton of notice before going. I generally can ony get away for one long Hike a year. Heck... I been trying to get to one of the TGO Middle Tn shoots for teh past three months! <sigh>
  12. Got a '68 Camaro myself. I've had it for 21 years now. Factory 327, powerglide, and Air. Hoping to get it back on the road before long. The money I was going to use for it... well... evaporated! LOL! http://suspiciousmindscomic.com/blog/?p=39 Hey "Redec" awesome a 67! Gotta love the first Gens! Ain't nothing like them. Looks like you'll have a lot of time and love wrapped up in that one when your finished.
  13. Keep in mind he may have.... but it was just not edited that way. Editing has a lot to do with it. Having him saying statistics might have made the producers feel it would come across too scripted or that he had practiced memorizing those stats. She has mentioned in an interview that she spent a day with the "Michigan Militia". They they were nice and just like to shoot guns basically. Yet it was not in the final edit.
  14. creeky

    Pink Walther

    HeroGear Posted he had some... http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9236 Plus he has an awesome package deal going on that includes a suppressor. But i can't find the post. (You get subsonic ammo, hat, pink knife, etc.)
  15. They were firing an HK full auto suppressed on the line in the beginning. As well as a HK Tactical (? or 23) and a suppressor. Granted an explanation would have been good... but at the same time I thought they did alright all things considered. If you watch the end again you'll notice Pia(?) shooting what seemed to be like IDPA. multi targets, reaction, etc with a pistol smiling. It's brief, but there. I would be willing to bet there was a lot of footage of her laughing, smiling on ranges once she got used to it that they didn't have time to include. It would be neat to see some of the footage left out.
  16. I went into watching this with a chip on my shoulder. I was expecting a very slanted view due to editing. To say I was pleasantly surprised is an understatement. Watched it twice. While I was thinking in my head for the guy to say this or that... I can honestly say that it was about the fairest program that has delt with this issue. Not perfect... but overall an excellent episode to watch. (IMHO)
  17. I showed my wife the Pink Walther and she liked it very much. Thought it looked pretty cool myself. I wish I had the funds right now to get that package HeroGear has put together.
  18. What about executive order? (I'm a little fuzzy about those.) Could that be used against concealed carry laws, mag capacities, AWBs, etc.
  19. Done... up to 86% now...
  20. Awesome Pictures!!! I've been to Gregory Bald twice, but been over to Andrews Bald. I'll be heading out again in a couple of weeks for 4 days, 3 nights, and will be crossing Gregory bald again from the NC side. Smokies are really neat. I had read that they are considered a rain forest and always carry rain gear! LOL! Temp drops quick to. Congrats on the weight loss. I dropped about 15 pounds last year... then gained the crap back. <sigh> I wanted to make it up there to see the azaleas in full bloom but' things came up and we had to post pone our trip.
  21. Or you were really excited about the project too.
  22. LOL! Yeah... plus it's also how my mind works.
  23. Okay... So yeah, everyone is reading and seeing SCOTUS all over the place. (Supreme Court of the United States) Isn't that a really weird acronym? At least when you read it together? It sounds like something completely else... SCOTUS... the new sport luxury car from KIA. SCOTUS... Every year 2,000 sailors and long haul trucker drivers are diagnosed with "SCOTUS". SCOTUS... the new piston driven evolution in the AR platform by Magwell. SCOTUS... a term used when someone breaks line in front of you and your wife... "MY goodness!!! Did you see that honey?!? They soooo "SCOTUS"!! The nerve of some people! Really!" SCOTUS... All right you headbangers!!! Put your hands together for our last entry in the battle of the bands... straight out'ah Dee Cee... Let's hear it for... SCOTUS!!!! John "Robby the Robot" Roberts (Lead Guitar / Vocals) John Paul "Da' Pope" Stevens (Double Bass / Vocals) Antonin "The Hammer" Scalia (Lead Guitar / Vocals) Anthony "Tony The Tiger" Kennedy (Drums) David "Dash'n Dave" Souter (Cowbell) Clarence "Daddy" Thomas (Trumpet, Trombone) Ruth "Dr. Ruth" Ginsburg (Vocals) Stephen "Iceman" Breyer (Rhythm Guitar) Samuel "The Candy Man" Alito (Interruptive Dance / Harpsichord) *Lead song... a cover of Judas Priest's "Ram it Down", Followed by "Break'n the Law".
  24. I disagree... for the money it's a decent holster. It is doing exactly what a $20 dollar holster should do. Retain the firearm, and be able to remove the firearm. It's not designed to resist a "grab" or be used in "battle" type environments. They are best suited as "beaters" and range holsters. Which I feel they work best for. If your carrying concealed I don't see where someone is going to try and jerk the holster part off of you from behind. Not to mention these things are cheap enough to run a couple of drywall screws threw the paddle part and into a stud for placing it in your closet or what have you. It's like anything... what do you plan to use it for. I completely agree with you Tungsten... you do get what you pay for. I don't expect a Kia to handle like a Mercedes, nor would I use a ratchet for a hammer... but I have in a pinch. Not everyone can afford the better grades of holsters. But they are better than the "Mexican" carry option. (Some may argue not by much. LOL) Can't say that I have read very many accounts of people being disarmed while wearing Fobus holsters. (Though I accept I could very well be wrong.) Are there better holsters? Certainly. No question about it. Are Fobus holsters junk or garbage? I'm hesitant to say they are. I've had one for over five years. Still retains the firearm and it's never been "jerked" from my side. If it broke today... I still couldn't dog cuss it cause I feel i have gotten my $20 bucks of use from it and then some. (IMHO)
  25. I have a Fobus holster and have had no problems. I feel it exceeds the $19+ dollars I paid for it. It's scratched up, and makes a great "beater" holster. I even bought a double mag paddle as well a year ago. Mainly use them while on the range. Have been thinking about a Blackhawk CQC Serpa(?) holster after seeing all the picts posted from that CIS class. Seems likw every time I get enough money it goes somewhere else!


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