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Everything posted by creeky

  1. I just got an answer about why Insulin, rather "Synthetic" brands (Novalog, Lantus, Humalog, etc.) are prescription only. I have a friend who works in sales for a pharmaceutical company and he asked one of his clients (RN) with HCA. Here is what she said: ------- Email ------ Actually, Regular and NPH insulin are available OTC in most states. The newer, synthetic insulin analogues are the ones that require an RX. I think, but I am not 100% sure, that Regular and NPH are still available OTC since they have been that way for years. The FDA made the newer ones "Legend" drugs so they will require an RX and therefore will be regulated stricter. Insulin can be a very dangerous agent. It is on the ISMP list of most dangerous meds. Very easy to miscalculate and get wrong dose when you think about it. And as for abuse potential, apparently some body builders are actually using it as a muscle growth agent. It is virtually undetectable in any drug test b/c it is a naturally present hormone. There will always be somebody who can find a way to abuse a drug. Why is Bystolic a "Legend" drug? It's not a narcotic or habit forming. It does have a specific use... I hope this answers your friend's question. ------- End ------ What is NPH Insulin? NPH insulin/regular insulin is a non-prescription insulin medication. It is sold under the brand names Humulin® 70/30, and Novolin® 70/30. Like other forms of insulin, NPH insulin/regular insulin is used to help control blood sugar in people with diabetes. It contains a mixture of two different types of insulin: a short-acting insulin (regular insulin) and an intermediate-acting insulin (NPH insulin). We have never used this type, But we have an Endo meeting coming up soon and I will be asking him about it.
  2. Yup... drain cleaner can be lethal if you don't follow the directions and drink the stuff... but you can buy it off the shelf. For now anyways.
  3. After reading "One Second After" I had a very hard time sleeping. We have a network of Type 1 parents in our community and the subject of unexpected shortages in delivery or production scares us all! A complete collapse is something I don't like to think about. It would be a death sentence for my son. Just a matter of time. We have friends that are pharmacists, and we know how much on average is at our local pharmacy and at the doctors office. But overall... anything short of a 6 month disruption is a major problem with horrific results for my family. Then again, during winter months when we are snowed in, or like when we literally couldn't leave our house during the floods it was a big comfort seeing the extra supplies and insulin in the fridge.
  4. Insulin is the big hurter for us. We work with our "Endo" on Insulin. We stay a little ahead, but with the teenage years his insulin needs have increased and we have had to have the nurse call the supplier and fax them medical orders justifying anytime he gets an increase. Nurse says they keep insulin there as well they can give out if need be. It irritates me that we can't just buy extra. Even if it was straight out of pocket. It's not a narcotic or anything like that.
  5. So I read "One Second After" about two years ago, needless to say having a child that is Type 1 it terrified me pretty good. We have been buying a little extra food over the two years. The buy extra when on sale plan. Which was amazing how quick that started to build up. Economically things have been much tighter than for us sense the economy went south a couple of years back. So we couldn't just buy in bulk in one swoop like I would have liked. So we did the same thing when it came to medical supplies for my son. We order 3 months supplies mail order and added just a little extra to our normal order. Not a lot just a little. With in a year we end up with this... (By rotating out when the new stuff comes in we are able to keep supplies that don't expire for over a year.) We keep it stored just above the regular medicine. (Aspirin, Motrin, Pepto, etc.) In the event we would have to leave the house quickly (and not knowing when we will be able to return) we have a special Red Backpack in the closet that we will everything in. Or at least half the Diabetic stuff and along with the regular medical stuff. The other thing I did about eight months ago was make a special "Emergency Diabetics Supply Kit". This was in response to when we were out and my son didn't repack his Diabetic Kit. The same idea would work well for a regular quick first aid kit. (One you don't have to buy but you can raid your existing bathroom to fill.) I use an empty Glucose Tablet bottle. (Cause we seem to have a lot of them! haha!!) I like using a plastic bottle mainly because of the syringes. Don't want them to break. Contents (From top to right): 10 - Pen Cap Needles (For Insulin Pen) 6 - 30 Unit Syringes (We are using the rest of the up and moving to the 50 unit ones.) 16 - Lancets 4 - 50 Unit Syringes 20 - Alcohol Prep Pads *Test Strips and Insulin are not in the kit because they are temperature sensitive. These kept are kept in both vehicles and contents are replace Spring and summer... when the time changes. Makes for easy remembering. The reason I posted this is as an example. You don't have to do everything at once. Times are really tough right now! I feel it is better to have something NOW than nothing, and add to it faithful as you can a little at a time. You may not have Diabetes... but you might have another medical condition that is kept in check with prescription medications. Might be a good idea to keep at least an extra month's worth on hand.
  6. I got a complete Upper from them for my son for Christmas. (He freaked out! ) Here is our timeline on it... 11/25/11 - Order made 11/25/11 - Email receipt received 11/29/11 - Email from UPS with Tracking number received (Delivery Scheduled for 12/1/11) 12/09/11 - Upper arrives The upper was exactly what I ordered, mated perfectly with his Tactical Solutions Lower, shoots great. Had two friends order the $49.99 Lowers as well. They got them within about two weeks and are very happy with them.
  7. Awesome! I love that look. Have always wanted to get one of the P7s. Congrats!
  8. "Tactical" has just jumped the shark...
  9. I have 20 + years in the printing industry, last 8 involved directly with gravure Newspaper side of things. He's not kidding guys. I believe him... they don't have pens. With the Ink and Paper increases in the last couple of years, not to mention the declining circ. rates across the country and the reduction in advertising budgets for print he's lucky he's not sitting on a milk crate typing on an Old Mac Plus on a card table. I read the article, better than I expected. I would prefer it if the media were just to present me with the facts. I believe our society is able to discuss topics (like Guns, Abortion, Religion, etc.) without needing prodding to do so. It would have been nice to have seen a least a brief mention about the DOJ's recent troubles in allowing guns to fall into criminal's hands.
  10. <EDIT> Dolomite siad it a lot better... As I understand it... (Again, more knowledgeable guys please correct me!) you can swap uppers, but if you are going to make it permanent you need to have your paperwork changed. Also I have read if you have a Registerd SBR and a rifle stripped lower in your safe with two short barreled uppers you are illegal. You need to have either no other lower without a top or a registered pistol version for the other upper to "sit" on while not in use. (And I correct here? It's just what I have heard.)
  11. Maybe magic will chime in. He seems to be doing well with a Spikes Block. I am looking at building a 9mm SBR right now. (7.5" barrel, flat top) Main reasons; shoot at indoor ranges, can shoot steel plates we have set up, and can shoot it cheaper. Eventually get a can for it. Been wanting an SBR for years. I started a thread for people to sound off on what they use for 9mm mag blocks. Hadn't got much of a response though. LINK
  12. Hey man... did you go with the Hahn Top loading or the bottom loading?
  13. Originally I was going to go with a CMMG dedicated 9mm lower, but after talking to "Magiccarpetrides" a little I am now thinking instead of going the magazine block route. I already have some Metalform Mags. (My intention is for this to be an SBR w/7" barrel. ) What I would like to know... • What are others using? • How well do they work? • Did you have to monkey with it much to get it to feed reliably? • Do you have to stop and re-tighten anything? Thanks guys!
  14. Play stupid games... win stupid prizes.
  15. Welcome!
  16. Don't forget medicine. Specifically any prescription medications you may be taking. My son is Insulin Dependent. Disruption of basic medical supplies for an extended amount of time scares the living fire out of me. Reading "One Second After" didn't help me any.
  17. Twice... about 12 years ago, then again about ten years ago. No shots fired. Both experiences changed the way I look at a lot of things. Biggest lessons I took away from it... • Things happen incredibly quickly, crazy quick, sometimes there just aren't indicators (anger, clinched fists, etc.) • Don't think you'll have time to grab that spare mag from a cup holder, rack a slide, etc. After everything was said and done and i got back to work, I felt like I had been in a car accident. I sat in my car and thought my heart was about to explode it was beating so hard, my hands were literally shaking and I immediately felt physically drained. Your mileage may vary.
  18. I only hope Shane goes out like he did in the book. Ohhhhhhhhh how I hope! Hahahaha!! It's been really interesting to watch the series move along and how things were altered from the book. Good series... really enjoying it.
  19. creeky

    Your Retro AR

    Been thinking of getting some XM177 Triangle handguards for my old AR. It's a carbine with an A1 upper on it. LINK
  20. Translation... "I talked to him, he doesn't like it... but he is going to have to take one for the team. We're already looking for one of our donors to make a place for him so he will keep his mouth shut."
  21. I haven't seen that yet. I could understand a difference in brass... but why the bullets? Only a grain difference (124 vs. 125) and as long as you used a hollow point or flat nose how would it hurt? Not trying to doubt you... just understand. What am I missing? The make up of the bullet it's self? ***Edit: Never mind... .355 vs .356 forgot about that. Duh!
  22. Thanks guys... just looked up Montana Gold's Website. Prices look pretty good. 125 gr. - FMJ - 1000 = $114.00 (with shipping included to a business address) 125 gr. - HP -1000 = $123.00 (with shipping included to a business address) Think I will go with Hollow points since they are not that much more expensive. What powders are you guys using?
  23. That is pretty much what I was thinking.I read on one site a guy recommended using a separate crimping die. I lucked up and got a 1k once fired nickle speer brass from a buddy. (Gotta' love good friends!)
  24. I am seriously looking into finally reloading for .357 sig. It's just too expensive to buy commercial now and I really love the round. In reading about it on the web and I am hearing basically two methods. 2-die and 3-Die solutions. Also I am reading that some people are using a glue or sealant as an added measure to bullet set back. My current setup is an old RCBS Rock Chucker. (In the past I have reloaded: 38/357, 45acp, .223, and .308) I'm only looking at reloading practice ammo. FMJ's with the flat head. (Or basically what ever I can find on sale. ) So basically I am just wondering how everyone else is loading theirs. Anything special I should look out for, how long is the brass lasting or tricks you have picked up you can pass along, etc. - Thanks!


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