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Everything posted by creeky

  1. I got a reply back today. As I read it they are a business and are hearing from more anti-gun people than pro-gun people. However they are saying a decision has not been made yet.   This tells me two things... 1. The silent push to ostracize gun owners has begun. This is just the start. This is part of the plan. 2. To stop this gun owners are going to have to invest the 3-5 minutes to call, write, email businesses that are feeling anti-gun pressure.   Make no mistake, this "war" against gun owners has started and we need to take every "battle" seriously. We need to win on every front. On the media, kitchen table, business decision and social media fronts.   =================  Reply ================= Hi XXXXXXXXXX,   Thank you for reaching out to us. We appreciate your feedback and take these inquiries seriously.   Gun-related deals, including shooting ranges, conceal-and-carry, and clay shooting, are on hiatus as we review our internal policies for the types of deals that we feature. Groupon has always aimed to offer deals driven by local consumer preference and request; at this time, enough consumers have asked us to eliminate the category that we believe a review is warranted. A decision has not yet been made.   Please note that all existing purchases for gun-related Groupons are still valid and deals that were previously offered are not being canceled.   Thank you again for contacting us, and please let me know if I can do anything else to help.   Regards,  Brittany H Groupon Customer Support
  2. Pictures from event... Just the cutest little girl!!! Me and my son...
  3. I went with my son and four others. Another friend showed up that I called last night. Had three others cancel because of work and stuff.   Sound system was the biggest problem. Was difficult to hear. Still great event. Good size crowd I thought.   Took a lot of pictures, I'll try and post them soon. We need a march on Washington!!
  4. This is just the tip... they (meaning the admin, mayors, gun control groups, etc.) will be pushing businesses to alienate us every way they can. They want to demonize us, ostracize us, dehumanize us to achieve their goals.
  5. I just saw this posted to Facebook via the TGO Facebok Page. (Didn't see a thread started about it.)   Basically "Defensive Shooting Instructors" out of Palm Beach posted...   ==================== Groupon just announced that their NEW corporate policy 'effective immediately' will not allow any firearms training (where people learn firearms safety), or gun range deals system wide. If you are economically impacted, or upset by this please write/call Groupon and make your voice heard. Groupon, Inc. Corporate Office & Headquarters 600 W Chicago Ave Ste 620 Chicago IL 60654 (312) 784-2366 ====================   I have sent Groupon support a message and am waiting to hear back. They sent me an email saying that usually they respond in 24 hours but they are running behind. When I get a response back I will post it.   If you use Groupon and this policy change bothers you I would suggest you contact them and let them know your feelings. Here is a LINK to the support area if you want to go that direction.   Here is what I said...   I was just recently made aware of a new corporate policy that will not allow any firearms training (where people learn firearms safety), or gun range deals system wide. Is this true? If so I will be very disappointed and will need to cancel my account and thus end any business with Groupon. Firearm safety is a very important issue and one I would have thought you would have supported. Contrary to some opinions in the media gun owners are not unfeeling monsters nor crazed anti-government extremists. A conversation about how best to keep people safe from all types of harm should be just that. A conversation... not a lecture. We won't learn anything from each other that way. We're Americans like you. We don't deserve to be demonized and treated like 2nd class citizens for supporting the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution. A right, not a privilege, that allows me to defend my family from any who wish to do them harm as well as a right that allows my son to compete in the JROTC National Championships this February at Camp Perry. I look forward to your response. -XXXXXXX  XXXXXXXXX
  6. creeky

    Shot show Tavor

      I too would give Dolomite's left nut for a 9mm bullpup.  ;P   Can't believe the Travor finally makes it here and we got all this Ban crap bouncing about. Ugggh...
  7. As weird and awful as this is there is the tendency to just say or at least think "Well... that is what you get for electing and/or living in a repressive state."   However, we need to make note of this. This should be a warning and a battle cry. "Not here, Not ever!"   What Cally gun owners are having to deal with and struggle with could very well become the law of the land or worse. It isn't a time to set back pay our $25 for a year's membership and "watch" what the NRA does. I know the guys here are writing, emailing and calling their reps. GREAT! But I fear it is going to take more than that.   We have to educate people. Friends, relatives, co-workers, etc. Invite them shooting, help them see the sport, the defense, the history of nation... how it was the tool of the gun that broke the chains of tyranny and it is that same tool that keeps those same chains from being formed again.   The NRA, and ever gun owning American is going against one of the most power organizations it's ever seen. This is a community organizer on a National level. Steve Jobs widow (plus many other celebrities) are giving HUGE amounts of money to Gabby Gifford's new gun control group which is networked into Obama's political machine. Want to see what gun owners are up against? Read a little about the guy behind the election and what they are able to do with their data mining. (Click HERE)   Sorry guys, I know this thread is about Cali-gun work a rounds... not trying to shift it. Just when you see these pictures, don't just laugh, grab 'em and email them to gun-buddies "Look at what those stupid Cali's have to deal with". Think for a minute... your looking at a possible future for us.   Let it be a inspiration for us to work harder and smarter to keep our freedoms.
  8. Love reading about builds. This looks like it will be great!
  9. This is what the internet was designed and made for.  :) AWESOME!!!   Now... we get 11 more and we can start printing TGO's first "The Men of TGO Calendar".  :D
  10. It's not like we haven't seen this type of thing done before...
  11. FYI... I finally got a response (*I noted in my email I hadn't gotten a response to my first email from 12/19) from Alexander and Blackburn... none from Corker.
  12. I contacted them again today via email.
  13. I have and have gotten NO reply! Not even a canned one. (I keep hoping they are just getting over loaded with pro gun letters.)
  14. I have a USP Compact in .357 sig. (Had mine about 12 yrs. it's my main carry gun.) I use the following... (Keep in mind I am 5'7", about 170ibs.) the first 3 I use the most. • [b]Comp-Tac MTac[/b] - I use this one the most. It is the most comfortable. • [b]Fobus Paddle[/b] - My main holster for the range. And it shows it. It's scuffed up and scratched up. • [b]Don Hume JIT[/b] - Use this one when I wear a suit or sport coat. Light, thin and stiff. Snugs up really close to the body too. • Black Hills Leather OWB - Never hardly wear it. To big and blocky. I might have worn it maybe once this year. (Wife got it for me.) • Serpa - Use it sometimes, but not a lot. Mainly keep it in my console if I have to leave my gun in there while I am out.
  15. I've been seriously considering it myself.
  16. Bought a complete upper for my son last Christmas. No problems with the order or delivery. They sent me tracking number and an email when it left the shop. Was impressed with it considering what I paid, and at the time free shipping. Works great. I would, and will probably buy from them again without a thought. Things could have changed since last year though.
  17. CRKT Hissatsu Folder
  18. Have a pair of these. Their great! No complaints. Would by them again in a heartbeat.
  19. I have a Marlin 1894c in .357 magnum that my Dad bought me when I was 16 for Christmas 27 years ago. The only thing I have ever done to it is add a sling and Williams Peep sight. It is one of my favorite guns that I have for many reasons. A real pleasure to shoot. The sling (not pictured) holds about 18)?) pistol cartridges. I think it's an old Uncle Mikes. Don't think they make them any more. (Could be wrong.) I keep a few .357's, a few .38's and about 6 .38 shot shells in it. *Edit... HERE is pretty close to the sling I use. Holds the shells great.
  20. I remember you... my kids thought that was the neatest truck ever.
  21. Double post, please delete.
  22. This means that the government has the right to mandate "tax" people who do not have a gym membership. Bad verdict, no government should have the right to force it's citizen to spend their money or force them to engage in a contract for services with a business.
  23. We had an Endo meeting yesterday. Our Insulin prescription is being increased a little. We mentioned that we wanted to slowly increase our supply of insulin over the year in case of disaster or unexpected job change. They said no problem. The nurse said that they had been getting and hearing of similar types of request. Hmmmmmmm...
  24. I used to have a subscription to this. A really great little magazine. My wife even bought me a t-Shirt from them for Christmas a Loooong time ago.
  25. Test Strips... the one in the back of the picture (#3,5,7) all "expire" 2013. We have been told by nurses an doctors that that keep longer if maintained at a reasonable temp. That the manufacturer includes some wiggle room. We were told by the Endo that tempature extremes damage strips more often than age. Syringes... our Doctor told us that the rule is one year for export outside the US. (He does volunteer work oversees.) This means that you can't bring Syringes into a foreign country for medical use older than one year. The reason is that there is a chance that will not stay sterile past a year. That said... he said as long as they are kept at a normal household temp they would be fine for a couple of years but he personally wouldn't go past that. Risk of infection isn't worth it. Pen Caps... no biggey. A few years as they do not have any rubber in them like a syringe. There is still the "sterile" issue though.


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