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Everything posted by creeky

  1. Scottish... Clan MacGragor (S' Rioghal Mo Dream!!)
  2. Atlanta Rhythm Section - "So into you"
  3. This has me concerned...
  4. creeky

    .357 SIG

    Wal-Mart on cool springs more often than not has .357 sig when other calibers are out as well.
  5. creeky

    .357 SIG

    I carry a HK USP compact in .357 sig. Ammo is about the same price as .45 acp right now. My wife used it for her HCP class and still shoots it now and then. (Though she prefers 9mm and .380 over it.)
  6. I saw that CDNN was selling those for $999... can't wait for your range report. I've always liked the concept of the bullpup design.
  7. It seems like when ever I see disaster footage on TV... there are two types of people walking around... okay maybe three... 1. The guy/girl standing around saying over and over "what are we going to do" and "When will 'they' send us some help. 2. The guy/gal boarding up or moving out... looks around and pretty much has a loose plan of what they need to do and has no illusions of hoards of help just over the horizon. 3. The guy/gal that is looting like their is no tomorrow... who I think is more like number "1" than anything... they aren't stocking up to help survive, they are grabbing crap like TVs and cases of beer. Why? They like number "1" think... "I better get all I want now before 'they' come back in and clean this stuff up." I do agree with you "Sunz' people on the edges would be confused, panicky, and shooting at anything most likely.
  8. This wins "Best Thread Topic Title" for 2009 in my book.
  9. True... but I bet two weeks later they are in the fetal position nursing a dead cellphone. I don't think most people would head deep in the woods, or be able to actually survive there if they did. I would bet most wouldn't go no deeper than a few hundred yards. Our society, I think the majority anyways... is very soft with limited real problem solving skills. I could be wrong though.
  10. I should be backpacking again this year in the Smokies. Not sure if I will be carrying though. Right now, the only way I would is if I could borrow an airweight from a friend. I try to keep my pack under 30 lbs. if possible. Ounces add up to pounds... Even then I'm not sure where on my pack I would but it. Much less so it could be half way concealed. I can carry a boot knife hidden very well on teh belt. Gun... whole different story. I'll have to look at my pack some over the holidays. Overall though... makes a great reason to buy a "bug"! LOL!!
  11. Steely Dan... "Hey Nineteen".
  12. creeky

    M&P compact 9m

    Where do you find those?
  13. creeky

    M&P compact 9m

    To quote my wife when I showed her... "Ohhhhh this is cool! Put the hollow points in this one!" Hahahaha!!
  14. creeky

    M&P compact 9m

    Another plus for the M&P9c is that it will accept the fullsize mags. It does stick out of the bottom, it works very well at the range and if anything goes "bump in the night" at home... you have an additional 5 rounds.
  15. creeky

    M&P compact 9m

    I'm a fan of pre-enjoyed guns as well. I've only shot a 9mm Kahr once, I must admit I like my wife's M&P9c better. (That is just me though.)
  16. creeky

    M&P compact 9m

    My wife bought a used M&P9c at Guns and leather a few months back at Guns & Leather for around $450. Gun looked brand new. Found the original receipt under the padding when we got home... guy hadn't owned it but about three months.
  17. Ohhh good grief that is FUNNY!!!!
  18. That would be funny to do with an old cheap Lorcin and when a guest has to use the bathroom tell them... "Hey man, just in case... I keep an extra gun in the toilet tank. Just an FYI. No... really. I do." Then you KNOW curiosity will get the best of them and they'll have to check! Hahahaha!!! Noice setup "crimsonaudio" on the night stand! I know that holster isn't a fobus, but that is one thing I have argued fobus holsters were very good for.
  19. This does set the stage for most of this stuff to take place over seas. Jak - "I want my baby back, baby back... I want my baby back, baby back." (Sorry couldn't help it.) Zobelle - Still a loose end to tie up in Budapest. And you got ATF chic states side who desperately needs something bad to happen to... and Jemma on the run, sort of like Band on the run. 3rd season ought to be good... as long as it doesn't end with Jak jumping a tank of sharks on his motorcycle to save Tara.
  20. Here are some pictures of the raccoon btw... My sons, The oldest with his first raccoon and his younger brother with his first squirrel. My oldest with him, even pixel'n out his face you can still see the big SMILE! (Oh yeah, he is using his Great-Grand Dad's single shot 20 gauge. That makes it extra cool in my book.) Cellphone picture... Skinned out, right before stretching and salting...
  21. "WD"... I owe you man! BIG TIME! I screw this up and my son would be hurt for sure. Took about an hour to dry it . Towels and a hair dryer. Got it re-salted, rolled and in the freezer now. I'm looking online at Van Dykes Taxidermy now. Found a page there telling what I need and the amounts I'll need for a raccoon. Thanks again man! I appreiate you jumping in there and stopping me for I royally screwed up!
  22. Nope! Hahaha! Thanks. Was in a hurry, should have known there was something already here.
  23. My Son shot a raccoon on Thanksgiving morning. It was waaaaay to expensive to do a body mount so we decided to just skin it out for him and hopefully make a throw for his room. I fleshed it, got as much meat and fat off as we could, stretched it out on some plywood and salted it. Today I've cleaned the salt off and soaked and cleaned it in the creek (soft water?). One thing I noticed is it never stiffened up. Hmmmmmm? Now I have it in a plastic bucket soaking in some water and a little "20 Mule team". I want to end up with a soft pelt with the hair still on it, then I'll sew a felt backing on it. So I guess I am asking... where do I go from here? I heard somewhere I'm supposed to take it out of the "Boarx bath" today in a bit... let dry... and then wash in soft water and laundry detergent to help absorb any remaining grease. But shouldn't I treat the hide with something after that? I'm really out of my area on this and I am trying not to screw this up for my son. Any help is appreciated!
  24. While I agree with everything here... the sad thing is the little kid. He doesn't get to have his friend over any more and who knows what they are saying about the parents in front of their kid. All of which gets addressed later at school with the kids. Sucks... but it is what it is.
  25. From that thread "FallGuy" mentioned... here is a quick LINK to a good summary of the "old days" from Glockmeister. I remember the early days, but not as well as Glockmeister. I also remember a little what it was like before that from my Dad. How getting a Permit was all political. (At least in Davidson County.) And was suppose to be only good for that county, but there was an "understanding" with other county's that who ever had the "card" was politically connected in some way. I can remember several of my Dad's customers carrying illegally when I was a kid. Mostly Truck drivers, business owners, salesmen that traveled a lot, etc.


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