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Everything posted by creeky
I'll have to say I was expecting a little more. Maybe I had too high of expectations. I was looking for more interesting characters. Like in SAMCRO. The main character was real monotone all the way through it. That didn't come across to me as mysterious, intriguing or made him "tougher". Just made it seem like he was "phoning" it in. The characters over all seemed one dimensional to me. I had started DVR'n it, but I stopped. Some of the stuff was just a little to out there for me. Breaking into his ex-wife's place and having a beer? Drinking Moonshine with his old buddy... now super villain? It was the premiere so maybe I am being too hard on it. It does take time to build up characters though.
AWESOME!!!!! If the economy will just get some sort of life back in it... I'm picking up where I left off and am going to treat myself to some 10.5" SBR goodness!!!! <Thanks Molon... glad to see the green and blk... getting tired of seeing all the tan.)
... by mentioning this, then not posting a picture... that my friend, is just cold.
I switched to them from DirecTV a while back. It's pretty much the same to me. Price and features. It was a wash. It the remote took a little getting used to at first. DVR is awesome never had that before. <Start Boring Story> We had DirecTV for about 12 years, owned our own receiver. (Yeah that old.) I called them up and asked what kind of deal they could give me to stay with them... I just wanted new equipment (DVR, etc.). They said nothing but Starz free for 3 months if I stay. Called Dish... new equipment, free movies for 6 months, etc, hookup, etc. Called DirecTV back, told them the deal I was offered and if they wanted to match it. Guy said he would if I canceled and called back the next day as a new customer. I said no thanks. We called and canceled and they offered us $10 off our bill for a year. I said too late. Ever since they call the house once a month trying to get us back. Offering us everything. Oh well... should have shown a little more initiative for customer you had for 12 years. </end boring story>
Mine is a V1... I really like having the de-cocker.
Variants 1 and 2 (double action/single action, decocking and safety lever)Variants 1 (lever on left) and 2 (lever on right) allow the user to carry the pistol in a single-action mode (cocked and locked) with the manual safety engaged. This same pistol, without modification, can be carried in double-action mode, with or without the manual safety engaged, and with the benefit of a decocking lever. Variants 3 and 4 (double action/single action, decocking lever, but no safety)Variants 3 (lever on left) and 4 (lever on right) provide the user with a frame-mounted decocking lever that does not have the "safe" position. This combination only allows the hammer to be lowered from SA position to DA position. It does not provide the "safe" position to prevent the pistol from firing when the trigger is pulled. Variants 5 and 6 (double action only, with safety lever)For the double action only user, variants 5 (lever on left), 6 (lever on right), and of the USP operate as double action only pistols with a bobbed hammer always returning to the DA position (forward) after each shot is fired. To fire each shot, the trigger must be pulled through the smooth DA trigger pull. Variants 5 and 6 have a manual safety lever. Variants 7 and 8 (double action only, no control lever)No control lever is provided on variant 7. Variant 8 is similar to variant 7. Variants 9 and 10 (double action/single action, safety lever, but no decocking) Variants 9 (lever on left) and 10 (lever on right) allow the shooter to carry the pistol in a single-action mode (cocked and locked) with the manual safety engaged. This same pistol, without modification, can be carried in double-action mode (hammer down), with or without the manual safety engaged. The double action mode offers a second strike/double action capability in case of a misfire. The control lever has no decocking function on variants 9 and 10 so one would have to carefully lower the hammer manually. LEM (Law Enforcement Modification) TriggerDeveloped especially for the U.S. government, the Law Enforcement Modification (or LEM for short), is a USP DAO (Double-Action Only) model with a unique trigger mechanism. This mechanism improves the double action trigger performance and reduces the weight of the DAO trigger pull to 7.5-8.5 pounds, utilizes a stronger hammer spring, and shortens the trigger reset. - Aside from the LEM mechanism, it is identical to the USP Variant 7 (DAO) model. *From Wiki
Your missing a USPc in .357 sig though my friend!
I have the Jonny Quest season on DVD. My kids love it. One of the neat things in watching it now is that not only do the characters have guns but they also actually SHOOT PEOPLE!!! LOL!! LOOK OUT!!! Kid Sniper on the ROOF!! (And Haji with a SWORD!!) The cover where I got my Avatar... Oh yeah... and Race Bannon's hot girl friend... Jade. (Yes... Race Bannon was a confident Heterosexual!) Don't see that in today's stuff. Also love this image... In the orginal classic comics of Batman, he carried guns on his belt. I remember seeing some pages where he carried 1911s. Here is a neat write up about it. <Click Here> And let's not forget The Shadow!! How cooler can you get than having two 1911's in your hands! LOL!!
I love hearing stories like these. If money wasn't so tight right now... stories like this would push me right into a 16" black one. Congrats on Super Customer Service!
I got a '68 Camaro... factory 327, air, powergide, etc. I desperately need to restore. Just don't have the funds. Had it since I was 17. Parked it about 20 years ago and the years weren't kind at all. I had started to sell it a couple of years ago... but once I got it up on blocks all the memories came back and I just couldn't. Too emotionally attached. Just waiting on some funds to start restoring it back... again. House will be paid off in a couple more years. Hope to start on it then.
Im with you... it was more than I was expecting. Especially since I got mine as a overstock special for $16 bucks. I was expecting at the least blemishes or something.
I have a J.I.T holster from them and it has quickly become a favorite.
Why I won't sign-up for "benefactor" status, $20 for 6 months??
creeky replied to a topic in Feedback and Support
As I see it... 1. TGO belongs to David 2. He can recoup costs and even attempt to make a profit anyway he wants. 3. The direction he wants TGO to is up to him, good or bad, his decision. He will be held responsible for his actions by the success or failure of TGO. Not by anyone else. 4. You are entitled to your opinion. If you want to share it so be it. 5. By voicing it you will also hear other peoples opinions on the subject that may not agree with you and they will point out examples (as you have) to make their point. 6. It's just a gun board. (I like it, a lot. But let's be honest, we're not curing cancer here.) *Oh yeah, notice I too am not a "benefactor". -
I got one for Christmas when I was 15. I love it! Partly cause my Dad got it for me. It shoots great. Balances well and has always been my pickup and shoot rifle. No matter how long I let it sit I usually can pick it up and hit with it. I have only done two things to mine... 1. Williams peep sight. (I just like them, it's just a personal preference.) 2. Sling. This one is similar to the one I have. I keep about ten .357 in them and about 5-6 .38 shot shells. This summer I may by a mount and put a red dot sight on it for my son. The only draw back for me was when I was 18 my class ring would klang on the lever. Always wanted a large loop for it... but could never find one. Overall... a really great rifle in my opinion.
Colt Detective Special... (last model made)
I've heard enough about this guy. I've pretty well drawn my own conclusions based on his actions and the way he has expressed himself online. He's not someone I would want to associate with in person, nor online. I see very little value in him... if any at all.
Might I had also over looked and too quickly dismissed many times.
Here is a post I made about it with pictures. Didn't shoot there but looked around. Plan to at some point. LINK
I'm thinking... "Iranian Idol". That or they are coming out with an Iranian version of "The Office". Either would be shocking to all western civilizations and (in my opinion) worthy of retaliatory strikes. Some things just can't be permitted in a civil society.
My only experience with "Bonnaro". Traveling on business, flying out of Nashville to Chicago, with half the plane Bonnaro people flying home. One of which sat next to me in a semi-vegetated state. Allow me to illustrate... Nice enough guy... he still creeped me out though. (Link to the rest of my trip here.)
I carry a gerber EVO Jr. Don't really think of it as a self defense knife. just an easy to get to pocket knife. Don't carry a flashlight or pepper spray. Most times don't carry an extra magazine on me either. I may against the norm though. (Just feel like I carry enough crap.)
Think I might wait wait for the "Limited Edition / Extended / Directors Cut / Hostess Twinkie Edition!!"
I have a USPc as well. Love mine. Wish I had one in (mm (like yours) to go with it. Look into the M-Tac holsters. I am happy with mine and it is the most comfortable one I own. I'm a small framed guy at 5'7" but am able to conceal a USPc well with it. Congrats!
I'm interested as well...
I can't speak for their quality issues now. My Ar was built off an new Oly lower in '94. I'm the only owner. It is the only Oly part on the rifle. It will not drop an empty AR mag. Full one yeah... empty no. Upper and lower fit tight though. Having "Oly" on the lower definitely gets some questions. Mostly "How many problems does it give you?" I bought my sons Tactical Innovations lower for them. (Thanks Joe @ HeroGear!) If I'm ever able to get the funds built back up for an AR-SBR... it won't be with an "OLY" lower. Just my opinion.