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About creeky

  • Birthday June 24

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  • Location
    Middle TN.
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Interests
    Drawing, Shooting, Backpacking
  • Occupation
    Herd Cats.


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Deceptively Sharp Wit
  • Carry Weapon #2
    HK VP9

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  1. The serial number look up came back a range of "94-95".   When I dug deeper here is what I basically found out. In '93ish the die was cast and the decision made to stop revolver production and there were still a lot of "N-frames" and parts left that needed to be used up. They made 3" and 4" barreled versions of the detective special and marked them as Police Positive MkVs.    The barrel crown also is recessed. Which I thought was pretty cool. Blueing is the very classic deep blue, almost black. Very minor wear.   And yes... with the 4" barrel and full shrouded ejector rod it has a great recoil recovery.   The only downside is it is making me want more older Colt revolvers now. :)
  2. I have always wanted a Colt Detective Special. So I was really thrilled when I was able to get a great deal on this Colt Police Positive MkV. In great shape, 4" barrel with full shroud... incredible trigger and great balance. Just really a joy to shoot. My boys are ecstatic about it. My 15 year old first comment was "The trigger... it feels so smooth!" Hahaha!!! Really tickled I was able to finally get a nice colt to play with. :) If you get a chance to to shoot one or better yet to own one don't pass up the chance. Thought you guys might enjoy the picture.
  3. I have used the Mach 3 in the past but have went back to the DE razor. I use my father's (he was a barber, still have his german staright razors) gillette DE Razor that is adjustable. It's about 40 years old. Works great and I think shaves closer than that Mach 3. Much cheaper too.
  4. Okay... here is mine. I check and rotate out what needs to be twice a year, when we set the clocks forward and back. This includes diabetic syringes so the seals don't dry out.) This kit stays in my bag. Besides it going with me to and from work, it is also the bag I grab when we go camping, vacation, the range, etc. (BTW, this is a condor Rip-Away EMT Pouch. It's held up really well.) Kit Contents: 1. CPR Mask / Gloves 2. Israeli Bandage 3. Ace Bandage 4. 4 pair gloves (If it's bad I double bag) 5. 2 tampons / 4 "Napkin"Pads / 4-4"Gauze Squares 6. Glucagon Injection (We call them "Gluks") 7. 3 rolls (4" 4yrd Sterile Strecth Gauze) 8. 2 packs Combat Gauze 9. Waterproof tape 10. CAT Tourney 11. Assorted Bandaids / Ibuprofen / Acetaminophen / Benadryl / little Burn Gel packs / Small cake icing gel / Alcohol Pads *Need to put a couple of Chest Seals in there. Main purpose of my kit is to treat boo-boos and for truama related injuries to be able to stabilize until EMTs arrive. Obviously I have a higher risk of needing to treat hypoglycemia than most people. In all vehicles I have a mini first aid kit. It does not have all this stuff but most of it. The main thing is it is supplemented with an emegency diabetic supply kit that holds everything in the picture below in a used Gluclose Bottle. (See below.) For when we are out and he has forgotten something. (This has came in really handy a couple of times!!)
  5. I think the overall best thing we can do (besides try keep some supllies on hand) is to keep a good network with other Type I parents.
  6. Thanks David! This thing looks perfect!
  7. Good idea. I know it's pretty cold in the summer... I keep gatoraid in it while I mow and weedeat the front of the property. Watrechestnut grows think right at the place where the spring is.  Kind excited to try Dolomite's double pot trick. :)
  8. Yes... you do not want it to freeze, if you see frost or ice crystals then the manufactor says it's best to throw it away. (Optimally you want it 36ºF - 46ºF when stored.)     Yeah, I have a year round creek that is pring feed. I have thought about making an area in it for that. My iwfe though is scarred of the insulin floating away in a bad rain. The creek has risen up to 3 feet before on us. Hahaha!!   Right now I have a several overalpping layers for keeping insulin cold/cool should power go out, the longer it is out I just move to the next layer.   • Fridge (Normal storage) • Generator (strong enough to power fridge & deep freeze, alternating of course.) • Small Cooler (Frozen bottles that fit the cooler are kept in my Deep freeze ready to use) • 12v Car Cooler (this is dual purpose, also in case we have to leave)    (I have been thinking about looking into maybe a solar panel that banked two Marine grade batteries that could power the cooler.) • Spring Cellar ( • "Pot in a Pot Refridgerator" via Dolomite_supafly! (Gonna try this in a couple of months!) Click Here for Info!   Basically if everything turns to crap, (granted their are varying degrees of crap) I want enough insulin & med supplies to get my family out of the country.
  9. Our experience with Lantus and Novalog is we must have a prescription.   I agree with the 3-4 months for lantus if you could keep it in a fridge, however with human use that isn't practical. Though you can use cool packs and stuff, running here and there and being active makes it much harder to keep it cool.
  10. "One Second After" really scarred the crap out of me. I new where it was going. It was really sureal reading it. My son was the tthe same age as teh girl inthe book and I have family that lives in western NC not real far from Black Mountain.   After I read it it took a long time before I could watch Apocalyptic movies.   I don't think of things through the prism of "TEOTWAWKI"... too bleak for me. I look and plan for getting through an extended rough patch! ;)   If you think about it though, so many people are on blood pressure medicne, blood thinners, pain blockers, etc. that you would think medical or medicines should be the first or at least high up on the list.   I know a few guys that have thousand of rounds, BOB bags that way about 50 lbs and they talk about "what they'll do" and game all these situations out loud... the whole time I'm thinking "Dude! You take motrin like tic-tacs for your 'back', you got acid reflux and sleep elavated and you can't walk through the mall without compaining about your feet hurting and your out of breath by the time we make it across the parking lot!" :stunned:    So yeah... I just nod and say "Sounds like a plan." :shake:
  11. Diabetic Emergency Supplies... We keep an emergency Diabetic Supplies kit in all our vehicle. These are basically for the "Oops" times when my son runs out of something while we are out. Yeah, it has happened. (They are all stored in a Gluclose tablet bottle, they are rotated our during the time change.) Contents from picture... (From top to right): 10 - Pen Cap Needles (For Insulin Pen) 6 - 30 Unit Syringes (We are using the rest of the up and moving to the 50 unit ones.) 16 - Lancets 4 - 50 Unit Syringes 20 - Alcohol Prep Pads [url=http://s12.photobucket.com/user/wecrosscreek/media/DSCN3060small.jpg.html][/URL]
  12. [url=http://s12.photobucket.com/user/wecrosscreek/media/DSCN3061small.jpg.html][/URL] Building up Diabetic supplies... Here is what we do. Basically it is like the "pantry" system for food. We order jus a little extra with each order. Not much, just a little more than we need. In about a year and a half you'll have a good amount on hand. Just make sure and keep it rotated out!! What those dates! (You'll notice numbers on the strip cartons, they are months. Also that picture is really old. We don't have any 2012 stuff! hahaha!!) Build a good relationship with your doctor... Things got a little worrisome at my job and it looked like their might be a layoff, so we told our doctor our concern and he increased our presciption for insulin so we could store a little extra just in case. Build a network... No man is an island... get netowrked with other diabetics in yoru community. Work together. You'll be surprised how many people keep extra supplies on hand. Plus sometimes people will change meters and have a few boxes of test strips or switch gauge needles, etc... they might give you some or sell to you cheapier than you could buy them. We have ran out of Ketonestrips once (key word ONCE! Hahaha!!) and had a sick child and it was late at night. One phone call and we had a bottle in less than 15 minutes.
  13.   I've started an "Insulin thread" for storage and questions in the prep forum... click HERE for it. This is too important a topic and too wide ranging to derail this thread.
  14. My backrgound... In 2008 my son (then 11) was diagnoised Type I diabetic. He spent 3 days in Vandy Prediactic ICU. Both my wife and myself took a series fo classes from Vandy as well as read everything we could. We have done volinteer work with the JDRF and my wife is part of a small "network" of Mothers who children's are Type I diabetics in our community.   I'll be the first one to admit I don't know everything! New advancements and products are introduced everyday and what works well for for one person may not work well for another. However I thought this might be a good area to help each other share some ideas on the the storage of insulin, questions and any helpful suggestions for people.   *Disclaimer: I am not a licensed medical professional or a Endocrinologist... information posted in this thread is obviously for evaluation and you should always perform your own due diligence when it comes to medical matters. When in doubt talk to a Endocrinologist!     First the basics... What is the difference between Type I and Type II? Type I = The pancrease no longer can create insulin. The Beta cells (that create insulin) are dead. Type II - The pancrease can no longer make enough insulin that the body needs on it's own. This is typically treated with medicine, diet, exercise and in some cases insulin.   Is there a cure for Type I diabetes? No. There is only treatement. (Currently there are some studies involing beagles where they have been able to get alpha cells to mimic beta cells and star producing insulin, but even teh scientists say that "IF" it works where many years (20+) away from human trials.   There is a pancrease transplant (I have a Type I friend who is on the list in Ohio right now.) however you need to be having other problems with your pencrease and meet pretty ridgid critera to get on the list. Plus it's expensive.   But I heard that if you got these berries from the north side of a mountain in the rain forest that it would cure it... have you tried that? No... that is a myth and is both redicious. (This is what makes parents on Type I's want to start beating people.)   Is there an alternative to Insulin? No. You will read on the internet about making your own from horses and other animals... and people on the internet (who don't rely on insulin to live) will throw up the argument that "That's how they used to make it!" Yeah... it was also unstable, varied from batch to batch and almost impossible to get ratios right for people. However, it kept them alive. Human based insulin (which we have now) is some of the best we have. It's stable, keeps well, etc. Good book to read about insulin and how far we have come is Breakthrough.   Insulin Refrigeration... Yes... insluin needs to be refriderated when stored. AFTER it is opened it can be kept at room tempature. Typically the pharmacist will tell you 30 days then it begins to lose it's integrity and your ratio may not be as affective. The main thing you want to watch is if it is still clear and not cloudy. Basically you don't want to let it freeze nor do you want it too hot... like leaving it in a car in the summer.   Glucagon Injections... These sucker are EXPENSIVE! About $100 bucks a piece. They have an expiration date on them. When you pick one up make sure to check the date, you want one that will be "good" for the whole year. However, talk to your doctor about the life span of them. Mine told me they might not be as effective as one that is within it's date range but it would be worse not to use if that is all you had. (We keep all of ours.) Also talk to yoru Endo nurse and she can order you a free "trainer" to practice with.        
  15. I have friends in Adalaide. A couple of them came and stayed with me a few months ago while they were touring the US. We took them shooting for two days and to the Knob Creek Machine gun shoot. They Loved it! How much? They started the process to purchase firearms. Their laws are draconian to say the least. (you have to take a class and get a permit for an airsoft gun!)   What I have hear from them... • Their guns laws are too strict. • Crime with guns still happen. (just not as much) • Most of their friends take some sort of boxing or martial art. • Assaults are fairly common (depends alot on where you live) • Preferred choice of criminals now large knife (think kitchen) impact weapon.   My firend's girlfirend had never even handled a weapon before her visit with us. After a few magazines she was knocking down steel plates like a champ with my .22 ruger. (They shot everything we could hand them.) She too is now in the process of getting her permit to own and taking her classes. She wants to buy a used ruger like the one she shot.   She was amazed to see how my boys (16 & 13) handled the guns and how safe they were with them and how much fun she had shooting! (She was sporting that confident "I can do this" smile you se on first time shooters.   I know this isn't the "stats" your asking for... but I wanted to give you a look at the culture and thoughts of some over there. They are not all anti-gun but sadly they just don't have the numbers we have to over turn those laws... yet. I told him teh best way to do it is take another person shooting. We have to win people over to this sport/culture one at time. I think teh range is the best place.


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