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Everything posted by volshayes

  1. This happened Tuesday (2/27) and no main stream media reports that I have seen. They are too interested in banning guns rather than reporting on Marines being attacked. https://www.theblaze.com/video/at-least-11-sick-after-chemical-attack-on-arlington-marine-base-and-no-one-is-talking-about-it
  2. A chronological list of the governmental failures at the link below. - But it's the NRA and the millions of citizens who lawfully possess weapons fault. https://www.theblaze.com/video/glenn-breaks-down-the-parkland-shooting-timeline-this-was-a-massive-failure-of-the-system Broward County Schools PROMISE Program was a result of an Executive Order in August of 2012 issued by Obama establishing the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence. The shooter would have been arrested for carrying a knife and ammunition on school property had it not been for the PROMISE program established by Broward County Schools.
  3. Be sure to read the ENTIRE unclassified FBI transcript that can be accessed by the link in the last line of the following article ("Read the FBI tipster's transcript here.") https://www.theblaze.com/news/2018/02/24/heres-the-tip-the-fbi-received-about-florida-shooter-just-last-month-its-chilling-and-ominous
  4. Guns & Leather in either Hendersonville or Greenbrier have always worked well for me. http://gunsandleather.com/sales/
  5. If you are interested in an online dealer, you might want to look at one of the following: http://www.vancesle.com https://www.sportsmansoutdoorsuperstore.com/category.cfm/sportsman/law-enforcement https://ssdinternationalinc.com https://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/index.php/cPath/2083_1799/Special+Deals/Qualified+Professional+Discounts https://bhpolicesupply.com/BH/Homepage.aspx They all sale S & W with Blue Label discounts. I'm not positive about B & H Police Supply. They are offline right now repricing with 2018 prices from their manufacturers. I was thinking about using one of these dealers for an IOP purchase in the near future, but I have never used any of them yet, so I cannot comment on their reputations, other than what I have seen online.
  6. As information the new 2018 Sig Sauer catalog is online at their website ( https://www.sigsauer.com/support/catalog/ ).
  7. https://www.theblaze.com/news/2018/01/22/clothing-company-ceo-says-his-company-markets-to-fox-news-viewers-because-theyre-fking-idiots
  8. I live in Sumner County and dealt with Don Franklin Ford out of Columbia, Kentucky over the internet. We found the vehicle we wanted on the internet and we sent them pictures of our trade-in vehicle. We negotiated the entire deal over the internet and they had the new vehicle and all the paperwork ready to go when we got there. We couldn't get a better deal in Middle Tennessee and it was well worth the aprox 2 hour drive. Tommy Stearnes was our salesman and he really worked to get the deal right.
  9. Just a piece of additional information to share. Don't make any direct contracted hires of Tennessee licensed armed security officers for security, unless you have a ton of liability insurance and are licensed to do so. Always hire through a Tennessee licensed private protective services company for a licensed armed security officer. See TCA code as follows: 62-35-104 62-35-114 62-35-123 62-35-130 (Penalties) I don't know the legal aspects of contracting sworn law enforcement officers. I would imagine the laws for them are totally different.
  10. This one fits very good and comfortable.   http://www.blackhawk.com/product/Detachable-Slide-Leather-Concealment,1149,1418.htm
  11. Midway was a great deal.  Thanks for your post.
  12. You can use those emails to your (our) advantage in the next session of the General Assembly. Gather all of them that you can, send them to your State Rep and State Senator, and ask them why law abiding citizens should continue to be disarmed and unable to protect themselves in these situations. Let them know that acceptable collateral damage is not acceptable.
  13. A short email sent to all House & Senate members today re: the subject in this thread and some other 2nd Amendment bills. A little reminder at the end that elections are in November. "This is to ask that you support the bills which follow: (1) HB2675/SB2758 (Todd/Jackson) - These bills are necessary to further clarify the definition of restaurants in Tennessee and to assure their compliance of that definition. (2) HB3637/SB3156 (Todd/Faulk) - These bills would make the roads safer in Tennessee. As one of the sponsors has said, no good comes from serving liquor after midnight. (3) One of the versions of the bills that allow permit holders to carry their weapons in restaurants that serve alcohol. It is unfortunate that we have to spend time once again on this issue, but it is a necessary fight that must be won to allow permit holders to fully exercise their 2nd Amendment rights in the State of Tennessee. The bills are HB1807/SB0576, HB3125/SB3012, or HB2694/SB3735. HB3712/SB3714 should be defeated in subcommittee. (4) HB3240/SB2391 removing authority of Governor to commandeer weapons in a state of emergency. (5) HB1806/SB1622 and HB1805/SB1619 allowing weapons on school ground if not handled by permit holder and clarifying permit holder carry in parks, respectively. Thanks to those supporting these bills. We look forward to supporting candidates in the exciting, upcoming November elections that support the 2nd Amendment rights of Tennesseans."
  14. I have had the Lasermax for several years. Good quality product and never had a problem. It is accurate. No need for adjustment. It is great for us older guys who do not have the eye sight we had in our younger years. Also, it could be that one last line of defense before having to fire your weapon at a potential assailant. Nothing like the psychological effect of having a red dot pointed at their groin to make them have second thoughts. Of course that won't work in all situations because some will force you to shoot to neutralize the threat no matter what you do. However, if you can do everything possible to stop the threat without having to shoot, it can save you from the negatives of the aftermath.
  15. I had already deleted the email before I made this post.
  16. My State Senator emailed me last Monday (12/7) and said that they are appealing this court ruling. If the appeal is negative they have legislation prepared that they believe they have the support to pass. This post is not meant to debate the possible outcome of an appeal, but merely to give an update on the plans of the legislature, as told by the State Senator representing my area.
  17. There are some State Reps and State Senators that REALLY are concerned about fiscal responsibility. That's why they attach fiscal notes to their bills. Open carry may cause some people, that are not HCP's, to call law enforcement and report us because they think something is not "right" about the situation. The potential issue that we face is this. If we cause county and local governments to spend unnecessary dollars on law enforcement due to open carry "reports", this may cause state legislators to take another look at this, which we definitely want to avoid. We could potentially be forced into concealed carry because of economics, which is something we can easily prevent. First and foremost to me, concealed carry is a tactical advantage, and I want every advantage I can get in a potentially deadly situation. Second, some situations may be appropriate or necessary for open carry, but a good dose of restraint on open carry could help ensure that we keep this ability in the future.
  18. Yes, this statement was made prior to the elections. However, if you watched Beck's series last week, he discussed that the $5 billion has now funded this movement. That's the news here. I haven't been able to confirm Beck's statement about the funding as of yet, but I haven't found Beck to give much incorrect information in the past. When he has given incorrect information, he has always stepped up and corrected it, as far as I know, unlike the other "Obama news channels".
  19. Barack Obama's Civilian Army - Glenn Beck - FOXNews.com Obama speaking on video: "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." The White House will not answer Glenn Beck's questions about what does this really mean and from whom/what is the security force "protecting" us. It has been funded with $5 billion of our tax dollars. Those who do not know history are destined to repeat it. Seems I recall a group of "organizers" called the Sturmabteilung (SA) forming in Germany sometime around 1925. We all know how well that turned out for Germany.


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