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Everything posted by FlyboyLDB

  1. Hey pal, it was NBC spewing the wrong information. Get off your high horse. Geeze, people like to act like Billy bad asses and start spouting off sitting behind a keyboard. Chill dude - okay? I already apologized. I am not a journalist - I do not have the need to vet stories that come from the big outlets. This story does not do anything to make anyone other than NBC look bad - and maybe you for going off the deep end. :squint:
  2. Yeah, unless one subscribes to conspiracy theories - there is not much to it other than poor reporting once again by NBC. Funny that it is just now making it's rounds. I have not seen this up until today.  Sorry guys for posting junk. In my defense, I am not a reporter - just a messenger.
  3. Like I stated, the media has been all over the map on this. I will say this was the first I heard of it - today. Why do we have federal and state authorities confirming 4 handguns used and not the assault weapon then and not now? More information now? Maybe.
  4. First, if this was posted elsewhere - please remove as needed.   Please make sure all of your state and federal legislators see this. New bills are being introduced on the assumption that an assault rifle was used. According to this report on the today show, that is not the case. The media has been all over the board on this and contributes to mis-information.   http://video.today.msnbc.msn.com/today/50208495#50208495
  5. http://midtown.patch.com/articles/concealed-weapons-in-public-places-take-our-online-poll
  6. Judge & Jury huh? And they allow you to carry a gun? Idon't get it. Sometimes I wonder if some license holders get scrutinized enoughbefore being issued the license\permit.DO YOU NOT GET IT - THE PERPS THAT FIRED THE ARROW COMMITTED A CRIME! I assumeby a couple of your comments that you would do the same? I would hope that some type of law enforcementmonitors these forums and sees what a risk exist in some of the license holdershere. It simply disgust me that some are allowed to claim a privilege that putsthem in a group that I also participate in. The rock throwing was no longer afactor to the perps firing the arrow. Two separate incidents here (tossingobjects, shooting arrow) – both of which are criminal. Totally sickeningmentality that some present!
  7. I think you are splitting hairs. Regardless of how it is labeled and whether pre-empting is allowed or not , it needs to be changed - and the only way to change it is through your state legislation. It has the same effect as pre-empting.
  8. I read nothing to laugh about here.
  9. TN needs a law that does not allow towns, citie, counties, etc to pre-empt state law. This is the only way to resolve this issue. Georgia fixed this a couple of years back. In GA, one can carry in any park and they cannot pre-empt or opt out of state law. Georgiacarry.org has successfully sued several cities and counties that attempted to "opt out" and prohibit carry. I am on the boarder of GA\TN - but live in GA, so my voice with regards to TN legislation holds no water. You guys need to take your state reps & senators to lunch, call them, etc and express a desire to clarify and change this law to not allow and opt-out clause. No voice=no action.
  10. Crossbreed is by far the most comfortable IWB holster. Not a lot of bling bling. It works and works very well. I have tried many other popular brands - trust me, the supertuck is the bomb for IWB. Crossbreed will even give you a trial period. The MTAC is a close 2nd - but I never change out the bodies on the MTAC - which was the only reason I purchased it.
  11. I have not found too many parks in TN that allow carry. Most have opted out of allowing carry - at least not around here.
  12. Today, Thursday, May 27, the Tennessee State Senate overrode Governor Phil Bredesen’s (D) veto of Senate Bill 3012 by a vote of 22 to 10. This legislation now heads to the State House and could be heard as early as Tuesday, June 1. Sponsored by State Senator Doug Jackson (D-25) and State Representative Curry Todd (R-95), SB 3012 would allow a person who has a valid right-to-carry permit to carry a firearm for self-defense in restaurants where alcohol may be served, as long as the permit holder is not consuming alcohol or is not otherwise prohibited by posting provisions.
  13. We know that it worked a few weeks ago in Coolidge park when a some thugs got together and gun fire rang out. This was one of the most useless TN laws that was passed - allow carry in all parks - but allow any\all to opt out if desired.
  14. It is posted. The local government adopted no carry. Therefore, carry at your own risk - or don't carry at your own risk. No win.
  15. Welcome from Ringgold, GA
  16. Glad to have you. Check out Shooters Depot on Shallowford & 153. Great prices on the range.
  17. I have just developed similar issues with my G27. I highly doubt it would be limp wristing if the issue never appeared during the first 500 rounds the OP put through it. I have never been able to limp wrist a Glock. I have tried with a 21, 23 and a 27. But now my 27 will have a failure ever so many rounds. Only has approx 4-500 rounds. I think I am going to send it in to Glock as I do not feel that needed comfort level. I thought the ammo also - but tried others to no avail.
  18. Welcome Jeff from an ex Campbell County citizen.
  19. I used a 5.11 leather belt. The edges of the belt are coated and not leather - they will peel. As far as holding a gun - it does an excellent job with the built in stiffner. Ran approx $29. But you get what you pay for. I soon realized I needed better quality - ordered a Beltman belt. Crossbreed and A&G leather also have good belts.
  20. From what I have seen, it does not matter what the citizens have to say. It all depends on how many 2nd A people you have on your council. We have had a couple of surprises around Chattanooga - not in Chattanooga - but around. So there is hope. I don't think you will be able to sway it. Their minds are already set - for whichever that may be. The better fight will be in Nashville to get a bill that will strip locals from banning this right. It was such a foolish law and should have never been introduced with the option to ban. Now everyone must educate themselves on every county, city & town.
  21. Ditto. I know of several physicians and attorneys that live on Signal. I assure you the majority does not want guns around the children. Hamilton county and Chattanooga already passed their version. I would say every county, township and city in TN will follow. This bill was worthless. I agree with mousegunner - this fight will not be won on the local level. This bill will open doors for cities and counties to ban carry in other areas they deem appropriate - like restaurants that serve.
  22. No Riverbend this year. Got tired of all the crowds in the small space in front of the main stage. Even worse since they introduced premium seating and such. The acts are getting worse too. Maybe Tuesday night family night.
  23. In Georgia we have an organization called GeorgiaCarry.org that goes after cities, counties, LE, etc when state laws have been vilolated. You guys in TN need a similar setup. All supported by Volunteers, including the attorneys. Membership and fundraisers help offset their cost. I do not know how the preemption law in TN affects cities and counties. But it sure would be nice if a group of attorneys could join hands and make an example here. And that people would step up and offset their cost.
  24. What major city or county is not going to invoke a ban? This is crazy to even pass it at the state level without some teeth to it. It is going to be more confusing for those that carry. It is difficult enough to keep up with state laws - but now city\county laws. The Chattanooga council will enforce the ban. This part of the bill was as nutty as the cell phone texting ban - how do they know if one is texting or dialing - or getting a pen out. Got to love the law makers. They actually passed a law a few years back legalizing the eating of road kill! Hmm, wonder why Georgia has not had massive shootouts in parks since passing their bill? Tennessee must really be the wild west I guess.
  25. If you thought it a good deal at the time and the deal is done - enjoy it. No matter what you trade or purchase, there will always be a better deal around the corner - always. Or a good friend will let you know where you could have saved a few hundred $$$ right after you show it to him - even though he knew for weeks you were looking for a certain item. Don't look back. Cars, tools, guns, etc - all the same.


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