Well, that's it. There's a history with these folks that goes back several years to when their offspring were teenagers and used to have parties till 2-3 am on the weekends, then they increased in frequency till they were having a bash almost every other night.. I've called the law on them several times, so we're naturally not on speaking terms.
In the photo below, my house is on the right, theirs on the left. North is at the top of the photo. The white line is the approximate property line. Our bedroom is on the west end of the house and the work is being done on the property line just to the left of that group of trees that you see between us. That's how close it is. The work was still going at 10:30pm last night, but I didn't say anything (not that it would do any good anyway - the owner is a real piece of work and not rational). Besides, there's no noise ordinance in the county, so there isn't a lot the sheriff can do about it. Looks like I'll just have to tolerate it till they're done. However, they did have the Bobcat on my side of the property line to access the railroad ties that I assume they were excavating. If it's still there this afternoon, I'm going to insist that they remove it.