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Everything posted by daddyo

  1. I live not more than minutes away and I wouldn't waste my time or money on it. Last one I went to there was pathetic.
  2. Ummm, it was in reference to your comment, not the avatar. Duh.
  3. Or this one...
  4. You gonna keep pretending you're a gangsta? Does your mommy know you're using her computer?
  5. How sixties....
  6. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Buh-bye!
  7. No, I wouldn't be there in the first place. I don't do ghetto. BTW, first one to play the race card is ALWAYS the bigot. That would be you. Yo.
  8. Personally, I would go for these in the order you've listed them.
  9. Never mind the cost; why would anyone willfully choose .380 over a 9mm anyway?
  10. When I made the decision to carry, I gave up alcohol. Didn't want to take any unnecessary risks. My opinion is that it's just part of being a responsible gun owner, plus I just don't have to worry about it.
  11. You fired on him just for approaching your car? Why would you just not drive away to avoid the situation?
  12. I personally wouldn't waste my money on either one. I'd buy a good pocket sized 9mm or a J frame.
  13. $575? For a .380? That's about $575 too much.
  14. I believe it's called "saving for a rainy day".
  15. Only if he made me a sweet deal.
  16. My apologies; I misread your post.
  17. No expansion means you have to wait for him to bleed out, unless you are an extremely good shot under extreme stress. Quality JHPs produce a larger wound channel, resulting in more organ damage. I would take a quality, 147 gr JHP 9mm over a FMJ .45 for SD any day of the week. I want to stop the fight, not wait for him to bleed out and give him extra time to fight back.
  18. This is one freakin' FUNNY thread!!!
  19. Glad to see so many here considering the implications of using deadly force, and not just adopting the "I'd empty three mags into him and not even think about it" mentality. Taking a life, no matter what the reason, is serious business, and final. There are no resets. Firing in self-defense is the very last resort after everything else has failed, but I carry in the event that shooting is the only thing between me and getting to see my family again.
  20. Beautiful rifle! Hope it shoots as nice as it looks.
  21. I really hated it when someone said this to me the first time, but if you don't carry your 1911 in condition one, you might as well just leave it at home. In fact, any carry weapon is pretty useless without one in the chamber.
  22. What's your hearing worth?
  23. Yeah, maybe I should just leave my gun at home so I would have zero chance of defending myself if I needed to just because I have given some thought to what happens after the shooting occurs. What a great solution. If your definition of "being afraid of going to jail" is not WANTING to go to jail, then, yes, I guess I am afraid of it nor do I want it. I don't see how that disqualifies me from carrying the means to defend myself. I don't walk around talking about how I won't hesitate to use it. Anyone who doesn't recoil (no pun intended) to some extent just from the thought of shooting someone and/or taking a life no matter what the reason needs to think about it a little more and really ask themselves some hard questions about why they carry a firearm. What I've seen here so far from some (not all) is a desire to enact justice, which has nothing to do with self-defense. Don't misinterpret what I've said to mean that I could not defend myself if it were the only option, but ONLY if it were the only one available. But you believe whatever you like. Carrying a mousegun can also get one killed, but I sure see a lot of folks here who think they're the best thing since sliced bread. Thank you for your military service. Oh, and BTW, I don't read gun magazines nor did I ever say that I've read anything by Massad Ayoob.
  24. Sacrificing safety for convenience is never a good idea.
  25. And once again, I did not say EVERYONE. Get it right or give it up. Neither did I tell anyone what they would or wouldn't do. But I know bovine scatology when I hear it. It's just funny to me that when you hit someone with a good dose of reality how they try to shut you up because they don't like what you said, no matter how much truth it contains. And as far as the "castle doctrine" is concerned, are you ready to put your faith in the legal system? Many innocent men have gone to prison. I don't intend to be one of them. My family needs me and I need them. It's all about making it home at the end of the day, whether it's avoiding a situation that could go very wrong, or actually having to use your weapon in justified self-defense. I don't have any special knowledge or experience. I have, however, given these matters a great deal of thought (probably more than I should) and I have read everything I can get my hands on pertaining to self-defense and the legalities involved. I am a believer in shooting as the very last resort and only when everything else has failed. Killing someone is final and can't be taken back. Every account that I have read of a self-defense shooting mentions the way that it changes your life forever. I don't want to experience that and I don't think anyone here who hasn't already wants to either. It distresses me when I hear someone say that they would shoot in a situation where they could possibly escape instead. Avoiding trouble is always the better option. I have no use for someone who walks around with a weapon and a chip on his shoulder. Anyone who talks big about how they would shoot no matter what is a fool. It wasn't my intention to offend anyone, but the truth often offends people. Also looks to me like some (notice I said SOME, not EVERYONE) here need to put their big boy pants on and stop getting offended. Self-defense and personal protection are not something to be taken lightly. People who are willing to shoot someone with no thought to how it will affect them and/or anyone else are trigger happy in my opinion and need to spend some time thinking about what happens after they use their weapon. If they don't, they shouldn't be surprised if they end up with Bubba as a cellmate.


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