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Everything posted by daddyo

  1. Don't have one myself, but I know several who have the Kel Tec PF9 and love it for either belt or pocket carry.
  2. I'm all for anyone who wants to and is eligible getting their HCP. Whether they carry or not, it does have the effect of swelling our ranks!
  3. Did the man who refused to pay the $75 have ANY responsibility here?
  4. Federal HST, Federal Hydrashok, or even WWB "Personal Protection", all in 230 gr. I carry any of these with confidence.
  5. David, with all due respect, you'll never see the truth of the matter until you get your emotions out of the way. Yes, it sucks that the man lost his home. I empathize with him. But he had no right to expect any services if it was made clear up front that the fee was not optional. He let $75 come between him and his home. I also understand that he was the one who started the fire. I really don't see how anyone can blame the FD for this. If his life had been in danger, I have no doubt that they would have rendered life-saving services.
  6. If I lived in Obion County, and I was one of the residents who paid the $75 fee every year, I would not be bothered at all if someone who could not pay the fee received fire protection. But it would piss me off to no end for someone to receive protection who CHOSE not to pay. BIG difference.
  7. Ate at Pei Wei in Brentwood last Friday night and didn't see any sign posted. I looked everywhere and it just wasn't there.
  8. Did it ever occur to you that the firefighters might not have been the ones making the choice? Maybe they were just doing what they were told to. No one is entitled to free government services.
  9. I think people don't want to change their daily routine. Carrying a weapon requires you to do just that. It took me a decade to come around.
  10. I have to agree. I hate that this man lost his home and his belongings. But he gambled, and he lost. It would seem prudent for the FD to put some sort of provision in place that allows those who have not paid the fee to have access to services at a substantially increased rate. "Sir, we see you did not pay your $75 annual fee. We will be happy to put your fire out for $750." Sorry, but I see the responsibility being on the homeowner here. He even admitted it himself.
  11. Google "Belly Band Holster". There are many to choose from. I have an Ace Case that does the job.
  12. Just curious here - why do you favor that method over pocket carry?
  13. ^^^^^^^^^^^ This
  14. Gotta have the crunch...
  15. I'm old enough to remember my mom keeping a box of those in the cupboard. I thought they were candy. Of course, that was before anyone knew what AIDS was.
  16. Stories like this are why I don't hunt.
  17. And some of us refuse to patronize establishments who don't recognize our constitutional rights. It's a choice. There is NO restaurant or night club that is worth giving up one's personal safety for.
  18. Our good friends over at Gunfreediningintennessee.org say they have posted. B.B. KING'S BLUES CLUB - NASHVILLE | Gun Free Dining Tennessee
  19. There's a war coming on two fronts - this week a muslim cleric declared that one day "the flag of Islam will fly over the White House". All I have to say is "Bring it". Let's get it over with.
  20. Advanced Handgun Carry class through CIS. I plan to take Defensive Pistol as soon as I can save the money.
  21. Or go armed. If they have signs posted, you can either leave your weapon in your car, or just leave.
  22. daddyo


    We would all rather be outside on beautiful days, but I for one am extremely thankful to have any kind of meaningful work that pays the bills in this sour economy. I realize that it could change in a heartbeat and I could have nothing.
  23. We've all made some less than desirable choices, based on nothing more than "I wanted it". Good thing is that there's always someone out there willing to take the poor choices off your hands. I see them every day on Gunbroker and Auction Arms. The internet makes it so much easier to research before buying. Some of the ones I have in my inventory I have bought on the recommendation of others and have been very pleased. I very rarely take the advice of gun store employees. Not that I think they are dishonest, but I no longer base my purchase decisions on the word of someone who stands to gain monetarily from steering me to something with a greater profit margin. We all come around, eventually. I like your current setup.
  24. daddyo


    Photos of the 9c and 45c for size comparison:


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