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Everything posted by daddyo

  1. I got hooked on it as well....
  2. Wow, just wow. The craftsmanship on these is outstanding!
  3.   Not sure if you're referring to the spine to edge dimension or the actual thickness of the blade steel at the pivot. From spine to edge is 1.5", and it does have a pocket clip. It's very comparable in size and weight to the ZT 0350 (blade steel thickness is identical also), so it's a fairly heavy knife, but that doesn't bother me.
  4. I've heard so much about this knife I had to buy one to see for myself what the fuss was. It arrived yesterday and I am very impressed with it. 3.5" AUS8 blade (not the best steel, but it will do what I need it to do) Robust Liner lock FRN scales that have a G10 feel 4-way pocket clip Lock up is perfect with no blade play, ergonomics are very nice, the action is buttery smooth, and it was shaving sharp out of the box. I hit it with the strop a few times and now it glides through phone book paper. The grind on the blade is excellent. All for less than $25. I would expect to pay at least $50 for a knife like this. If you're looking for a nice, inexpensive folder that has decent components and materials, you might want to give this one consideration.
  5. Is this where I go to complain about the weather?
  6. Sorry, I was referring to my employer, not the goobermit.
  7.   That's the whole point - I can have it with me going to and from work and not worry about violating company policy. I can also go to the range after work, meet someone to trade with or have it available to carry with me if I stop somewhere on the way home. It's a win all the way around. Now, if we can just get them to change it to allow carry while at work....
  8.   Has nothing to do with so-called "separation of church and state". Government is doing what government should be doing - getting out of the way.
  9. A gun control group called "Americans for Responsible Solutions" is proclaiming this a "victory" because campus carry (included in the bill) was voted down.  :rofl:   These people are completely out of touch with reality.
  10. Tim Blake Nelson as Delmar in "O Brother, Where Art Thou?". My favorite character in one of my favorite films.
  11.   You can bet that it's BS. These people are shameless liars. They have taken credit for one thing after another that they had absolutely nothing to do with. They lied about the Staples here in TN posting their store. They're psychopathic.
  12.   I forgot to mention that I only carry OWB.
  13. My own experience has been that a quality carry system, including a belt and a holster, makes all the difference in the world. I don't understand why some folks spend serious money on a self defense weapon and then skimp on the other stuff.   I truly have no problem at all carrying a full-size handgun and concealing it so that no one knows, but then I have made some minor modifications to the way I dress, which also helps a great deal.   It's all contingent on what you're willing and not willing to do.
  14. I was looking for something in our employee handbook today and stumbled on this recent change under "causes for forced termination": Possession of a weapon or firearm on company property except when it is kept out of sight in a locked vehicle. Before this, we weren't allowed to have one at all. I'm assuming that this was done to accommodate the new law. At any rate... pretty cool.
  15. The way we dealt with bullies when I was a kid was to give 'em a bloody nose.
  16. I think I'll pass, but thanks just the same.
  17. Home defense.... he's doing it wrong.
  18. You may not find many Earth Day fans here.
  19. Bill Summary Under present law, unless expressly prohibited by federal law, the holder of a valid handgun carry permit recognized in this may transport and store a firearm or firearm ammunition in the permit holder's privately owned motor vehicle while on or utilizing any public or private parking area if: (1) The permit holder's vehicle is parked in a location where it is permitted to be; and (2) The firearm or ammunition being transported or stored in the vehicle:    A. Is kept from ordinary observation if the permit holder is in the motor vehicle; or    B. Is kept from ordinary observation and locked within the trunk, glove box, or interior of the person's privately owned motor vehicle or a container securely          affixed to such vehicle if the permit holder is not in the vehicle.   This bill removes references to a motor vehicle being "privately owned" and clarifies that the above references to "vehicle" mean "motor vehicle". This bill defines "motor vehicle" for purposes of the above-described provisions to mean any motor vehicle as under the present law titling and registration provisions, which is in the lawful possession of the permit holder, but excluding any motor vehicle which is owned or leased by a governmental or business entity and that is provided by such entity to an employee for use during the course of employment if the entity has adopted a written policy prohibiting firearms or ammunition not required for employment within the entity's motor vehicles.  Does this mean that I can keep my handgun in my vehicle in a Safepacker out of "ordinary observation"?   http://www.mississippigunnews.com/tennessee-governor-signs-pro-gun-bill/
  20. You'll put your eye out!
  21. Just finished watching this on DVD and I want the 91 minutes back that I wasted watching this pile of crap. :rant:   I'm just glad that I didn't see this in the theater.
  22.   He has been ever since he took up residence in the White House.
  23.   This is also what I believe. However, if the baker is going to be denied the same right, then equality is a little one-sided.
  24. I'm betting that Gov. Martinez will do the mature and responsible thing, and simply go find another hair stylist, as opposed to the gay couple, who acted like three-year-olds who didn't get their way and decided to abuse the legal system and take the baker to court over their hurt feelings.
  25. Christian baker is vilified and sued because he chooses not to do business with a gay couple.   Gay hair stylist refuses to do business with NM Gov. Martinez because she believes marriage is between a man and a woman, and for some strange reason, that's OK.   This is a GLARING double standard, but it's what we've come to expect from the looney left.     http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-chat/3128921/posts


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