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Everything posted by Bubba0031

  1. I was ORSA a few weeks ago and another member had one. It was the 1st time he it had been fired. He let me put a couple of magazines through it and he put several through it. It wasn't very reliable and had a lot of feed issues.
  2. Yes. The TDOT website has a recommended detour route. I'm not familiar enough with the area to explain it. Media coverage indicates that a lot of people have just moved over to the Gay St. bridge but the number of vehicles has overwhelmed it's capacity. I used Chapman Hwy a week or so ago and used John Sevier to get there.
  3. Welcome Jeff from nearby Oak Ridge
  4. I try to not get pulled over But if I do get stopped I concur with Bender just hand them the permit with your license
  5. I alway thought that the DMV screened the applications for personal license plates for language or words that are offensive . I guess I am wrong otherwise they would have never approved this plate .
  6. I have a half dozen handguns. I would like to have one shot gun for HD and one varmit rifle at some time in the future.
  7. I'm not a Doctor but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night. I recommend Granny Clampet's cold medicine for those of us that are old enough to remember what that is
  8. In general, union or not, private industry employees make more money than public employees however the public employees have better benefits and to some extent more job security. For many those benefits include a pension. I am a public employee, non union and not a teacher, with a professional license. My wife working for a private company makes 30% more than I do with less credentials. She frequently tells me I need to go where I can make more money but never considers how much I would have to make to overcome the lose of benefits. I like Raoul don't understand why so much hate is directed toward Public Employees and why when there is a budget to be balanced it's done on at the expense of those employees.
  9. I have S&W model 37 J-frame. I carried it for a while. It has now found it's way to the storage case but I wouldn't give it up. I've had it about 22 years and would love to know how old it actually is.
  10. My first was a Model 37 S&W J Frame that I bought from a co-worker 20+ years ago. Paid him $100 for it and I don't think I ever fired it until a couple of years ago. First of the "Modern Era" was my G19. I still have both.
  11. I have a govement model American Classic II and am happy with it
  12. Bubba0031

    Sig 238

    I think the 238 is a great looking piece but I've heard the waiting list is forever. Where or how did you get it and did you have it on order?
  13. Welcome to TGO but I'm sure the word "Gentleman" in the original salutation must be a typo or meant for another forum. We're just regular folks here.
  14. Disregard my previous question. I llooked it up so now I know what a Wadcutter is.
  15. I bought some Cowboy load .38 from Georgia Arms. The indoor range @ ORSA will not allow jacked bullets. I don't reload so the only thing I can shoot indoors is a .22. The GA rounds are lead with no jacket so I can at least fire my revolvers @ the indoor range. I've heard the term "Wadcutter" but never used them. Forgive me for asking but what the difference?
  16. I get it every year. Have no way of knowing if it works or if I would get sick without it. I do know that since they put the hand sanitizer dispensers around our building and put small bottles of it in the office supply cabinet for people to take to their desks I use a lot more of the sanitizer than soap and I think, but can't prove, that I have less colds.
  17. At the Regions in Oak Ridge the posting is on the lower left panel of the side-lite window beside the inner door. I had to look for it to find it. The ATM along with an elevator to the offices/business on the second floor is between the outer and inner door so in my mind it's completely acceptable to use carry while at the ATM.
  18. I just wrote a check for $1,200 for the deposit on a rental house in Key West for this summer but somehow that doesn't make me feel any better or warmer.
  19. I have two Holsters to choose from depending on what I'm wearing and doing. I have a DeSantis pocket holster for coat pocket, car console, cargo pants etc and a Crossbreed Quick Clip IWB. The Quick Clip only uses one clip instead of the 2 on the SuperTuck. The clip is behind the kydex for the gun and between the way it's made and the way I wear it the clip is actually almost over my hip pocket and therfore not visable from the front. The CW-9 is small enough and light enough that the one clip works well. My shirt tucks in completly and therefore the holster offers complete concelment. As a rule my personal pratice is not let anyone know I carry. My wife and I met a co-worker of hers and his wife for pizza a few evenings ago. The man mentioned having a HCP, which I didn't know, and that he sometime carried a handgun in his vehicle. I told him I was carrying at the time and he just looked at me with a puzzled look and said no way till I showed him the little clip.
  20. A Day Off
  21. Now thats funny, I don't care who you are
  22. Am I correct that in IDPA that even with hi-cap mags you must begin COF with no more than 10 rounds? Is that 10 total or 10 +1? Also does a tac-load (i.e. removing a mag with rounds still in it and with a round still in the chamber so that the gun is not @ slidelock) require you to retain the mag as opposed to letting it drop if it's empty and the gun is @ slide lock?
  23. I had left over black eyed peas w/lunch. Maybe that will bring extra good luck but it not I like them anyway. A big spoon full of ChowChow on top makes them even better


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