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Everything posted by Bubba0031

  1. Just one. My Browing Buckmark.
  2. Go the the State of Tennessee Dept. of Safety website and look at the requirments but to answer the specific question an 8 hour class is required. Most of them run from 50 to 100 dollars.
  3. Am I correct that the only time a lease is advantageous is when the vehicle is used for business and the lease payements can be tax deducted?
  4. All good suggestions. Also don't forget Personal Defense Options (PDO) in Farragut. Their website shows a price of $510 through 8-31-10. I have purchased from both PDO & Austins and would use either again.
  5. This is me not replying
  6. Bubba0031

    Holster Choice

    I recently bought a Kahr CW-9 and then purchased a Crossbread Quik Clip IWB. It concels so well that my wife never noticed it until she happend to lay her on my side and felt the gun.
  7. Welcome. If you are looking for a place to shoot on a regular basis consider the Oak Ridge Sportsman Assoc. It has a lot to offer at a good price and is close to your location in Karns.
  8. I have a Browning Buckmark and really like it but as stated "best" is a matter of what your criteria is, what you like best and personal opinion.
  9. Mr Beehan is retired from State Farm Insurance and is now a real estate agent. The positon of Mayor is part time and does not pay much. The City Manager position is full time and the City Manager is the highest paid City Employee. Each council member is paid a small amount per meeting. If I recall Mr. Beehan's anti gun stance comes from the fact that his father was shot in the line of duty (please understand I am NOT sure I have the facts correct). In Oak Ridge the Mayor is choosen by his/her fellow council members not by public election. The other pro-gun council member is Ms. Miller. She has said publicly her family does not own guns but that she believes that it is an indiviual choice as opposed to a decsion for City Council. The City recently went through a review of it's City charter. One of the issues was district representation by council members. This idea was rejected. The problem with it is that, as is being demonstrated by the actions of the present council, it's not possible to get qualified members from a City wide election so finding qualified canidates that live in and would represent specific geographic areas of town would most likely be impossible. Unfortuntaly the chance of finding enough canidates that support 2A positions would also be slim. The City manager receives his direction from City Council however on 2A issues he would have no direct decision making authority. Any policy/ordance requires two readings and approval by City Council. This particular City Council does not function well togather. There is a lot of in fighting amoung them. This was a factor in former City Manager O'Conner decision to resign and the reason that interim manager Gary Cinder, the most qualified person, choose to remove his name from consideration for the positon. Next Monday Aug. 9th Oak Ridge will have a new City Manager.
  10. Wife & I went last week. Big fan of early voting.
  11. That's OK, I stole the "Guns are like Women" line off a a guy's hard hat
  12. After reading and test firing several 9mm weapons I ordered a CW-9 from Austin's in Oak Ridge and picked it up about a month ago. For me it's a good size, fits my hand well and shoots well. I purchased a Crossbread Quik Clip and can now carry IWB with no printing and it's comfertable. It can also be pocket carried if you have large pockets. The first time I fired the gun I had several issues with feed, fire and ejection failures however after a couple of more range sessions it seems to run fine. I have a Glock 19 that I like better just for shooting but the CW-9 carries better. I think you'll be happy with it.
  13. FORD Find On Road Dead Fix Or Repair Daily
  14. Welcome to Oak Ridge. You need to check out ORSA if you haven't.
  15. It doesn't help solve your problem but I have one of those touch on touch off lamps in the spare room and it comes on when the A/C blows. I have moved it all the way across the table from the drapes and vent but it seems no matter how far away it is it is so sensitive that it still comes on. Short of unplugging it I don't know to keep it turned off.
  16. I wear the pants in my family but my wife picks them out
  17. Is there any bad BBQ? I love it all. I grew up across the street from OTT's and mowed the yard there when I was a kid. I was happy to see it reopen after all these years and it still as good now as then. My wife is from Fla. so we also like Sunny's and Capt Toms. is also good.
  18. Welcome and congratulation on graduation.
  19. A couple of weeks ago my sister and her husband were in town. I met them for lunch and in the process of making small talk asked my BIL about his parents. They recently retired to Fla. The conversation wasn't about guns but he told me that his mother now carries in her tennis bag and that they both now have Fla. carry permits. I never let anyone know that I have a permit or carry but I could tell by the next few exchanges between him and my sister that he is trying to influence her to approve of him getting a Texas permit. At that point I decided to help him out and reached in my wallet and produced my permit. I also told them I was carrying but since we were in public I kept it hidden. He had a slight grin and she changed the subject.
  20. I ordered a Kahr CW-9 from Mike @ Austins in May and picked it up on July 8th. The 1st time I took it to the range to start the 200 round break in was a disaster. Between misfires, feed failures, ejection failures and the fact that the slide failed to lock on on an empty mag twice I thought I had a PO . Trying not to panic I took it home, took it apart, cleaned it and them bought two different boxes of ammo that were different brands. I've fired it three times since then and probably have the recommended 200 rounds through it. Since the first range trip there hasn't been one problem. I ordered a Crossbread Quik Clip when I ordered the Kahr and it came last week. It was comfortable right out of the box. It's still stiff and I think when it's broken in and soft I probably won't notice I'm wearing it. It conceals so well that I've been carrying using it and so far my wife hasn't noticed it.
  21. I did what mikedwood said and he is correct the belt @ WalMart is a Dickey brand.
  22. No 45 @ Wally World in Oak Ridge this morning. I did buy a 100 WWB 9MM and the price has gone up to $23.97.
  23. I stopped @ the Regions in Oak Ridge to use the ATM earlier in the day. The ATM is located between the inner and outer doors as you walk in the front. The outer door is not posted. I looked at the inner door and it isn't posted either however I looked at the area around the door and on the lower left side lite there is a small gun buster sign that is about 3 X 5. It had text in small font under the circle symbol. I don't know what it says since I would have had to put reading glasses on and bent over to see it. The sign actually looked worn as if it has been there for quite some time.
  24. Bubba0031

    Short List

    Everyone needs a Glock 19
  25. Welcome. I can't help on the .380 as I'm a 9mm guy meaning I agree on the Glock 26. I have a 19. I also have a Buckmark both are great guns and I recommend both.


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