Thanks Marswolf. This is something I have been particularly interested in for some time. Nothing makes me more angry in self defense issues than to be driving along and have to stop and "lock up" my weapon because of some imaginary line on a map that says beyond here you cannot defend yourself or your family if the need arises.
It is obvious from reading the letter you linked to that whoever authored the letter has absolutely no idea of what personal responsibility in the matter of armed self defense entailes.
My answers to her reasons to not allow weapons in National Parks.
"Parks are safe places" Huhhhh? Then she says "some crime does occur on NPS managed lands". This does not compute. The fact of the matter is we never knows when a crime is going to be commited against us or we would not be there when the crime is commited. I wouldn't.
"Right to carry laws do not reduce crime". Every educated member of the right to carry community knows the falsity of that statement. But I would ask her where is the evidence that "right to carry laws" cause crime. Go ahead Karen Taylor-Goodrich, show me your evidence.
"Firearms already may be transported in a vehicle through any park area." Of course they must be made "inoperable" and "stored in such a manner as to prevent their ready use". Just what you want when facing a life or death situation: "Honey, find the bullets while I get in the trunk and unlock the gun lockbox!!! WHERE'S THE KEY!!??
"Right to carry laws do not protect visitors from wildlife". According to her, "most weapons carried for protection from wildlife are not adequate for that purpose". Granted. Most aren't. So what??? If I was the victim of an attacking animal I would want the best possible weapon to use for my defense ( .50 cal machine gun ) but I would be glad to use my Ruger P44 and hope for the best. If a Park Ranger is charged by an angry bear does he throw is handgun away and cry "Its too little, Its too little!!! It can't stop the bear!!! No, he would fire away and pray that at least this time his bullet would find the mark.
These government pansies irk the pitooey out of me.