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About jgm219

  • Birthday 02/19/1975

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  • Location
    Madison, TN

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  1. Bob Hope was a national treasure and that clip has me wanting to watch the entire flick.
  2. I grew up watching The Jeffersons and I never miss a rerun when I find them on the tube. Since I heard he died I've been watching his show on the net. I have to admit I still love George and Weezy.
  3. He's better than what we've had for the past three and a half years.
  4. Yeah buddy! And then it sucks if you're in 2nd BN and you made your cookies over in a 3rd BN pit. Talk about a long hump back.
  5. lmao You're too right. My drill instructors made us use that stuff at BWT and when I came home my legs and back were a sea of sand flea bite marks. Of course, my platoon was pitted... a lot. I told my son, "beware the pit." Of course I laughed after saying it and the look of fear on his face was priceless. But hey, recruits are a sand flea's favorite meal. Chris is nervous, but that's a good thing. I've never met anyone that went to PI in a recruit capacity that wasn't nervous. Overall, he'll be fine. He's overcome so much so far and he can overcome this. I've told him to believe in himself as much as his mother and I do.
  6. I'm sorry to hear about your father, Mike. All three brothers in the Marine Corps. Now that's a Marine family. Every Marine makes history, but your father and uncles served during legendary times. I just finished watching Falgs of our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima with my son. I've seen the movies three times each and each time it's humbling.
  7. That's much appreciated, CCI. Here shortly he'll be up for Lance Corporal and to him, those crossed rifles under that chevron looks good.
  8. I was impressed that he made it to graduation and more so when he was promoted. He's a great kid and I couldn't have asked for a better son.
  9. He says thank you. And thank you for reading about him. He's come a long way and he's smart enough to see that he has further to go. At least he admits that much. :-)
  10. Thank you, K. He's worked hard for everything he's achieved and supporting him is second to none. The downside to the Young Marines is that our soon to be nine year old daugher wants to join. She's the one saluting in the picture of all of us. She's a little danger girl and pretty tough, but we told her to wait until she's ten. lol
  11. Semper Fi, MikePapa, and thank your father for his service for me, please.
  12. Thank you so much, Dolomite's B&C! You really can't help that feeling, can you? I was at the front taking pics when he got pulled from formation for meritorious promotion. My sister in law was in the back and she immediately told my wife, "Uh-oh. Jason's not going to make it." I started tearing up really bad. The look of pride on Chris' face was something to behold once they began reading the promotion certificate. The Young Marine program is close to 40 years old, I think. It's open to kids 8 to 18, as long as they haven't yet graduated. It's a great program and it's hard. At least the Music City Young Marines is. It's run by an old school Marine infantryman and he trains 'em up hard, but never forgets that at the end of the day they're still kids. It's done Chris a world of good.
  13. Thank you! When he came to us saying he wanted to be a Young Marine we were shocked, but we told him that come what may, he had to see it through. He did that and knows that hard work bears sweet rewards.
  14. lol The group did get a few odd stares that day. There were ten Young Marines drilling with M1s, but the majority of people gave support and well wishes to them. They're all a great bunch of kids.


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