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Everything posted by LagerHead

  1. Just out of curiosity, is there a NON portable dinner fork? ;)
  2. I also have an UCII for carry. I carry it IWB with a Galco leather holster. I will say, get some Wilson Combat mags. The only issues I have ever had with it have been with the Kimber mags, but I am pretty sure I caused that one when cleaning it, so take even that with a grain of salt. I also splurged for a pair of Hogue rubber grips to make it more comfortable to shoot.
  3. What a load of shit.
  4.   Better get on it then. :D
  5. I wanted a music player that tied into my WiFi too. That's why I got a smart phone. ;)   Seriously though, we did briefly consider getting one of these, but I already have a bluetooth speaker and an iPhone, so I basically have one already.
  6. I can't believe it took 12 comments to get there. Even we gun lovers need a dance party now and then. :D
  7. I have a friend that says, "Bragging about your Glock collection is kinda like bragging about your collection of teal Chevy Cavaliers."   These on the other hand are like bragging about the spinners on your collection of teal Chevy Cavaliers.
  8. Yea, I probably came across wrong. My concern is more for my rights than anything against any policeman. Regardless, I will never talk to the police, even the few that I know personally. I was on the same team as a current cop. If he ever came to my door he'd get nothing.
  9. I wish we could say this is an isolated incident, but unfortunately we know from the literally hundreds of people who have been released after being wrongfully convicted that the legal system (not justice system, as the state likes to portray it) is heavily stacked against you. Once you are in the cops' crosshairs you might as well be a Viet Cong in the crosshairs of Carlos Hathcock, because sure as the sun will rise tomorrow they're gonna get you. Anyone who knows this and talks to the police gets no sympathy from me. It is never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever in your best interest to talk to the police, ever. Did I mention ever?   If you have never seen this video, you owe it to yourself to watch it in its entirety. Yes, I know it's an hour out of your life, but this is one of the most important messages you might ever see. In it a law professor gives you ten reasons you should never talk to the police, complete with several real world examples that correspond. To be fair, he allows a police officer respond to his ten reasons and say where he was unfair or incorrect. Very educational.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wXkI4t7nuc
  10. You can move anything with enough leverage.
  11. If it wasn't NFA, everyone with a threaded barrel would own one...and they would be MUCH cheaper because they would be made by every firearms manufacturer and sold with the weapons. Good Lord, please let this pass.
  12.   Hey, just because it never has doesn't mean it never will. Probably won't, but I've heard stranger things have happened. ;)
  13.   ^^ That's the answer right there. It's possible that the government accidentally did something right and managed the population properly and we ended up with more bucks out there this year. Didn't help me any, but...
  14.   Why is the onus always on us subject...er, I of course mean citizens to be polite? Are the police here to uphold and defend the Constitution or are they not? Are they supposedly supposed to protect us or are they not? Do we have 4th Amendment rights or do we not? The cop asked, he was told to be beat feat, and that should have been the end of it. But because he felt he wasn't being respected to a level 9 degrees beyond what he was giving he had to have him kicked out of the restaurant before he could order (yes, I know he didn't do so per se, but in fact that was the result he was both hoping for and achieved) and then continued to follow him throughout the mall without reason.   I learned at a very young age that you get respect when you give it. Regardless of the guy's choice of words when he refused to offer up his permit (which we didn't see until he started filming, after the encounter was already in progress), the cop was told no. If he didn't have PC to detain him, that should have been the end of it. Yea, maybe his pride would have taken a little slap on the wrist. Boo hoo. But we're not put on this earth to stroke the ego of government officials who laughingly patronize us by saying we work for them. Yea right. Tell that to the next guy with out of state plates heading east on I-40 who has his property stolen at gunpoint with no charges filed.
  15.   You sure do know how to sweet talk a guy. :D
  16. Hmmmmm, might be a good way to break in my new Beretta A300, even if I will have to reload like a fool with its 4+1 capacity (with the plug removed).
  17.   Guess you're in that minority of folks that don't pay enough taxes already. ;)
  18. This is why it's so easy to divide the gun community. We all claim, falsely, that we're willing to fight and die for our right to keep and bear arms, but the moment someone actually does fight for his rights by refusing to bow to a cop who just won't take no - a legal no at that - for an answer, we jump all over the guy and call him names rather than supporting his stand against tyranny. Well, I am 1000% on the side of every single person who has ever open carried and refused unlawful orders on the part of police. This is in no way to be construed as a blanket attack on police, by the way. In case you didn't know, you can be pro-liberty without cop bashing. But when a cop asks for something he doesn't have a right to and is told no, he just needs to move his ass right the fuck along. No victim, no crime, no reason for the police to be there, unless he wants a tasty Subway sandwich.
  19.   Fixed that for ya. ;)
  20. I've been looking at the Plano cases too, though specifically for my GoPro and accessories. I will admit I perused them for pistols as well for more than a moment. Very nice case, and at $75, it would have to be a real hunk o' junk not to be a pretty sweet deal.
  21.   Already got my first: Beretta A300 Outlander. Can't wait for turkey season. Next in my sights is probably a CZ75.
  22.   Whaaaaa? Israel is far more invasive than the TSA. To the point they're pretty much a-holes about it.
  23.   During a recent test, the TSA failed to find 95% of items the testers say they should have caught.   I would much rather have freedom than a little - in truth, almost non-existent - amount of perceived security.
  24.   Computer froze right after typing the first one. :D   Even with a nuisance animal like a coyote, I hate to kill just to kill. But then again, I'm not a farmer and my livelihood doesn't depend on it, so I'm not judging others either.


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