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Everything posted by LagerHead

  1. My biggest success was never buying anything from Harbor Freight.
  2. I've never participated in a Turkey shoot. Other than the obvious safety, what do I need to know? What is the objective, etc? I do need to try out my new shotgun.
  3. I'm with Peace on this one. That looks incredible. I don't think I've ever seen a rattle can camo job that looked half that nice. Any chance you'll share the technique you used?
  4. I think it is I that owe you thanks for graciously accepting my apology. Next beer is on me. Or Bourbon if that's your poison.
  5. If so, I apologize. And therefore nothing I said above applies to him.
  6. Edit: I apparently misread Garufa's target. Sincere apologies.
  7. Wss that comment directed at me?
  8.   Yep. You probably remember that the American Bison was nearly hunted to extinction here. Private ranchers took control of some of the remaining herds and their numbers are now so plentiful that you can get a Bison burger at a restaurant for only nominally more than beef. The same thing happened with the American alligator in Louisiana. My understanding is that there is an alligator hunting season there now because they have come back so strong.   Privatizing wildlife creates a financial incentive for the owner to take measures to protect the animals and to breed them in numbers large enough to make them available for hunting or consumption by those who want them.   Next up: Why we privatize our waterways. (Hint: Pretty much see the above argument and apply it to water.)
  9. Would anyone like to break out the Enigma machine and decode this thread for the uninformed among us?
  10. Perfect example of why we should privatize wildlife.
  11. Well at least he's going to jail for a victimless crime.
  12. A guy walks into a bar and grabs a stool. He says to the bartender, "Hey bartender, wanna see something amazing?" Of course the barkeep replies in the affirmative and so the guy reaches in his bag and pulls out a tiny piano. Then a little guy walks out, sits down and starts playing Mozart.   The bartender is awestruck and asks, "Where the heck did you get that?"   "I have a genie."   Incredulous, the bartender scoffs.   The guy says, "No, really, I'll show you," and whips out a lamp, rubs it, and sure enough, out pops a genie. The guy instructs the genie to grant the bartender a wish. The bartenders says, "Ok, I wish I had a million bucks."   Just then, the front door opens and in waddles a duck, followed by another, then another, and so on.   The bartender screams, "You idiot, I said a million bucks not a million ducks!"   The guy says, "Oh yea, I forgot to mention he's a little hard of hearing. Do you really think I wished for a 9 inch pianist?"
  13.   That's some wisdom you might want to share.
  14.   Don't feel too superior. It happens to concealed carriers too.   http://concealednation.org/2014/12/situational-awareness-fail-concealed-carrier-robbed-of-his-gun/
  15. Luke, shooting entails having an explosion going off mere inches from your face. It's a completely unnatural event, especially when you're causing it to happen. I've been shooting for years and I still sometimes flinch. During hunting season I was watching a deer for several minutes just waiting for him to present a good shot. I pulled the trigger and noticed the flinch to end all flinches. Luckily I had forgotten to switch off the safety, so I was able to disable the safety, calm down, and get a good, clean shot.   So don't worry about a little flinching. It happens to the best of us. And me too. ;)
  16. Another "compromise" where gun owners give up something and gun grabbing fascists give up exactly Jack Shit! Why does that not surprise me?
  17. So we take two steps forward, one step back, and each step takes about five years. Goody. That means my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grandchildren's great grandchildren might get to enjoy what is clearly written in the ####ing Constitution.   But hey, I ain't holdin' my breath.
  18.   Funny how we keep taking steps in the right direction but never actually get any closer to true freedom.
  19. I never will be as long as I have to beg and pay for my "constitutional" rights.
  20. I got 26 out of 30 - one more than the person who wrote the quiz.   The Glock 17 was not the first polymer pistol.
  21.   I was thinking of those shows specifically. It doesn't mean they're bad kids and it doesn't mean the parents are bad if the kids don't listen. None of us did. You know we all sneaked a smoke, peaked at the nudie mags, or whatever it was we weren't supposed to do. But guns have instant and permanent repercussions, so it is 100% up to the parents to make sure they are not accessible by any kid that is not old enough to stay home and babysit his/her younger siblings at the very least. In other words, if a kid is not old enough or responsible enough to trust a life to, they aren't old enough or responsible enough to trust a gun to. It's the same thing, basically.   Damn it, I hate hearing this crap. Idiot parents, plain and simple.
  22. Merged the two threads on this topic.   Tragedy indeed. I don't care how many times you've had the discussion, kids will be kids. You don't leave loaded firearms where they can get them. This was a 100% preventable death. And now a kid is going to have to deal with the fact that he killed another kid. Pathetic.
  23. Hey, look on the bright side: At least the taxpayers of MS are going to have the privilege of housing the two fine survivors for a number of years. Yay!
  24.   Yea, that's exactly what I said. Hey, at least you didn't completely dodge the question.
  25.   To which OC'er are you referring? Funny how nobody has a problem with a cop OC'ing, but Bob forbid one of us lowly subjects have the gall to even think about it.   But no, we don't see a clear, glaring, obvious, so-plain-even-Stevie-Wonder-could-clearly-see-it double standard here, do we?


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