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Everything posted by LagerHead

  1. Hi all, long time no see. Years ago I built an AR-15 and, not wanting to shell out the bucks for an Eotech, I decided on the Sightmark knock-off. While they do come with a lifetime warranty, and they do deliver on that promise, it's pretty lame that I've gotten about two hours of use out of two Sightmark sights in seven years. So I'm looking for a replacement. I'm still not willing to shell out $700 or more for a sight for a gun that will only ever be used for fun, but if I can find a decent one for $200 or less I'll pay it. So what are your recommendations? I have a Nikon scope, so I'm set for distance shooting. I'm looking for a red dot or holo type sight that won't break the bank. What say you? Thanks.
  2. Now that I've calmed down a bit, care to expound a little? Are you talking about how difficult it can sometimes be to dial in your charge? I had to replace the primer seating cup spring (14033) and I somehow lost the primer feed stop ping (14051). I now have several of each on hand just in case.
  3. The blue tip to the primer tube on the press.
  4. Well, I may have to once again wait on a part. I called twice because the first lady I spoke with apparently misunderstood my request for troubleshooting assistance with a threat to pee in her Wheaties. After about three minutes of attitude I "accidentally" hung up on her. The second guy was much more helpful. Wish me luck with part replacement #3.
  5. I've never used large primers, so I doubt that. Besides, it worked for years and just the past few times it has been testing my already limited patience.
  6. I'm at my wit's end with my 550. The last 5 hours I've spent reloading have probably netted about 100 rounds. Today was no exception. I spent over an hour to get 32 rounds, which used 232 primers. How the hell does that happen you might ask. Well, I'll tell you. I loaded 32 rounds with only about 20 problems before I ran out of primers, then I put 100 primers in the tube only to have them end up all over my garage when they fell straight through. I thought it might have been because I had the handle down, so I put it back up and watched the next 100 do the same thing. Now, before I buy 10,000lbs of C4 and take this thing out to the dessert and blow it into pieces that even CSI mother ********** Miami wouldn't be able to positively identify, can anyone give me an idea what the problem might be? The last two times I've reloaded I've had to order parts before I could continue. If I have to order another part, I'm going the C4 route.
  7. I've been out of the loop for a while largely due to the election. When did this change?
  8. Not a bad marketing idea. $16,000 worth of raffle tickets for a chance at part of of about $2-3,000 worth of stuff.
  9.   UN. UNreasonable hour. Any hour that doesn't have two digits is wholly unreasonable on a weekend. ;)
  10.   Just don't post like my mom talks to me. ;)
  11. This will be my first season. During deer season about a hundred flew in and landed right in front of my blind once. About half that many another time. Here's hoping they make it that easy when it counts.
  12. Dang it! First day of turkey season. I'll be in the fields or on my way home at that time. You fellas have an extra good time for me, mkay?
  13.   In the video he seems to scream, "It tore my leg off." I'm guessing that's what he meant.   Don't be too hard on the guy. How do you think he's feeling right about now? We've ALL been young and stupid. He was trying to have a good time and his lesson will hopefully help save many others the same fate.
  14. I'd also like to add that I find it amusing how you point out that braiding hair and holding up traffic are two different things and then compare reckless driving and pointing a loaded gun with holding up traffic. Mmm hmmm.
  15.   You know what? You've convinced me. Some people may have had to move their foot to the left a few inches and apply the brakes and use their steering wheels for its intended purpose rather than as a stand for their newspaper or their bowl of soup. I say we nuke them all from low earth orbit. Hell, this is practically a gang of Hitlers on two wheels.   In fact, fuck it. I say we just legalize running these bastards off the road if you so much as have to use your mirror for something other than applying your lipstick.
  16. Sorry, I missed the part where someone was injured or had other property rights violated. Could you point me in the right direction so I can better understand who the victims were and how they were injured?
  17. BINGO!
  18.   And I'm not defending jerkish behavior. But, no victim, no crime. Just because the state has said it is don't make it right. Hell, the state has said that teaching someone to braid hair without four times the number of hours required to become and EMT is a crime. The state has said that massaging someone's horse for money without a veterinary license is a crime. Yea, I get that in the "legal" sense it is, but from a justice standpoint, it's a crock.
  19. I'm afraid it is. It doesn't matter how completely unjust the law is, you must either obey it or submit to arrest. If you resist an arrest, even for an obviously unjust law, you will be met with violence up to and including deadly force. But don't take my word for it. Ask Eric Garner. Oh wait, you can't. He was killed for not paying the government a tax on cigarettes.
  20. As a matter of fact, no I don't consider them to be crimes. Annoying, douchebaggy, and assholish, yes. But remember, all crimes authorize police to use deadly force. I don't believe being a douchebag is worth shooting someone over. And let us not forget: This cop had no way of knowing these were the same bikers, nor is there any evidence they were doing any of this at the time. He sprayed them because he could. He will get away with it. He committed assault and not a charge will be filed. I wonder how it would have turned out had the roles been reversed.
  21.   So the cliff notes version of the story is the bikers were annoying and harmed nobody so the cop attacked them. In the first part of the story there was no victim, therefore no crime. in the second part there was at least one victim, therefore a crime.
  22. Sigma in 9mm. Everything about it was horrible.
  23.   This was the do over. The first attempt orange peeled really badly, so I had to strip and reapply. ;)
  24. This actually isn't how I planned on doing this, but I misread the instructions for doing it the way I did want and ended up with this. However, the more I look at it, the less disappointed I am with how it turned out. The green on this is actually closer to Magpul foliage, but my iPhone makes it look a bit blue.
  25. Tom Woods had a great guest on his show this week discussing this issue. He was not what you would call a climate change skeptic. In fact, he referred to himself and like minded scientists as "lukewarmers;" scientists who believe that humans are having an effect on climate, but not nearly to the extent that the hysterical alarmists believe. He brought up a couple of really good points that are ignored in the media. First is, if you recognize that global warming is causing more bad weather, like tornadoes or hurricanes, you must also recognize that it's causing more good weather, like sunny days with warm temperatures. Second is that colder global temperatures tend to be associated with bad times, like the plague in Europe, while warmer weather tends to be associated with good times, like when they grew wine grapes in England.


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