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Everything posted by Mark@Sea

  1. I'm not getting a lot of news out here, but I am catching the occasional reference to the stock market. Sounds like it is augering in now. Anybody have a comment on that? Don't forget about manufuactured crises; 'global warming', and severe energy shortages (he's already stated an executive order will halt US drilling, he intends to 'bankrupt' coal power plants, and he has stated that he is in favor of very high gas prices).
  2. I'm not getting a lot of news out here, but I am catching the occasional reference to the stock market. Sounds like it is augering in now. Anybody have a comment on that? Don't forget about manufuactured crises; 'global warming', and severe energy shortages (he's already stated an executive order will halt US drilling, he intends to 'bankrupt' coal power plants, and he has stated that he is in favor of very high gas prices).
  3. We should by all means show the president-elect the respect and support the left has shown Bush for the last 8 years.
  4. Following transcript from Obama campaign manager on Meet the Press this week; MS. JARRETT: Well, it's a good question. There is one president at a time. President Bush is still the president. He's graciously invited President-elect Obama to the White House tomorrow to begin their conversations of the transition. So we respect that. He will be the president until January 20th. However, giving--given, really, the daunting challenges that we face, it's important that President-elect Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to rule day one. So we will be working closely with his administration. We're reviewing the agencies now. He will be making key personnel decisions. He gets national security briefings every day now as well, but he will not be the president until January 20th. Begin to rule? Ohhhkay. Hey, will one of you 'O' supporters jump in, please, and tell me I'm a paranoid delusional?
  5. Reading between the lines, he wants to allow politicians access to gun trace information (which is what the Tiahrt amendment stopped). I'm not sure where the 'illegal arms trade' comes into it - sounds like UN speak for 'shutting down manufacturers'. 'Commonsense measures' - We won't like it but they know whats' good for us. Keeping guns away from children and criminals; storage requirements. Closing the gun show loophole might as well be 'closing gun shows'. Making guns in this country childproof - smart gun technology requirements? 20 pound trigger pulls? Anyone who denies their end goal is zero civilian gun ownership is deluded.
  6. The 'transition team' has already been to batf, apparently they want to 'strengthen' the background check requirements. Expansion of prohibited persons categories by executive order? Misdemeanors and traffic violations used to deny transfers? I don't know, but I know better than to say it'll never happen. Several key positions have been filled with not just democrats, but rabidly anti-gun democrats - even replacing a pro-gun democrat because he is pro-gun. The BS about getting rid of 'assault weapons', child-proofing and so forth was moved from one part of the transition website to another, but wasn't changed. Insiders say he's still looking for a federal ban on CCW. I've heard the exact same phrase about how he'll be dealing with "more pressing issues" so many times I've begun to believe the anti's are deliberately trying to get that idea established.
  7. Very nearly sounds like FDR, who led us bravely into the great depression...
  8. Free speech is great, it lets you see who the 'intellectually-challenged' are right off the bat. I can well believe people are this dumb. Want to know why? Because some gun owners were dumb enough to vote for Obamalama. Hard to believe, isn't it? The Bill of Rights is the most important political document ever penned, and the 2nd stands as the guardian of freedom. As hard as I look, I can't find the amendment guaranteeing freedom from responsibility for stupid decisions. "If you love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." Samuel Adams
  9. Probably a dumb question, here, but I have no experience with SBR's. What is the shorter barrel doing to muzzle velocity? Take it easy on me, I still think a Garand is the shiznits. It may not be 'tacti-cool', but a buttstroke won't break it.
  10. Below is a post from the CMP Forum, but short version is that CMP will shortly have M1 carbine magazines available in quantity on their E-store. Author Topic hlangloisMS USA 8 Posts Posted - 11/09/2008 : 07:11:25 According to Mississippi Kid on the CMP South report web site, he stated that he brought Carbine Mags over weekend... Any ideal when us, mail order people might be able to buy them also.omichaels USA Posts Posted - 11/09/2008 : 10:31:18 we should have the carbine mags up for sale on the estore within a week or two (maybe withihn a day or two). Plenty to go around so no worries about running out. We started to sort by manufacturer / marking, but determined this week that we do not want to do this. So, it will be luck of the draw. We just ordered the packaging (received it on Friday) and will start packing next week. We will have two configurations: Single carbine mags @ $12 each or packages of 10 carbine mags @ $100 per package. Order by the decade and save $20. As soon as we have a few hundred packs ready, we will put up for sale on estore and I will advise forum readers and post info on the carbine page. Will also send some to North store - they should get there by 19 November.AM913 gala USA 69 Posts Posted - 11/09/2008 : 13:08:42 Orest: can you comment on the quality of mags as compared to last lot offered? Some received in my order of five were beyond rust removal and were hard to release from carbine. Will these function better? Thank you.nwo USA 67 Posts Posted - 11/09/2008 : 13:47:30 That is great! I am looking forward to ordering some! 12 bucks each is a good deal. I just bought two from a local dealer at 20 bucks each! It's all about The Game, and how you play it It's all about control, and if you can take it It's all about your debt, and if you can pay it It's all about the pain, and who's gonna make it. omichaels USA Posts Posted - 11/10/2008 : 07:18:23 overall (broad range) - these are in much better shape than the previous batch. Keep in mind the "overall", since some will probably be the same as some were in the last batch.
  11. Personally I think Obama should be in the Marion federal pen for money laundering, rico violations, and treason. I'd actually have an easier time proving my charges in a court of law, but hey, thats' the great thing about spouting off unsupported BS on the internetz. No actual, you know, proof is needed.
  12. Big Oil? So, the big price drop I'm hearing about, thats' Bushs' fault, right?
  13. Hey, I want one! And one in 20 gauge, for my wife.
  14. double digit inflation double digit unemployment tax hikes for 40K and up mandatory health insurance as a new form of tax, much like medicare and social security ammo taxed into oblivion a major terrorist attack on Israel
  15. Marxism and Islam are not racial characteristics. If it is bigotry to defend against someone who wants you either dead or enslaved, then I'm a bigot. The race card was played as cover, and only those blinded by self-interest or a desire for political correctness can't see that. It may be a long time coming, but eventually, stupidity kills.
  16. Ha - I am watching AFRTS, and CBS was calling one race with 0% reporting.
  17. Mark@Sea

    Best Pranks

    Steam Blankets, Relative Bearing grease, Mailbag watch, BT punches...
  18. Hmm.... Nevermind, Mike. Leave the slugs in the shotgun. Shoot, leave the bayonet on it.
  19. Mark@Sea


    M14man, I'm a railfan. Live near the old Clinchfield route. One of these days we gotta get together. I'm a fan of the M14 myself, by the way...
  20. No Worries! I got it at a good price, for another kid who, due to unfortunate family events, left the state. It is a youth model, great shape, wood furniture, about as useful to me as a slingshot. I'd put it in the classifieds if I could ensure it would go to a youth shooter. Maybe I'll use it as a prize at a shoot, if we get some young shooters (8-14?) up sometime.
  21. Mark@Sea


    Well, hey, if there are no cougar in Tennessee, they can't fine Sue for shooting that really overgrown housecat, then, can they? By the way, I checked out that link. Big snake, but sorry if this offends you - it'd be best suited as a source for hatbands or some such.
  22. :tinfoil: My wife carries both a 38 snubby and a 38 derringer on a daily basis.
  23. His policy for 'clean' energy isn't to ban it - but make gasoline and coal too expensive to use (He stated that coal power plants will be bankrupted, and he approved of the recent high hike of gasoline). Energy costs of all sorts will go through the roof. His policy for guns isn't to ban them (except for those evil semiautos), but he'll be after federal regs that make it impossible to have a gunshop anywhere - and look for stupid high taxes on ammo, attacks on the right to carry, new age restrictions, you name it. His tax plan is to dump the Bush tax cuts. His previous record shows he approves of tax HIKES on those making as much as 42,500 a year. After you figure the impact of his energy plans, his 'share the wealth' ideas are going to flat stomp our economy into the ground. One of the first photos I saw after he announced his candidacy, he was walking to a plane with a book in his hand. The title on the dust jacket was "The post American World" - a world in which American power is in decline, and Americas' political stances are irrelevant. I believe he will do all he can to bring about the destruction of our country as a political power. As for our rights, including the second amendment, he is on record saying the constitution is a 'flawed document', and his many attacks through political and financial means on the second are a matter of record. I am not one to criticize lightly - but anyone voting for Obama is simply a fool or a traitor. As for the polls - well, remember last election that CNN called a couple states for Kerry just a little too eagerly - and boy they looked depressed when it turned out they were wrong. Most of the polls are at this point little more than a propaganda exercise designed to discourage conservate voters.
  24. Hey Boom, have I got a deal for you... Your 7 year old likes camping? Next time I am home, (March, maybe?) bring him up to the house and we'll set him up with a Coleman lantern and stove - good ones. You still after a .22 for him? How about a .410? If you don't have the scratch for the mossberg combo, I have a single shot .410 I'll give him, if he can recite the boy scout oath, the 4 rules, and the second amendment But you gotta cover the sales tax - say a large chocolate shake? Cheesy, maybe, but I was a scout myself.
  25. On another thread, someone asked what their AR would be worth if Marx - sorry, Obama - gets elected. The answer? His freedom.


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