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Everything posted by Mark@Sea

  1. I am a fan of the 1911 and the .45 ACP, but if the situation allows a long gun, by all means get one. Marshall and Sanow listed the .30 Carbine at 79% one shot stops with FMJ, 86% with softpoint. Great PDW, if it is convenient to carry - but it isn't a substitute for a rifle round. Excellent choice for smaller shooters, as an introduction to center-fire rifles, and the fun-factor is way up there... .308 rules the roost, when it comes to self-loading rifles. The 30-06 Garand is, ballistically speaking, identical. A very viable choice for those who cannot afford the more expensive, magazine-fed .308's available today. Good (if a tad dry) article!
  2. Mark@Sea

    carrying an FN 5 7

    "Penetrates Body Armor".... "Does not over-penetrate"... "Designed to tumble"... Does not compute. The 5.7 system was designed for non-combat troops as a personal defense round/weapon*. The weapons designed for it have really high capacity magazines for a reason. Kind of like getting pecked to death by the Bluebird of Happiness, it will put the target down, eventually, but unless a central nervous system hit is made, it will take a while. The armor piercing aspect is certainly true - for the military AP ammo, which is not (and will not be) commercially available in this country. Your selection for other ammo is pretty limited - either frangible of some type, which will have the penetration of a grape thrown at a brick wall - or solids, which will be about like punching a watermellon with an icepick. Hollowpoint, high-tech, gee-whiz rounds? Sorry, the basic physics aren't there. The only way you're gonna see significant numbers of one-shot stops with this round is if we are suddenly swarmed by lemmings. Or maybe gerbils (for the Air Force types ). *not in a "this will protect me by killing the enemy troops" kind of way, more like a "this will slow them down by forcing them to find cover, so I can jump in my truck and bug out" kind of way. Europeein military is funny like that. Cute round. Interesting platform. Just not something I'd choose to convince a thug that he should seek new directions in life.
  3. The argument about all the service and support industries failing won't fly. Toyota, Honda, VW - how many others? All have plants in this country, all use the same suppliers. All are non-union (which really hacks off the UAW, as they have tried and failed repeatedly to unionize those plants). All pay their workers quite well. US automakers were pushed to this by government meddling in the market (CAFE standards) and organized crime... err, organized labor. Look at Ford; Ford makes great trucks that are really popular, but in order to meet CAFE fleet regulations, they have to make a couple of small cars that are so unpopular they have to sell them at a loss to get people to buy them. The 'Big Three Bailout' is really the UAW bailout. The deal-breaker wasn't the companies - it was UAW, refusing any concessions until their contracts expire in a couple of years. UAW has been the boat anchor for Chrysler for several years now, forcing the company into failure. Daimler-Benz bought 'em up, but as soon as they discovered the unreal conditions under which they'd have to fellate the unions, they dumped them back on the market. Any 'bailout' money without addressing these problems is a waste of time. The companies will still be forced to compete with the UAW suffocating them, and the governments' unrealistic standards holding them down. Think of bankruptcy as the wooden stake needed to put the UAW vampire down.
  4. Mark@Sea

    rifle help

    I have an M48 Yugo mauser, a Savage-made Enfield, and an M44 M-N. My pick would be 'none of the above'. K-31. Gotta love the Swiss Miss!
  5. I don't use paypal*. Would be happy to help if there is another option. Visa, preferably, but even an amazon tip jar would work. *not now, not ever.
  6. Mark@Sea


    Swiped from "Of Arms and the Law" A therapist's suggestion for Christmas carols... Posted by David Hardy · 11 December 2008 09:40 AM 1. Schizophrenia --- Do You Hear What I Hear? 2. Multiple Personality Disorder --- We Three Kings Disoriented Are 3. Dementia --- I Think I'll be Home for Christmas 4. Narcissistic --- Hark the Herald Angels Sing About Me 5. Manic --- Deck the Halls and Walls and House and Lawn and Streets and Stores and Office and Town and Cars and Buses and Trucks and Trees and..... 6. Paranoid --- Santa Claus is Coming to Town to Get Me 7. Borderline Personality Disorder --- You Better Watch Out, I'm Gonna Cry, I'm Gonna Pout, Maybe I'll Tell You Why 8. Attention Deficit Disorder --- Silent night, Holy oooh look at the Froggy - can I have a chocolate, why is France so far away? 9. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder --- Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle,Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
  7. Well, I personally don't hunt, and don't "see a need" for anyone to own a hunting rifle. I don't do CAS, so I don't "see a need" for anyone to kit up like a wild-west cowboy. I don't shoot skeet, so.... An attack on one is an attack on all, or as Mr. Franklin so aptly put it "we will assuredly all hang seperately".
  8. Privacy Acreage Build date Available utilities Current taxes photos - exterior as well as interior, showing the area around the house. Took us 18 months to find our current home. Many listings that claimed to be 'private' were within a hundred feet of the road and/or a neighbor. This is the view from my living room. I never did get a realtor to understand what I was looking for; they kept showing me what they wanted to sell, not what I wanted to buy. I eventually found it myself.
  9. Currently running 60% in favor: http://js.polls.yahoo.com/quiz/quiziframe.php?poll_id=41341
  10. Well, if you ever decide to check, please start with Keith Olbermann.
  11. Sure is pretty! If you ever decide to swap it off... Yeah, right. Oddly enough, HRA's are considered the best 'finished' rifles, and IHC's to be on average the best shooters (due to the subcontractor IHC used for barrels).
  12. Astra, don't confuse the government with the country. Don't confuse the MSM's picture of things with what actually is. And don't take the trans-national, marxist left for a majority.
  13. CMP addict here, but didn't send in a Winchester order. Good excuse to order another few cans of greek, though....
  14. Yeah, but one I'd watch again and again
  15. Man, that thing is huge! You do much boondocking in it? (camping w/out hookups)
  16. Vintage campers, of course. After a few months on board I get an urge to shuck it all and take a road trip. I'd love to spend a month crossing the country on the old highways, with a vintage camper. Maybe run out old Rt. 66, then check out the Grand Canyon and swing back east on US 50 (the 'loneliest highway'). Anyone here have a vintage camper, or would enjoy doing something like this?
  17. TDR, sorry to hear you're on bumpy road right now. If you need somebody to gripe to, PM me. I doubt there is much I can do from here to help with anything, but a ready ear is usually welcomed.
  18. Minor peeve = Why is someone caught (and shot ) in the act referred to as a suspect? I wouldn't think there would be room for doubt in the matter.
  19. Will try to get a photo for you, PM me.
  20. According to his log, he knew she was there. At the very least, negligent homicide. I don't see how that conclusion could be reached. Illegal ROE (which every other sniper refused to follow). Whats' that bit about following illegal orders? Yes, and the responding officers would be in prison. Last I checked, murder committed by police officer, or federal marshall, is still murder. Either you don't know what happened, or you are not someone I'd care to have darken my door. Excellent summary of fact (Thanks, Al Norris commenting @ Ahabs' blog) The shotguns that Weaver modified for the ATF informant were technically termed a Short Barreled Shotgun. However, it was not that the barrels were less than 18 inches, it was that the overall length of the shotgun was less than 26 inches (18-§921(a)(6) USC). That is, the stock of the shotgun was modified (cut) to make the firearms in question, unlawful. In all, the Government claimed the barrels were shortened, the defense claimed that it was the stocks that were shortened but nevertheless, Weaver shortened nothing. The truth is that one stock was shortened on one shotgun and the barrel was shortened on the other. This discrepancy alone, was the probable cause for the Jury not believing the Government. At trial, the government could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Weaver made this alteration. Weaver’s contention was that the ATF informant made the alteration, because Weaver sold him a lawful firearm. The amount of time between the “badgering of the ATF and the sell of the firearms, the time lag of the ATF in attempting to get Weaver to be an inside informant for the ATF, and the time involved in getting a Grand Jury to indict Weaver on the firearm charge, all worked in his favor. In short, the Jury believed his conspiracy story. US Marshall Deegan was killed during an exchange of gunfire between Sammy, Harris and Deegan’s surveillance team. At trial, the Government could not prove who shot first, thus rendering a verdict of Not Guilty on that charge. The Jury determined that the fatal shot that killed Sammy was as he was running away. Sammy had disengaged. It could not be determined whether Harris or Sammy shot Deegan (the bullet was too badly fragmented for forensics), nor when the killing shot was made. The HRT Supervisor (Eugene Glenn) changed the ROE to shoot on sight, during a communication with the new FBI operations handler ( Larry Potts), while the handler was in flight to Idaho, in direct violation of the Agency’s long standing rules. Lon Horiuchi was the only FBI sniper to implement the rule change. The other precision shooters protested and would not fire, except as required by the “old†rules. At trial, using Horiuchi’s own notebook, it was proved that he knew Vicki Weaver was in the doorway, contrary to the Governments efforts to make the shooting seem accidental. The FBI new that Vicki Weaver was dead (or gravely injured), as evidenced by the type of taunts they used during the latter part of the siege. The Jury, after 3 weeks of deliberations, dismissed all charges except the original charge of failure to appear. See United States v. Weaver, No. 92-080-N-EJL (D. Idaho June 3, 1993). In 2001, after an en banc appeal (Idaho v. Horiuchi, 253 F.3d 359 (9th Cir. 2001)), Horiuchi could have been prosecuted for involuntary manslaughter by the State, but the (then) newly elected County Prosecutor (Brett Benson) declined to continue the case and dismissed the charges (Benson now works full time for the Idaho AG’s office - nice political move for him!). Stephen Yagman, the special prosecutor assigned to this case in 1997, vehemently disagreed with the decision. The Statute of limitations has now ran out and Horiuchi can not now be charged.
  21. SIG 220 .45 marked Browning / sig sauer system of any special interest?
  22. And only 200 more than I paid, just 6 months ago. Just looking at a few random auctions on GB, I conclude that there are some real scalpers out there.
  23. You have any pistols you look at and think "why the heck did I buy this?" I've got a couple in that category. Some my wife took a shine to and declared I couldn't get rid of 'em. Still, I have to wonder why I ended up with, for example, a S&W lemon squeezer, or a 4 barrel .22 short derringer.
  24. Congrats to your sister for making the responsible choice!


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