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Everything posted by Mark@Sea

  1. I like slugs, and keep a few in my buttcuff, but to be honest, I cannot imagine a home defense situation requiring that kind of penetration. At least, nothing that doesn't involve a large, angry ursus.
  2. Tender, frigate and a carrier for me, and the apartment was just north of Littlecreek and Shore Drive intersection.
  3. God Bless Texas!
  4. Now to really stir the pot.... Have you thought about a black powder revolver?
  5. Sue lost power for several days a few winters ago, and never missed a lick. Heat, light, coffee and cooking... Mancave? hehehehe.... Thanks, SunTzu.
  6. No problem, CAS. Remind me when you come up. Cost you about 10 bucks, and we will rebuild one together so that you know how to maintain it. The J is a 'modern' coleman. No particular value, but hey, a new lantern for 3 bucks? The glass alone is worth twice that. Older 'Silklite' branded mantles, and new off-brand mantles (most are made in the Philipines) are slightly radioactive, as they are soaked in a thorium salts solution. New production Coleman brand mantles are not. The F series are great lanterns! Only real difference between them and the older D's (last of the old-style) is that the fount (fuel tank) is steel instead of brass. D model and previous had either nickel plated or painted brass founts. IF it is in good shape, you add powdered carbide and water. The resulting gas is flammable - the lamp probably has a flint sparker to light it. If there is any rust, or gaskets are shot, I recommend you leave it on the shelf. If you want more detailed info, take a photo of it and PM me...
  7. Six for sure.
  8. I have parts and depot level manuals for the M-1950 squad stove (single burner), the single burner WWII squad stove, and the dual burner vehicle stove. If you can post a photo, I can tell you what you have. If it looks a bit like a green lunar lander, that's the M-1950. Great stove. 5500 BTU, and will burn a couple hours on about 5 ounces of gas. Years ago, the only reason to buy Coleman fuel was because of the lead. These days, no lead - but lots of other nasty chemicals added to gasoline. You can use it, and I'd recommend it for lanterns, but don't think I would cook with it if I had a choice. It will clog the generators slightly faster than white gas, but you'll get at least 200 hours on a lantern generator. At an average price of 6 bucks for generators, you'll pay for it with the first 2 gallons.
  9. The first handgun I offered my new shooter wife was a Colt 1903M (it was what I had handy at the time). She didn't like the way it felt. Tried an officers' model 45 - she couldn't work the slide. Then a S&W Target Masterpiece (K38?). It was too heavy. She tried a 38 snubby I retrieved from storage, and never looked back. Qualified for her HCP with it. She did, eventually, allow me to put lasergrips on it. Snubbies have been a top choice for a long, long time.
  10. If its' time to bury them, I'll already be famous.
  11. <looks at pay stub> Yeah, I can tell. But what the heck. If CDC can away with sponsoring a transvestite beauty contest in San Fransicko and tag it as public education on HIV, my idea ought to be worth a mint!
  12. Somehow, avoiding eye exposure to Streisand just doesn't strike me as a hardship. More like optic prophylaxis. But yeah, such monumental self conceit deserves special recognition... Unfortunately a felony in 43 states.
  13. Colemans are easily dated. For a lantern, look on the bottom of the fount. You'll find 2 numbers stamped into it. Month and year. Decade is determined by the model number. Stoves (except for the 'pocket' single burners) are dated on the fuel tank. I only have a handfull of post-1970 lanterns. Most are pre-1950. Quality materials, construction and design. Odds are very good you'll need a new fuel-cap gasket. If the pump cup is rubber/plastic, it may need replacement. If leather, use neatsfoot oil. I have all the stuff you'd need.
  14. Mike, sounds like a plan. If you can pick up more MRE's let me know - I'm up for 4 cases...
  15. As some of you know, I have a passing interest in older Coleman (and other brand) gas / kerosene / alcohol appliances. I have a small collection (300+) of lanterns, lamps, stoves and heaters. I also have a fair amount of NOS parts, manuals, and so forth. Just throwing this out in case anyone is interested in getting one, or restoring/repairing their own.
  16. Clinton banned Norinco small-arms imports while selling missile tech in exchange for campaign donations. Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat. Not a real surprise, though, as he also ordered the destruction of surplus 1911's and m14's, along with thousands of Garands, to prevent them falling into the hands of Americans. Chinese shotguns are still coming in, notably the 1887, 1893 and 1897 winchester clones, the Remington 870 clones (steel receiver and aluminum? trigger group vice Remingtons' aluminum receiver and plastic trigger group) and a coachgun. With the exception of the 870, these guns are not manufactured in the US. Due to the design and the legal climate, these guns won't be made in the US at any time in the forseeable future (no disconnector on the shotguns, no ridiculous safety on the coachgun). Without speaking to the political issues, the guns range from mediocre to good. Think of them as kits; with some skilled home gunsmithing and possibly decent springs they can be very useable. The Winchester clones are actually stronger than available originals. Originally, quality was terrible, but after hiring an American gunsmith who specialized in repair of the originals for cowboy action shooting, and using american walnut stock blanks (made in Missouri, I think), they became useable "out of the box". Chinese 1911's and M14 clones won't be available in this country again in my lifetime, given current political trends by both parties.
  17. STOP HANDGUN VIOLENCE Carry a rifle
  18. Mugster, if you fish with your bow, what do you do with a rod and reel? Buddy of mine has a crossbow with an unholy draw weight. He doesn't use it because the wooden bolts disintegrate when they hit anything dense enough to stop them, and the metal bolts go so deep into anything dense enough (a tree, for example) that they are non-recoverable.
  19. Now, if I put a pistol in a freezer bag and duct tape it to the shower wall, you can call me a wierdo...
  20. Friend, advice is what you pay for it. That said, I'd advise you don't think about upgrading anything until you've got 500 rounds downrange, at least. The two biggest causes of 1911 malfs are 1) bad magazines and 2) poorly thought out changes to the original design. Don't go polishing feedramps, etc. Sorry I'm not home, could let you try a half-dozen 1911's. OTOH, you couldn't give me a glock if it came in Ms. Hawaii's garter.
  21. thejlb - what'm I gonna call you for short? Anyway - the springfield 1911 GI sold for $379 when it came out. Worth every penny. They're 500 now? Well, okay. Fair price, I suppose. If you really like a 92, you may not care for the 1911. The feel is different. The trigger is a LOT different. Personally, I am a 1911 fan, but different strokes, etc. Suggest you rent one at a range before making the decision.
  22. Hyper inflation is my biggest concern, followed by financial collapse. I'm concentrating on silver and ammo for barter purposes. Tucking away a case or three of spirits would be a great idea too... Maybe a spare shotgun or two for loaners. Gold is for the mistress, silver for the maid Copper for the craftsman, cunning at his trade Good, said the Baron, sitting in his hall But Iron, cold iron, is master of them all.
  23. Sounds like a lot of fun, guys, sorry I missed it. I hope they're still having gun shows when I get home. I'm one of those oddballs that prefer the older, used stuff to the new most of the time, and gunshows are really the best place for that sort of thing...
  24. The AR7 in all of its' several reincarnations is problematic. If Henry can get it running, that's great! Get a couple spare mags from them at the same time, if you can. Neat little rifle, very James Bond-y (in fact, I think he used one in one movie to shoot down a helicopter).
  25. Hustle, remind me to give you a broad berth on days that end in 'Y'....


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