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Everything posted by Mark@Sea

  1. 200 RD BATTLE PACK FNM .308 AMMO .......#FNM308-200............$119.95 1000 RD WOODEN CRATE FNM .308 AMMO ........#FNM308-1000..........$549.95 www.classicarms.us
  2. Great! I can haz .45?
  3. Purse gun - has to function after long periods of being tumbled in purse lint. Has to be easily, intuitively operated by a non-gunny within split seconds of being grabbed for the first time in 3 months or more, and safely carried with/ easily extracted from with the typically 147 various objects found in the average purse. As much as I admire the 1911, and the M1903, I respectfully submit that they don't fill the bill nearly as well as a S&W Chiefs' Special. That would be the Webley-Fosbery Self-Cocking Automatic Revolver. Do I get a cookie?
  4. Sorry about that: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2009/01/27/james-hansens-former-nasa-supervisor-declares-himself-a-skeptic-%20says-hansen-embarrassed-nasa-was-never-muzzled/
  5. Statement from NASA's head of climate research: (James Hansen, by the way, is the leading scientist promoting global warming. His boss says he faked the data.)
  6. Well now, is a 168gr BTHP considered defamation?
  7. Average day at the teams might include morning PT (it'd hospitalize my sorry butt), running the course, a 5 mile swim, and finally a 21 mile run (not run-walk, not jog. Run, and devil take the hindmost). Then after lunch, training. This was considered no big deal. A lot of SEALS are medically retired well before their 20 is in. I can't imagine why.
  8. I'd look for a cross pin, or a catch - something that would keep it from falling out....
  9. SEALS are intelligent, usually quiet, generally low key/polite in public, and are constitutionally unable to quit or resist a challenge - to the point where they'll kill themselves trying. All macho BS aside, if that ain't you, then don't go there... seriously. Had a buddy spent 5 years with Team Two, so I'm not just spouting BS.
  10. There has to be. Someone put it together to start with. Unfortunately, can't tell you how to do it, though.
  11. Weak hammer spring, burred or worn firing pin, or dirty bolt.
  12. Quality of life. As someone recently said, Air Force consider themselves forward deployed if it takes Dominos more than 30 minutes to deliver their pizza....
  13. Next time it happens, eject the round and see if it has a firing pin strike. It might be the ammo.
  14. So, we know now why a democratic Congress has no problem passing tax increases - not like they'll be paying them. Or, apparently, paying any penalties for their crimes. Time to break out the tea bags and Tonto suits.
  15. Newsflash: Human Rights Watch suddenly okay with 'extraordinary rendition'. It was acceptable when Clinton was president, its' acceptable now that the O is president, but under Bush it was a terrible evil, requiring immediate release of the detainees, reparations, and apologies. Lying Hypocrites - there oughta be a bounty. SteelHarp, how about a quote from your buddy on this? http://dissentingjustice.blogspot.com/2009/02/major-flip-flop-by-human-rights-watch.html
  16. Mike, They're getting stronger! Aaaaaah!
  17. No kids, no neighbors. As for panic, I came home from sea once unexpectedly... caught a ride home and tiptoed to our bedroom door at about 2 a.m. - to be greeted by a very calmly delivered "turn on the light or I'll shoot you". Note to self: Surprising spouse isn't as much fun as I thought it would be. If I'm too nervous to hold on to the shotgun, I'm certainly too nervous to rack it.
  18. Moped, bring your kids up to my place for the next shoot. No fees, no socials, and as long as they are responsible shooters, they're welcome to shoot anything they can pick up or drive onto the range.
  19. How about Dear Customer Due to unavoidable technical difficulties, your Declaration of War against the United States of America, postmarked 1978, was just received. Our shipping department will be delivering the product you requested in short order. As requested, we are closing your account. Sincerely USAF Strategic Air Command
  20. The price tag for that (estimated) 7.5 billion in construction is well over 800 billion dollars. Most of it going straight into cherished socialist goals. ACORN gets 5.3 billion out of it. This 'stimulus' package stimulates and grows the government. Any reflection of that in the civilian job market will be minimal, and at best, short-lived. Government creates jobs in 2 sectors of the economy; defense and 'civil service'. Neither adds to GDP, both are long term drags on the economy. Economists figure that FDR's policies extended the great depression by at least 7 years. Obama is making all the same mistakes FDR did, and is coming up with new ones. In place of Social Security, he wants drastically expanded gov't health care. Talk about a deal with the devil... Where's Dan'l Webster when we need him? http://readthestimulus.org/
  21. JM, I am not a lawyer - but heck yes, carry! Last I checked, being 19 was no defense against muggers, home invasions, carjackings, or politicians. 'Course, you can only shoot 3 out of 4...
  22. "Would you like to play a game?"
  23. Great. With an attitude like that, you'll never be able to justify that surplus armored vehicle. http://www.coldwarremarketing.com/
  24. Who's laughing? You seen how much Acorn is getting in the 'loot the US' bill?
  25. I've found that with familiarity and the right tools, they load pretty quickly. The perception that these are toys - well, they worked very well for the likes of Bill Hickok.


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