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Everything posted by Mark@Sea

  1. I'm not fond of hanging a lot of tacticool gadgetry on 'em anyway. It cost me less than a used tactical 870, even with shipping and transfer. I would like to maybe put a 2 shot extension on it. Wonder if an 870 extension could be modified to fit? A new recoil spring, friction bushing, and replacing the recoil buffer will run me about 30 bucks. A stock cuff to hold extra on-board ammo, and it'll be good to go.
  2. Recoil should not be that harsh. Sounds as if the bronze recoil bushing is worn out, or was put in backwards. Under the forearm you should find a steel bushing, a bronze bushing, and a recoil spring. The steel bushing has a flat side and a beveled side, as does the bronze bushing. Their orientation and location are important. For light loads, the steel bushing is against the receiver, then the spring, then the bronze bushing. For heavy loads, it is spring/steel/bronze. For heavy loads, the outside bevel on the bronze (friction) ring faces the receiver. For light loads, it faces the muzzle. The FLAT on the steel ring always faces the spring. Both the recoil spring and the bronze bushing are subject to wearing out. Parts are readily available. The forearm will crack, if the magazine cap is not tight enough. That is another classic/common problem with these recoil operated shotguns. A friction ring setting diagram can be found at this link: http://www.wisnersinc.com/additional_info/remington_11.htm
  3. I just picked up a Remington Model 11-A (their licensed copy of Brownings' A5) off gunbroker. This particular gun was neglected, then re-finished (poorly). It has no collector value. I'm considering cutting the barrel to 20 inches and using it as a home defense piece. Any thoughts on this? And does anyone want an old polychoke? Its' a 4+1, recoil operated automatic 12 Ga. Unable to post pictures, here's a link to the auction... http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.asp?Item=124255476
  4. Duplicate post... Ah well. Here's the link for info on the E. TN shoot. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17291
  5. Hello Caleb. Welcome to the board. 18th of next month, (Saturday) in Kingsport, several TGO-ers are getting together for a shoot. Hope you can make it.
  6. You don't need to change the firing pin. Just 5 minutes polishing it with emory cloth. Why are we still calling them liberals instead of fascisti?
  7. Looks like an out-of-battery to me, too. Just about any case will fail if it isn't completely in the chamber when it is fired. That is the issue with Glock Kabooms - the case is not completely surrounded (supported) when in battery. I'd guess dirty pistol or slightly long case was the culprit.
  8. Well, the problem (for some) is that we persist in spending the money we make on things we think are important. They have a cure for this - tax us to the point where we have little or no discretionary income. Then the 'wiser heads' in DC and socialist think tanks can spend our taxes on what they know we need... How will they accomplish the massive tax increase? Simple! Declare (create) a crisis, and spend, spend, spend. Naturally we all have to "share the load". Easy as (stealing) pie. Tar. Feathers. Politicians. Some assembly required.
  9. Thats' handy to know. I want to replace a couple doors at home.
  10. Oh, zealots can be broken, too....
  11. a-HA! http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.asp?Item=124037000
  12. Great - but if Geek brings any grilled cheese sandwiches, you might want to pass... 3D wallpaper - hahaha - yeah, feels that way sometime. Geek, bring your daughter - if it gets too cold, I think we still have a kids' tent we can set up in the living room. She still gets to 'camp out'. Heck, I'll build a fire in the fireplace so she has a campfire.
  13. Charcoal grill, Coleman gas stoves. Also have kerosene and alcohol stoves. And lanterns. Got lots of lanterns. One of my oddball hobbies is collecting/restoring old camping appliances.
  14. Sorry to hear she can't make it. You coming?
  15. Geez. SunTzu, when you come to the shoot, we need to chat. Bringing your GF?
  16. Nailgun
  17. I've used their mini-shot shells (for Sue) - good stuff. Used .30 carbine - good stuff. Have some of the .22, haven't tried it yet, have heard good stuff about it, though....
  18. Sue has sloppy joes and chips lined up. Drinks and other fixin's are up to you guys.
  19. Hmm, what government program is well known for abuse, costs taxpayers millions, and would benefit from publishing such a list? welfare recipients, anyone? Yeah. Not a chance in hades.
  20. If you had a heart condition, how far away would you leave your nitroglycerin pills? If you were badly asthmatic, where would you leave your inhaler? My house isn't particularly child-proofed, other than the standard warning - "touch that and you won't sit for a week." Sure gets looks when I tell adult visitors that - especially the ladies. Hmmm.....
  21. Magic, you need to bring about 10 packs of hotdogs, about 5 gallons of potato salad, a dozen bags of chips, and some soda.... As far as I know, Sue isn't planning on cooking, so just pack yourself a picnic lunch. I have a grill, and several coleman stoves, so hot-dogs, hamburgers, chips, that sort of thing. If you plan on camping pack yourself a cooler... but if you find you need something last-minute, we are 10 minutes or so from the grocery store, wally world, etc. Good question, though - I guess I'd better e-mail Sue and see what her intentions are.
  22. Going to try to get another '97 Winchester. I like the exposed hammer. Not that it is an urgent need, I've got a 1300 riot, an IAC '97, Sue's coach-gun, a Howa police riot gun (a very nice old 870 clone) and an IAC 982 - a new chinee 870 clone came in today at TCGD. If I'm lucky, there will be a gunshow or two while I am home, to boot. Really, just about any pump gun is okay for HD. I think having a few at various locations around the house is the most important thing. It can be tactical as all get out - but if it is 60 feet away when you need it, it doesn't really matter, does it? A 40 year old beat up express in the hand beats the shiny new 590 in the safe, so to speak. If somebody is staring at the business end, I sort of doubt they'll notice the little pointers that I'm tactically fashionable, or not.
  23. Lets' see if I have this straight. The paper can abuse their first amendment right by publishing HCP holder information wholesale, violating the privacy expectations of hundreds of thousands, yet to prevent them from doing so is wrong. HCP holders are overwhelmingly more law abiding than even our police and legislature, yet to prevent them from carrying as often as possible, in as many places as possible, is the right thing to do. You know, the first amendment doesn't say a darn thing about "the publics' right to know", but the second amendment specifically says the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. I think someone has a serious case of recto-cranial inversion.
  24. Mark@Sea


    It's Commander in chief, which refers to his position as head of the military. And while I don't consider myself an extremist, I cannot support the Presidents' attempt to transform our country into socialism. A little matter of an oath I swore to support and defend the Constitution, you see... but if you would care to present polite debate on the subject, I think I can accomodate you. We are all entitled to hold an opinion, after all.
  25. Looking good here for an on-time return. If the weather cooperates, the deck will be finished in a couple weeks, so we should have a kickin' cookout. Geek, hope you can make it! Campfire is fine, picnic table available, if it turns sour I'm sure we can find a spot for your daughter in the house - she isn't alergic to dogs or cats, is she? Magic, can't think of anything else... Be ready to do some shootin. Sue insists I open the ball with her cannon.


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