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Everything posted by Mark@Sea

  1. I've heard that water bottled in clear plastic can be 'renewed' by 6 or 8 hours in sunlight. As for the rest of it, how about making a little inventory, highlight and date perishables, put it in a luggage tag and attach it to the bag...
  2. It's true you could probably get by in most situations with a pocket knife, a zippo and shoelaces... but not nearly as much fun as finding cool gadgets - such as the Acme inflatable anvil I'm considering for my trailside knifemaking needs.
  3. Instapundit is running a poll on his page right now... Palin has 3 times the votes of any other candidate. Think she'd make Pelosi cry? What about Mathews and Olberman? I don't generally wish ill on others, but it'd warm my heart to see Olberman stroke out on camera.
  4. I think he just tripped over his tongue
  5. Since we're talking about water, you might be interested in the steripen. Amazon has 'em on sale for $69 right now - about 30 bucks off. I ordered an MSR miniworks yesterday, place called sunnysports (dot com), I think it was $75 shipped, a pretty good price. SweetSue suggests Oragel or equivalent, tweezers and something for poison oak/ivy. Also, how about a magnifying glass? You can get a credit-card sized fresnel lense that would do the trick. Handy for finding splinters, and hey, if you get bored you could always start a fire with it... Deck of cards with survival tips printed on the faces
  6. Can't slip anything past SunTzu.... Nah, I've got more trees down than I'll be able to use before they rot, so if anyone wants to cut some up, they're welcome to them. Thinking about putting in a woodburning heater. It might take the edge off the power bill this winter. Gonna be a chilly one, I think....
  7. I can confirm that quick clot burns like a sonofagun. (Got a little careless shipboard).
  8. Mark@Sea


    Anybody around Kingsport need any?
  9. Aside from sending dozens of lawyers to Alaska to dig up dirt, carefully editing interviews and quoting out of context to make her look as bad as possible, making the most of every mis-statement while covering for both Biden and Obama, and just generally orchestrating an attack worthy of Omaha Beach, not much...
  10. Napoleon once said "never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake". Hard to believe the democrats put so much time, money, energy, credibility and fury into attempting the destruction of a "****ing clown." Hard to believe that (some) conservatives would go along with it. I'd love to see Ms. Rice on the ticket. I'd love to see Ms. Palin on the ticket. Mr. Romney does not excite me at all. I can give you two excellent reasons he shouldn't be considered. MassCare and the Massachusetts "Assault Weapons Ban", both of which he signed into law. Hey, call me a clown too, but I'd rather have a real conservative than a RINO. Given the surge brought to McCains' campaign by the announcement of Palin as his running mate, I am pretty sure there are a lot of folks that agree.
  11. I'll ask the question again. If Obama set out to deliberately undermine the dollar, wreck our diplomacy, alienate our allies, destroy the economy, sabotage our national political process and abdicate our national status as a superpower, what would he be doing differently?
  12. The administration has no qualms about asking NEA artists to help 'nudge' the public towards accepting their viewpoints, but stomps literature/information opposing their goals. We've got a senior cabinet post occupied by someone who has stated that the public are "unruly teenagers" and require the firm guidance of the administration to make them behave. The president casually remarks that he doesn't want to hear viewpoints from the other side of the political spectrum. This administration has a real problem with dissent. Say what you will about the Bush administration, but I never saw anything like this.
  13. Oh. Okay, long's you have a plan.
  14. Linoge, shame on you! Always have a way to make fire and a cutting tool handy. Boy Scout law, I think... You don't have to be a smoker to need a lighter. Besides, what're you gonna do when Angelina Jolie comes up to you and wants to bum a light?
  15. Ha, I wish.
  16. Have had a Husqvarna for 5 years now, starts first or second pull, runs great. I bought a second one, haven't taken it out of the box. A spare saw is nice to have around, esp. at my place. Other brands - Poulancuss, Stihl cussin, and homelite, I haven't had so much luck with. You want some firewood? Come and cut all you want.
  17. Sounds like a fun vacation, Mike, but I'm shocked you weren't attacked by chipmunks...
  18. Hey, Matchguy, beautiful pistol. Sounds like a good plan for the safety, too.
  19. Neat little stove, but I wouldn't use it inside - no way to get rid of the smoke. I've looked at smaller woodstoves, not for cooking, but as a heat source for the garage. Quite a few places carry them, and another good source would be craigslist or your local classifieds.
  20. Put up a privacy fence, and paint 'his' side as garishly and obnoxious as possible... Say 4 or 5 different, very very loud colors...
  21. +1. And it was a thing of beauty to see you "rolling in hot" on those two.
  22. Actually Strick, there is a system in place now, at the federal level, quite effective for confirming citizenship. All they have to do is allow anyone to use it. Been to Mexico, know what you mean - but lack of controlled immigration effectively equals no borders at all. Believe me - if the political will to control the border existed, it could be accomplished.
  23. Illegal immigrants are almost entirely manual laborers. For their income level, filing taxes would be a net gain for them. I wouldn't round them up. I'd make the environment hostile to them. Shut down companies that hire them, use eminent domain to take housing that is knowingly rented to them, shut down the government gravy train they get to ride fare-free (see california), and deduct the costs - including the costs of their 'free' healthcare - from aid to Mexico, or added tariffs to mexican imports. For that matter, require proof of citizenship or legal alien status to wire money to mexico. That'd give the mexican government some incentive to stop pointing them at the border with a map and a jug of water. Kind of like "If you build it, they will come" in reverse. They'll leave of their own accord.
  24. One of these things is not like the other. Can you spot the difference? Ralph, a little exercise for you. Go look at this. Come back and answer the question. Actually, nevermind. You're going back on my ignore list permanently. For obvious reasons, it isn't possible to attack your integrity. If you don't care for it, you might try refraining from saying something and then denying it a dozen posts later. And as you apparently missed the memo, "I know you are but what am I" went out of style for most of us at about third grade. And getting back to topic, I could easily quote 3 or 4 posts you've made wherein you say that as we have no other reason to dislike Obamas' policies, it must be because we're racist. That seems to be your refuge of choice in every thread where you've had to face opposing viewpoints.


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