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Everything posted by Mark@Sea
"The stupid is strong with this one..." (D. Vader)
Mark@Sea replied to Mark@Sea's topic in General Chat
Yeah. And I guess this one never saw "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" -
So Tuesday night, as I was returning to the ship, I was stopped for a 'random' vehicle search. In the back of the vehicle was the machete I use for clearing trees from the driveway on occasion. The base police arrested me for "concealed carry of a deadly weapon" in violation of state law. Problem is, it isn't against the law, as it wasn't concealed and I wasn't carrying it... So the locals told them they weren't interested (I can just imagine their reaction). so after an hour and a half, they had me sign a form acknowledging that I accepted custody of "the prisoner" (myself), and turned me loose. They kept the machete, and told me I could pick it up in two or three days. Today I go over to pick it up, and two (rent-a-cop) "detectives" sit me down in the interrogation room to counsel me on the error of my ways, and ensure I understood that keeping a machete in the back of your vehicle is verboten. I asked, since it wasn't actually, you know, against the law, why not? I was told it was a weapon. Okay, says I, can I carry an axe? "Absolutely not!". I supposed a hatchet was right out, then, but then asked, half in jest, "How about a chainsaw?". The rent-a-detective got a puzzled look on his face for a moment, and then informed me that a chainsaw is fine. A bit confused about this, I asked why a chainsaw is okay, and an axe is not. He stated (with a straight face) that a chainsaw is a tool normally used to cut wood. I looked him right in the eye and asked what he usually used an axe for. Blah blah for another 15 minutes or so, to make sure I grasped the seriousness of my transgression. He then returned the evil machete of doom to me, and informed me (again with a straight face) that I would either have to take it off base, or take it aboard my ship, but leaving it in the truck would see me arrested again, and turned over to the local gendarmes for the non-crime. As they'd already told him to pack sand the first time, this was understood by both of us to be just an offer of harmless entertainment for a couple of hours. At that point I was given a police escort to the pier, where they ensured that I carried it aboard. (The officer that did so apologized for the hassle, thanked me, and drove off.) My skipper happened to be at the gangway when I came aboard, and I asked if he had a problem with my machete - "No, why do you ask?" I think he's still laughing. I'll have a chainsaw in the truck by Saturday. I related this to a board member, who insisted I post it. Possibly to compensate him for his laughter-induced aneurism.
Rats. There goes my chance of picking one up cheep. Thanks for taking care of Blackjack!
Summary: 1) Congress and POTUS are willing to pass unpopular measures; Stimulus, health care, cap and trade (last two are still in debate) 2) Omnibus bills can have anything in them. Even after recent events, the financial regulations bill that was just signed includes a billion dollar grant to "community organizers" (ACORN, ya think maybe?) 3) We can't put anything in the realm of "they wouldn't dare". Possession of certain species of wood (without the proper permit) - in the form of lumber, or your grandma's table - is now a felony. Sale of anything that could be construed to be for a child, even the old dirt bike you have at your garage sale, now has to be approved by the federal gov't/pass an expensive certification. Certainly not worth it for one item, or a small business. A proposed "minor" change to wetlands rules is about to bring any standing body of water - including the puddle in your driveway or the pool in your back yard, under the same regulations governing navigable waterways. Carbon dioxide, the harmless byproduct of life itself, is now a "hazard" to be regulated by the EPA. There are hundreds - more likely thousands - of examples. Every one of them comes down to "follow the money", if you dig deep enough. Is it any wonder that more than half of Congress are millionaires, or that they spend tens of millions (in Obama's case more than 600 mil) to get or keep office? I do agree with the idea that stricter weapon regulation will come about not as a stand-alone bill, but as either a rider to some other regulation or as a harmless sounding rule published in the federal register by some oddball agency or another. Very likely as a health issue, or environmental issue, or some other backdoor. I see no relief other than getting rid of incumbents and replacing them with people who think the constitution is more than a quaint old piece of parchment. Barring that, some comprehensive law that is consistently enforced regarding "campaign donations", sweetheart jobs, and the other methods the politicians use to squeeze money from the system. Better yet, both. short answer? Keep your powder dry.
Well, one more thing about the army system, you can tailor it to the temperature. I think the temperature range starts at 50 with the inner bag alone, and all together is rated to -40. I'd go with a pad too though. In fact, I did.
Appytrails dot com. They're made in Bristol.
The M37 I bought is rated at 3/4 ton - but I'm told it will haul a lot more than that. Many people have swapped a small diesel for the flat 6 it comes with. If I were more of a mechanic I would probably go that route - est. 25MPG and 70+ MPH road speed, and still an extremely capable off-road vehicle. Now, if you want to get really interesting, look up an M43 - the same vehicle with an ambulance body. The version with a PTO winch looks pretty sweet, and could be converted easily to a camper.
They're all over e-bay, and cheaper than dirt has 'em, too. With the 2 inner bags, stuff sack and the goretex bivy, expect to pay about 125 and shipping. Great bags; I got one from CTD, and aside from a couple minor stains on the bottom of the bivvy, it looked near new.
Thanks for the video, SunTzu!
I looked, hard, at unimogs years ago... Looks like Santa is bringing me this, instead. Only problem though, is where do I bug out TO?
Waiting for a contractor to show up (currently lost, I believe). Checking the innernet tubes for a transport company - amazing how fast the quote goes up if you ask for guaranteed pickup/dropoff within a 3 day window....
Did you have any leather goods in the can?
It is probably the same. The stove on the left was military issue for many years.
One day, I need to tell you the parable of the pig and the bicycle - or, how a Colt Python gifted to a relative under nearly identical circumstances wound up in a pawnshop when said relative needed $ to fix his motorcycle....
Mayhap we should ban the EPA. Nationwide exposure to their idiocy can't be good for us...
Chumney, how 'bout coming up to Kingsport weekend after next? Take one of my Garands and one of my M1A's down to my range and shoot 'em. That might help your decision process.
Gee, I hope a bunch of vets with nothing better to do this weekend don't decide to drive up to Richmond for the flag ceremony.
Links below. Summary: Virginia home owners association tells a 90 year old WWII Medal of Honor winner (citation available at first link) he can't have a flagpole in his yard. Note - this isn't a rule of the HOA, they just don't like "the way it looks". This guy took on three Tiger tanks with a bazooka. I wonder what would be appropriate for an HOA? A High Water Mark in the Annals of Clueless Homeowner’s Associations Whatever Henrico Medal of Honor winner, 90, ordered to remove flagpole | Richmond Times-Dispatch
No. To light the svea, open the valve and hold the stove in your hands for a couple of minutes. Your body heat is enough to cause the fuel to expand and trickle out of the burner nozzle and fill a depression. (Alternately, you can use a detachable pump, an eyedropper of fuel, etc.). Close the valve and light the fuel to preheat - this will give you a yellow flame for a minute or two. As the "preheat flame" starts to die, crack the valve again. The now-pressurised fuel will start a healthy flame at the burner, starting yellow and quickly settling down to a blue flame. Adjust the valve for how much heat you want. This sounds complicated and time consuming, but it is actually as easy or easier than lighting an alcohol stove, and takes less time. The other two stoves have built-in pumps, of course, and lighting is even easier. I'm more than happy to demonstrate lighting, maintenance and repair of gas appliances (Lamps, lanterns, stoves and heaters) for anyone who drops by the house.
Meanwhile, back at the lab, the mad scientist has come up with a cunning alternate plan.... A Seecamp .32 with my name on it should be arriving soon...
The 502 is a brick. It uses the band-a-blu burner that Coleman came out with in the 40's for suitcase stoves. I wouldn't consider it a 'hiking' stove, but it would be an excellent vehicle emergency stove. My wife uses a pair of these at home for power outages - they are more user friendly than the larger 425's. The M1950 is lighter, but still too heavy for the weight-conscious. The Svea is in use by many hikers, including some folk on the AT. Upsides to gas over propane? You know how much fuel you have left. Extra fuel can be carried/added by the ounce, rather than the cannister. Fuel is available at every gas station - or if desperate, every parking lot. Gas produces more BTU's. Disadvantages? Not much in the way of "new toy" bragging rights when your stoves' design (and very possibly your stove) is seventy years old. Also, no real excuse to buy the latest, greatest version that comes out. There are no practical improvements to be made in either the design or execution of a 123.
That's a problem with libtards; They're 'reasonably certain' their opinions are widely held, and correct. RR's are great - still have one tucked in the closet.
They're definitely addictive...
Johnson City, huh? Might be instructive to swing by Kingsport in a couple weeks....