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Everything posted by Hozzie

  1. There are a lot of other state's permits (even out of state) that are good in our state, but not if you are a TN resident.  If you are a TN resident, you must get a TN HCP within 6 months of becoming a resident.  Not sure all of the other surrounding states you are referring to, but your TN HCP is most likely good in those States as well.  FL has a similar out of state permit to AZ.
  2.   I don't disagree with anything you said.  Part of the problem is people don't take the time to evaluate the situation.  I would argue that there are greater threats easily visible on most days outside of Leonard even when he is commando'd up like an idiot.  People just miss the less obvious threats for the "perceived" threats.
  3. While I don't condone what he did, I also don't see anything in the video that makes me want to crucify him.  Would I do it, no.  He isn't out there in a ready position walking around like the Texas idiots and is at least polite to the people he talks to.  The handwritten note is the worst part for me.
  4. We do something like this on the Harley forum, but we do it each week.  Why each week?  Because the goal is to give people reasons to go out and shoot more often if they can.  I know for me, I kind of get bored if I have to wait a month for something new.  Maybe a week is too short, but a month seems like a long time for me.  I would participate either way probably, but we need something to keep it new and fresh with a reason for people to continue participating.   The other thing I like about ours is the person that creates the challenge also picks some item that must be included in the photo.  In ours we do something like sunglasses on the seat or whatever just to sort of validate that the pictures are current.  I guess it depends what goal you want to achieve.  Honestly, I don't know how it would work for firearms, but maybe something to consider.   I would make it one thread.  Keeping track of multiple threads would be very difficult in my opinion.  It's hard enough to keep up with one.    I think the previous winner picking the new winner is a good idea.  I think voting can turn into who likes who the most.  This is a pretty straightforward bunch so that probably wouldn't be too much of an issue.
  5. Straight vs. Angled for me is really about where you will use it.  For me, if I am at a bench, the straight works best.  On the ground, the angle works best.  As long as the eye cup screws in and out so you can get a good view, that is the most important thing for me.
  6. I have to admit it looks like I was completely wrong.  I would have bet $1000 it was a vengeful ex, but if any of what we have seen more recently is true, he needs to be place in the public square and let those that be take care of it.   Until he has his day in court I will reserve complete judgement, but it isn't looking good for ole' Will.
  7. Not sure what you consider a fortune, but I have this Redfield and for the money, it is pretty nice.  Not a Swarovski, but I can see 22cal holes at 200 yards.   It comes with a decent little carrying case and cheap tripod, but it seems to work.  I like the fact that it all fits nicely in one case and it's easy to take along to the range.   http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=&sku=982178&gclid=CjwKEAjwyYCgBRCMmbWl5beV_RQSJABESqHAs3NXkUgUVBws_e1m7KC-Kzo3G8DxDO4JaOq0LHLofhoCOY7w_wcB&Q=&is=REG&A=details
  8. Nice pair.  I really like my 5" GP100.
  9. I am in for whatever prizes/cost you decide.  I am already a lifetime member, so when I win, I may donate it to someone  :taunt:
  10. I understand the whole scenario and am not saying to not do it. I am saying it isn't worth the potential hassle for a gun if Joe Schmo law enforcement person wants to jack with you wether they should be able to or not. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I would argue that it is illegal to transfer (whether purchase or gift) a firearm from a known felon as a buyer. I suppose there may be some leeway, but then buying as a third party from that person could be iffy. If I knew the person and really knew the guns were legal beforehand, I wouldn't worry about it too much. We did everything before he was even arrested as far as I know. :-) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I would say as long as he "sold" them to his dad BEFORE he was a felon the. You may be ok. If he did it after conviction, then the transaction to his dad was illegal, therefore the gun you buy is illegal. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13.   None of my dogs have ever been tattooed and they have all been chipped.  I have never heard that actually, but something else good to know to look for.
  14. Check out a dog daycare for 2 or 3 days a week if you keep her. It will get her a good amount of exercise and it will give you a bit of a break some evenings as she will be pooped. It will also socialize her. I understand being in an apartment can be hard but she looks like a nice dog. Thanks for making her life better. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15.   This has been me for quite a while.  I have never been one to just blast through 30 rounds, it just doesn't do anything for me.  I really enjoy trying to see how small of groups I can get with my guns and for that it takes a little (to lot) better ammo.  I really like SK Standard Plus and SK Pistol Match for the price.  I have some Eley Match EPS that I have played with, but man that is expensive.
  16. You're welcome.  I am just glad someone could put it to good use.
  17. I'll do it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Fact is, she was at fault.  As gun owners, we have to take responsibility for our actions.  I don't care if they have dumb laws, when I am there, I will abide by them or go in knowing the consequences.  To me, this is just an ignorant (in the literal sense of the word) gun owner that has to learn a lesson the hard way.  Maybe some others will learn from this also.   And no, not moving to Jersey (although there are some very nice areas).
  19. It isn't that its parts are any better or worse, I would say they are comparable.  That's why it is a good value.  That's the issue with AR's.  Almost all of them are made with Milspec parts nowdays.  That is actually a bit of a misnomer though because Milspec is essentially a minimum spec level each part must meet.  There are many parts out there that are better than milspec.  That is when you really start to see things costing more money outside of if it has a certain name.     I have expensive AR's and I have a Smith M&P15 AR.  For sheer value, the Smith is great.  Will it shoot as small of groups as a couple of my other AR's, No.  But that is because I have target barrels on them.  Will the Smith shoot well enough to defend you and your family, or just to plink and have fun, you bet.    
  20. For me, it's hard to beat a S&W M&P15 Sport for value.  Colt's are good, but I don't think they are what they used to be.     http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/36_763_977/products_id/71969
  21.   A Savage would be a great choice.  They are very accurate out of the box and have a good trigger.  If you get one with the "target" action (usually you can tell by seeing if the trigger blade is red), the trigger goes very low.  I have a Savage LRPV in 204 Ruger.  I really like it because it is HEAVY and it doesn't hardly move when you shoot meaning you can watch what you hit pretty easily.  It probably isn't as easy with a 22-250, but I would high recommend them as a factory gun.  You could do a heck of a lot worse.  Personally, I prefer a Savage to a Remington, but there will be as many that go the other way.  
  22. I bought the Aero Precision AR-10 upper and lower and am very happy with it.  I am interested in anyone has used these parts kits in a build.  I will need something eventually.  
  23. I am surprised I wasn't awoken by the boom this morning.  I live less than a mile from the overpass and didn't hear a peep.  I vaguely remember hearing a siren nearby but didn't give it much thought.  I work out of my house so I didn't even know it had happened until a buddy called who was stuck in traffic.  I guess I need to start turning my TV on in the morning.   Luckily for me I don't have to fight the traffic every day.  I really do feel sorry for those coming from the south as it is really going to be bad.  
  24. I have a few. My favorite caliber is the 22-250. Are you looking for a field gun or bench gun? My 22-250s are all bench guns. Two favorites are my Cooper MTV and old Remington 40-xb.
  25. Nashville Safe House. They are a vendor here.


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