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Everything posted by Hozzie

  1. Does this have the arca connector on the bottom?
  2. I bought this a couple of years ago and quickly upgraded to a batwing as I am just clipping fields. It has maybe been used 10 times. I thought I would keep it to have available for some heavier cutting if I ever needed it, but I just haven't used it. Rated for 3" material, but I have never used it for anything larger than maybe 1/2". Chain guard in front. $Sold TGO price. Not looking for trades.
  3. Finally got home and could post a couple of pics.
  4. I have an excellent condition Nova Variable Speed drill press I am selling. Probably hasn't been used 10 times. It's a couple of years old. I used to do more woodworking, but got out of it and have a mill I use for any drilling I need as I mostly do metalworking now. It's not just your typical drill press. It calculates speeds, etc based on drill size, material etc through a digital interface. Really nice drill press, but not being used so it can go to someone who may use it more. I am out of town and don't have a pic handy, but the link shows it all along with specs. https://www.teknatool.com/products/drill-presses/nova-voyager-dvr-drill-press/ Includes a Bora movable base and drill press vice. $2100 most places. Will sell for $Sold. Pickup in Chapel Hill. Not looking for trades. Will also be posted on Marketplace for a bit more.
  5. I use a 300 WSM, but I would be less worried about the caliber (there are many that will do it) and more worried about a lightweight, accurate rifle I want to carry potentially all over creation. For me this means something I can load test for and know my ammo, ranges, etc perfectly. I would guess you will be using shooting sticks of some sort, but weight is my worst enemy on any hunt I may have to do a fair amount of hiking.
  6. Pick a party and pick a cause and the same applies to all. It’s about reelection, not actual values.
  7. He was definitely funny. Always liked Larry, Darrel, and Darrel.
  8. My point stands. The type of rifle wasn’t the issue. That was what I was really responding to.
  9. An AR with the appropriate bullet is more than enough to do the job at 130 yards. It’s not about the type of rifle. It was about just being a lousy shot.
  10. I won't cast stones at people who are disappointed it didn't work. Not because I agree with them, but because it's too easy to be a hypocrite. I am not drawing a comparison between Trump and these other people I am going to mention as I like Trump, BUT: Would any of you renounce the assassination of Hitler, Putin, those of the same ilk? I doubt it. Even if you did, I would have a hard time truly believing it. Some people, even if we think they are wrong, truly believe he is the same as them. We all have different levels of belief of right and wrong and how it applies to each of us. I am not religious but don't believe even those that are won't secretly think "that was probably for the best" depending on the exact situation. Does that make you a bad person, I don't think so, it just makes you human.
  11. I have a 5" GP100 that I actually like just as well as my 6" 686. I would say I may even prefer the trigger on the GP ever so slightly more than the 686. Maybe it's a fluke, but I wouldn't hesitate to buy a GP100 if I found one I like. I don't think 6 vs. 7 shot is any issue if capacity isn't a concern. I don't expect you will be carrying it around everyday.
  12. Or maybe they are trying to not make it a huge issue for a voting block that may actually be considering Trump due to how bad Biden is. Sometimes it’s better to hide your intentions and gain what little you can. That may not be it at all, but no 2nd amendment person is not voting Republican anyway. Or at a minimum not voting Dem. They are trying to grab people in the middle.
  13. Lots of good hotels, but very expensive. I would just use Kayak or one of the compare sites for the dates you are looking and find what works for your budget. Last time I was there I spend $500 for one night at the Embassy Suites since that was where they were staying. Crazy money, but was cheaper than a DUI when meeting friends from out of town. I would expect to pay a minimum of $250 if downtown. You may also check some AirBNB's.
  14. Contact this guy on AccurateShooter. Nice brackets that use 1-1/4 pipe. Make your own top with two layers of 3/4 plywood. I just got some about 2 months ago. https://forum.accurateshooter.com/threads/portable-shooting-bench-brackets.4002794/
  15. Trigger is also sold. Only the action left. $250.
  16. I bought these tickets (2) a couple of months ago and now can't go on Sat. I paid something like $240 the two. Will sell them both for $120. Show is in Clarksville at 7pm on Sat 4/13. I can simply transfer you the tickets through Ticketmaster.
  17. Sold
  18. To be fair, someone else pointed it out to me at some point as well.
  19. Strategic Edge in Chapel Hill, but there is a wait list to become a member.
  20. Excellent condition. Glass is perfect. Comes with original boxes. I just don't use it. Only trades I would consider are a high end 22 (Vudoo (Gen 2 or 360) or Rim-X). $3300. Meet within a reasonable distance of Chapel Hill. Posted on multiple sites.
  21. Excellent condition Ergatta tower. Selling because I am going to the gym more and working out less at home. Great full body workout that makes it a little more entertaining by making it a bit game like. You can YouTube reviews, it’s a well liked machine by most. Looks like an actual piece of furniture and not just plastic. Not ridiculously heavy and moves easy on the rollers. Stands up if you want for storage. Just a nice machine if you have been considering a rower. $sold.
  22. I had this barreled and did about 20-30 rounds of load testing and it has sat since. Impact Precision 737 action. Custom 26" Muller 1-7.75 twist, threaded. Was shooting 1/2" at 100 with test loads and should do better with more rounds. I'm just not reloading or shooting centerfire anymore so this is part of my thinning the herd. No trigger, but the trigger hanger is included of course. It just takes Rem 700 trigger and stock. If you know custom actions, you know of these, they are great actions. Only trade would be for a RimX or Vudoo barreled action. $Sold. Meet within a reasonable distance of Chapel Hill.
  23. If parents know you are going to be on the real hook for their kids actions, I bet they would do more to make sure their kids don’t do them through better parenting. They aren’t throwing parents in jail for their kids stealing a candy bar. Shoot a bunch of people, that’s a different matter. Or you would really need to show you did everything you could to prevent it. I think we are talking about egregious actions here. Not trivial crimes. I’m ok with agreeing to disagree.
  24. I’m ok with it. Parents need to be held accountable. As mentioned it will be selective prosecution, but parents need to take more responsibility.


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