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Everything posted by Hozzie

  1. F’em all. I’m past the point of caring what they tell me I can and can’t do.
  2. Is it limited to the 250 tickets or will it be as many as you can get? And do you have the QR code you can send for Paypal (PM is fine). Or the email address I suppose is fine to.
  3. There are a lot, but anymore the #1 thing that seems to be lacking is the ability of kids to cope with adversity and failure. They need to learn how to deal with adversity and failure and even understand what is even worth caring about. Failure is a great teacher. Putting them in positions to fail is not all bad. They need to then use some reasoning to figure out why they failed and how they can improve next time regardless of the scenario.
  4. Starline makes 32-20 brass (although it looks out of stock and the moment) and Missouri Bullet company has bullets. I bought 500 rounds of brass and bullets to have for my Winchester 1873. It's not cheap by the time you also buy dies, but it is a hoot to shoot.
  5. Sold. This is an SEB Mini-X with F-Class products adjustable feet with a Rodzilla 5 Axis top installed. The original Mini top, bag, and feet components all come with it. I actually bought two of these because I wasn't sure which top I would prefer and for the style of shooting I do and the rules, I need to stick with an adjustable sandbag top which on on my other one. If you are familiar with the SEB products, you will know there is about an 8-12 month wait for most items. The 5 Axis top is great and if you aren't familiar with it, I encourage you to look it up. It alone is $600. Prefer to sell locally before I put it on one of the other national sites and have to ship it. $xx. Will meet within a 30 mile drive of Chapel Hill. Any questions, just let me know.
  6. Caution is probably warrented. No one knows what is going to happen, but you can bet there will be some agitators out. I have to go to a wake over by Briley/40 on the west side of Nasvhille tonight. I would normally drive my car, but tonight will be my 4x4 truck with plenty of self defense options. It's sad to say, but you just don't know when stupid things are going to happen. I really hope no one tries to block highways.
  7. To be honest, no one needs to see the video except the Prosecutors, jury, and family. All showing it does is initiate the next killing of someone innocent, whether that be a person or cop. This is not a special situation. It happens every day to thousands of people, but this one fits into a narrative.
  8. Real house wives of TGO going on here. Let's wait for the real facts.
  9. I don't need this one, but I have one. Perfect tractor pistol for me for snakes. Better than pistol caliber shotshells or carrying a rifle in the tractor.
  10. Why own a gun if there is a chance it will kill someone unintended? Why take a vaccine if there is a chance it will do you harm? Why anything? I am not Black and I am not saying I can relate to everything. But I have worked with police all over the world for 25 years and while some are meat heads, I don't know of one who is shooting someone for cooperating. There is a cause and effect and we have lost site of the root cause in 99.9% of these situations in my opinion. As my 6th grade teacher told me and I still tell others today. There are excuses and there are reasons. Running and not cooperating is an excuse, not a reason.
  11. While I am sure that is how you feel, I am also pretty confident that you would not run from them or escalate the situation. There are exceptions to every rule, but for the most part if you act like a normal person, you will be treated like a normal person. De-escalation should be standard operating procedure, but it should be on all parties to deescalate if they are really worried about their lives. Even with these 5 cops being jackwads, I highly suspect we would be having a different conversation if the kid killed had just bit his tongue and cooperated. Doesn't make it right, but I would bet big money it would make it true.
  12. Not condoning a beating at all, but every one of these seems to involve someone fighting with the cops and then running. If you didn't do anything wrong, why run. Even if it was for a minor violation, when are these people going to realize that running only makes it worse. The result doesn't fit the crime it sounds like, but jeez I just can't imaging thinking anything good is going to come from fighting with a group of cops. Good ones or bad ones for that matter.
  13. The Armorer was also charged with involuntary manslaughter. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/alec-baldwin-charged-involuntary-manslaughter-fatal-rust-shooting-district-attorney
  14. If you have room to nail you could always use a couple of straps and space them a foot or so apart. They are used all of the time for these type of ducts.
  15. I had a hawk fly into the side of my truck while going down I65 about 1 year ago. It was just south of the Franklin exit where those sound walls are. It was gliding and went next to the wall and just took a hard right into my truck. Scared the crap out of me.
  16. Yeah, sold everything.
  17. Kind of a strange want ad for here, but we have a diverse group so thought why not throw it out there as people have all kinds of things laying around taking up space. I am looking for a project for the remainder of the winter and spring and think it would be fun to refurbish an old Seadoo or Waverunner. I have a brand new one, but this would be something just for fun since I like them with the side bonus I would have a cheap extra for a buddy to tag along with once complete. I am looking for very cheap (like $1000 or less or maybe trade a gun of some sort for the right ski) as this is just a for fun project which it is going to cost me money most likely anyway and what I am looking for isn't really worth a lot to start with. Free is even better if you just want it out of the way. I preferably don't want to be rebuilding complete engines, etc, but also don't expect any will not need some troublesooting and something maybe like a starter, or a bit more. As with these things, cheap is key because at the end of the day you never really know what you are going to get into. Exterior condition doens't have to be perfect, but not looking for complete crap either. I expect to have to recover seats, etc. A trailer is not required. Looking for something like a 1998-early 2000's Seadoo GTX, GTI, RXP, XP or Waverunner 1200 (or something similar). Even newer is ok, but gets harder to keep the cost down moving up much and I know the earlier SeaDoo's a bit which is why they are top on my list. Anyway, if someone has something laying around they just want out of the way, let me know. Thanks.
  18. Sounds like a decent guy as it really isn't that hard of job to be honest. I also think you could do it yourself. No better time to learn something new. Even mudding that small amount wouldn't be terrible. The sanding is the worst part.
  19. I would personally rip out enough of my basement ceiling to do it right which means venting to the outside. Drywall is easy to repair. It may not look like any mold, etc, but you really don't know until you can see better. Best case, there is nothing. Worst case, you can spray it while the ceiling is open and know it is good for long term.
  20. And they have matches at the Middle TN Sporting Association not far from where you @10-Ring are. You would be looking at shooting factory class. I am head deep into ARA so if you would have any questions, just let me know. They don't start shooting matches this year until April. Eagle Eye Shooting in Mt. Pleasant is farther for you, but Mathew typically has a lot of matches planned. His start in March. MTSA: http://www.americanrimfire.com/index.php/club/view/510 Eagle Eye: http://www.americanrimfire.com/index.php/club/view/495 A lot depends on what type of shooting you think she would like. ARA is off of a bench and more precision/accuracy oriented. NRL is going to be more interactive with different stages, distances, etc. If it matters, ARA doesn't have youth only shoots. Everyone shoots at the same time but this hasn't ever been an issue. We have many young shooters around the country.
  21. I would get that one. The FV-SR stock is horrible and you would want to replace it anyway. I have the FV-SR and replaced the stock with a Boyd’s. Savages are a bit rough, but they usually shoot above their price point.
  22. Just let the guy out and publish when and where it is going to be done. Justice will happen.
  23. Just sell the 80% lower and buy one already done. It will not only resolve any issues with the ATF, it will also be of better quality. It isn't like lowers are expensive.


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