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Hozzie last won the day on October 20 2024

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About Hozzie

  • Birthday 04/26/1975

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    Chapel Hill, TN
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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Community Answers

  1. I am in the market for a Smith 617 4inch 10 shot. I might consider a 6", but really looking for a 4" first. Have different things I might trade or cash. Send me a PM with what you have, condition, etc and asking price if you have one you would sell. Thanks!
  2. Very cool. Always great to have first hand experiences with people like that.
  3. I have done many 4473’s via computer at a dealer. That isn’t the issue. They still have to ID you, etc. not sure about if they type it in for you, but just being electronic isn’t an issue.
  4. Because kids nowadays have zero coping skills. This is what "everyone gets a trophy" gets you.
  5. We are in the microprocessor days of AI. We can't even imagine where this will be even 10 years from now. Think of where we are from the Apollo moon mission to now. Now increase that by a factor of 100 and it may still be short of the potential.
  6. Watching Goliath right now. Billy Bob in Landman may be his best role as far as what you would think he is like in real life. It cracks me up every episode.
  7. Yes, they are open. I haven't been there in a while, but they still hold some 22 matches that I know of. No idea on what they offer for centerfire.
  8. For those that don’t know, you can’t get these anymore with the built in tang. The new ones are only the add on tangs. These are certainly more desirable.
  9. Agree. Very light, but if it is firing leave it alone. Light strikes are better for accuracy as long as it goes bang all (or 99%) of the time.
  10. Don't dry fire it and you are probably ok. Shoot it and make sure it isn't splitting the case head for some reason.
  11. You don't see many boxes in that good of condition. Mine sure isn't. I should trade up, but don't shoot the one I got.
  12. I just pay the $35 per year for UPS My Choice which automatically upgrades those packages to be delivered by UPS. It gives some other benefits as well. Well worth the money.
  13. Good to know. I am not (obviously) into steel challenge. I always default to bolt actions as I am into BR. As much as I don’t like them I would probably just go with a 10/22 of some flavor. There is no more customizable option out there. For steel challenge I would imagine they are plenty accurate.
  14. What’s your budget? Huge difference in recommendations. You should plan to spend as much on the scope as the gun. For middle of the road a CZ (453, 452, 457) in that order or a Tikka T1X. I am not a fan of 10/22 style rifles for kids and competition either.


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