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Everything posted by DAdams
One trip back to Kahr for a workover I got through the break-in clean with no issues. One tip, don't slingshot the first round, use the release when chambering. I qualified these three PD rounds sufficiently that I trust them and can find one of the three without much difficulty.
History Channel. YouTube - After Armageddon 1/9 There are 9 parts. Pretty Interesting. The gun handling part of the main characters..... YouTube - After Armageddon 2/9
Robertson's Trading Post just had a bunch of Walthers (P99 AS and QA) on Gun Broker. I am assuming they were LE buys. They were around $350. Minimal wear. Perkiomen now in TN formerly PA seems active in running down LE sales and reselling. Unfortunately for we in TN both these place are in TN hence here comes the sales tax. Still not bad though a P99AS with night sights for about $425 including shipping tax and transfer, beats $700+ for a new one. Again both these outfits sell on Gun Broker and Robertson's has a retail operation and Perkiomen is by appointment only but you can see their wears too. Lots of rifles and they seem to be a well funded FFL.
I have a Seecamp LWS .380 that has been 100% out of the box. That is Larry Seecamps philosophy,,,,no break in necessary. It's a block of stainles and kicks like a Vegas Showgirl at 12 ounces. It's great for extreme covert carry. Wiley Clapp tried to get one for said test, but there is a waiting list to get on the buy list. 2 year backlog, so Larry said no, sorry. I have a PM9 Kahr I trust after one trip back to the factory. But my favorite pocket carry is still my S&W M&P 340 J Frame Centennial Revolver. .357 capable, night sights, and Crimson Trace 405 grips. 13 ounces. Nothing wrong with a 642 either. .38 spl plus P
Here in Tellico Village Loudon County we lost power for about 4 hours last night due to tree limbs. I learned my house looses about one degree per hour at 32 degrees. Finally got to drag out all the LED lanterns for awhile. 26 so far tonight and a few pellets. A Loudon County Plow just went by, the first I have seen. This will all be over soon. Cracks another beer. Watched seven movies today.
Number 1.Mossberg 20 gauge 3 round bolt action with Poly Choke. Still have it. Took a few rabbits and pheasants with it. Number 2. 20 gauge 870 Wingmaster vented rib, 3 inch mid 70s. It has taken dove, quail, duck, pheasant and chukar. Still have it. There isn't anything you can't do with it. Number 3. A5 Belgium Browning. I couldn't stand to take out in the field. It's in the safe and looking like new.
Sucking down Fat Tire Number 4. I think the sleet is starting. In West Knoxville, Loudon County on the border of bad weather.
Started around 3:00 PM in West Knoxville, Loudon County. Maybe an inch OTG. 32 degrees. No big deal at this time, as long as no one slides into a power pole or a transmission line doen't trip some distance relays and black out the SE we are good to go. Beer, propane and movies laid in. Fat Tire and snow. Nice.
in 1950. Can't imagine a better time. I have done a lot, and participated in everything the time and culture had to offer. Grew up the burbs, middle class blue collar family and spent 68-73 in a large midwest university. What a time!! I rode out the Vietnam War on a 2S and almost went at the end and would have gone. I was a yuppie hippie. It confused the women and they loved it. Made a great deal of the scene and spent 4 years in Idaho from 73-77 hunting birds and teaching school. Had a 74 VW bus just like this one and spent 4 summers living in it between school years. Those times filled me with a wanderlust and live for today attitude doing things I shouldn't have lived through. The music was good and when people ask if you would do it again, my answer is absolutely. I didn't have much but all you needed was a bag of goodies, a case of Stroh's a good sound system and willing women.
I have had a 340 and have been shooting it for about three years. I bought one about 6 months or so after they came out. For me the ability to shoot the .357 is a positive yet secondary issue making it more versatile, i.e. in a pinch if .357 were the only thing available, or if you wish to "roll your own" and do a .357 light. The Speer Gold Dot .357 designed for short barrels has a lower flash and powder load that addresses the use in "short barrels". It is about the only .357 I would run personally and it still isn't alot of fun to shoot, but certainly manageable. Full load 158 grain is almost unpleasant, but I had to try it. None of the events were as dramatic as some would have you believe and did not fall into the "my hand felt like it was hit by a baseball bat". Obviously recoil being subjective. I have had no "crimp jump" issues with any rounds and inspected rounds 4&5 of each size and Vendor's product make for evidence of such. I load mine with the Speer Gold Dot for Short Barrel .38 spl plus P, 135 gr. PN 23921. I am attracted to the 340 for all the reasons DAO Centennials are so popular aka 642/442 but in addition, lighter and better optioned with the night sights, which are superior to blades with fingernail polish or fibre (light pipes). The DLC coating is more robust than anything else S&W uses on the Airweights. Has the benefit of a stainless cylinder (as oppposed to titanium) which is more robust than the lighter 342PD. I have both a 642 and 340. I was looking at the 342 when the 340 came out. I think it is a greatest hits hybrid of the two. I bought mine with Crimson Trace 405 grips, which I have on two out of the three snubs in the stable. Here is a thread I started on The High Road Forum regarding the 340 and their lightweight brethren. 2.5 years of good reading from owner operators. M&p 340 - THR
How about something from STI, maybe the Rogue? STI International, Inc. Looked at the Colt New Agents? http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=0&oq=colt+new&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4RNWO_enUS308&q=colt+new+agent Revolver: S&W M&P 340 J Frame Centennial done right. The ultimate modern snub. http://www.smith-wesson.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=10001&catalogId=11101&langId=-1&productId=53913&tabselected=tech&isFirearm=Y&parent_category_rn=15704 Range Gun: S&W M&P 9 Pro from the Performance Center in 5 inch. http://www.smith-wesson.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=10001&catalogId=11101&langId=-1&productId=67977&tabselected=tech&isFirearm=Y&parent_category_rn=15711
I'll take the Kahr out and put another 50 no 100 no 150 carry rounds downrange. Then I certainly will really feel confident that it will operate properly when called upon. No one knows with 100% certainty if the next time the trigger is pulled the handgun will operate. Confidence perhaps yes, perfect knowledge no. Is it true that statistically the longer something runs without a misoperation the closer or more likely it is to having one? I deal with complex system protection issues. Things like primary and backup, belt and suspenders, N-1 contingencies, parallel systems and risk assessment. I am ok with MY Kahr as it stands. I simply related my experience, yours may be divergent. http://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=&q=kahr+pm9+reliability&aq=0&oq=Kahr+PM9+reli&aqi=g2
Let me clarify. The PM 9 (break-in) was to almost to 400 rounds when it started acting up. It had FTE, FTF (feed) issues on the way to 400 and got progressively worse, until the last straw day was a box of 50 Remington Green box ball where every other strike was either light, or off to the side enough to not impact the primer "in the ignition zone". It went to Kahr, was rebuilt, had some parts replaced and I put 250 rounds of various ball and JHP through it. THEN I settled in on three vendors products and did the 10/10/10. Hence what I have is 280 rounds through it with some new parts and some parts that have 650 rounds logged. I then settled on three products I am confident with. I have 100% confidence that it will run the 7 rounds out that are in the gun. With a bottom feeding side chucker, who knows on the next magazine. That's why I prefer a revolver for most of my EDC needs.
Is that a Falstaff ad? haha, Yep. Great stuff, my step Grandad turned me onto it when I was about 8 years old. That was over half a century ago. Here is a J Frame (S&W M&P 340) in a Mika roundcut.
Bretticus hope the PM9 serves you well. Make sure to read and follow the directions for operation. Hopefully yours will be 100% right out of the box (after cleaning and lubing). Some are and some are not. If you have to send yours back press Kahr to pay shipping both ways, not just back to you. One key mistake many PM 9 users make is not using the slide release to chamber the first round. Don't "slingshot" use the release. There is controversy regarding JHP ammunition nose configuration and proper feeding, I spoke with a Kahr Technician when I was have some issues and he said when it is running right it will shoot anything. Some seem to think polishing the feedramp helps improve performance. I shot mostly ball during the "break-in" and eventually qualified three JHP rounds that ran well. I put 10 of each from the box down range then kept the balance back for carry. Netting 30 rounds. Speer Gold Dot, Federal, CORBON DPX. I think it ran the Golden Sabers well also. Here is a link to a good holster although there are many. $50 is pretty reasonable. High rankings by Seecamp carriers. Hedley Pocket Holsters
I have been very satisfied with my Mika Pocket holster. It ensconces a J Frame, 340, 642 with laser grips nicely. They are available in roundcut or square cut. Don't be fooled by the look, design or material. These are a great value and work like a champ. Mika's Pocket Holsters - Custom Made Pocket Holsters, Waistband Holsters, Vest Holsters, Tactical Pocket Mirrors And Much More. Robert supposedly has added some staff to get his lead time down, but they are worth the wait and Robert is a straight shooter. Another couple that are highly recommended (I don't own them personally yet) from the Seecamp Forum members. MECO Meco Pocket Holsters - Handmade Leather Pocket Holsters Hedley Hedley Pocket Holsters I need to get something for my Seecamp. I have a DeSantis for it but I too need to upgrade.
Any scuttlebut update? Inquiring minds....What's the
I am looking for an FFL in Lenoir City, Loudon, West Knoxville area. If there is already a list somewhere just point me to it. Happy New Year and Thanks in Advance.
A bargain when compared with Kifaru.... https://www.kifaru.net/supertarp2009.html Pretty decent price but I would still rather a bathtub. I have a decent 1 man tent that zips up the middle (ridgeline), no crawling in and out a tube. $89 and still holding up well. I like netting yet still be able to see the sky!! Fly can be put partially down to keep the dew off the head.
I like your work. Good eye. Cool pic.
I guess once in awhile when you get your kids "growed up" and out in world they come through. My Son sure did and he has great taste in flashlights. I also taught him a long time ago "don't buy your parents anything you don't want to get back". We exchanged gifts early as he is headed to WI with his new bride to see the In-Laws. 4Sevens had a Quark Titanium LE offer a few months back. 750 units, serial numbers and a limited edition in 123A and 2XAA. It sold out. I am now the proud owner of 2X123A number 146. Cree R4, 190 lumens OTF. What a beauty but it sure isn't stealthy. Merry Christmas
Slightly Evil Black Ruger Mini 14 NRA Edition Hogue Stock.
You milked those barns for all they were worth. Nice shooting. Where were the falls?
Can still get a Bushmaster .223 optics ready for $799. http://www.sportsmanswarehouse.com/documents/xmas2_AZ-Reno-Chatt-Albq-Columbia-Medford-StGeorge.pdf Don't feel bad, I had one in my hand and didn't buy it. At least you have one. And I don't.
I saw a thread where a guy with a .50 BFG made note of all the folks on threads that had "stuff". Went like this.... "My survival kit consists of a .50 BMG rifle and a list of people in the area who have posted their survival kits." My response to that was..... Since I will have them outranged, -.338 Lapua I will be using the guys with .50s as plinker fodder, then get down to business. I have become somewhat of a student of SHTF scenario books as of late. There are numerous scenarios, but in many cases 90% of the population is laid to waste based on some disaster/disease/comet/nuclear war/zombie hoards/alien invaders. That means that 9 our of 10 of us won't be around and the rest will be looking for sufficient drugs and alcohol to take the easy way out. At my place we eat, drink, smoke and have a good time until its gone. I have the ultimate cocktail saved for when I have had enough. Anyway some good reads: Patriots Rawles 1 Second After Fortchen Lucifers Hammer Niven Earth Abides Stewart The Road McCarthy Wastelands Adams World Made by Hand Kunstler Alas Babylon Frank On the Beach Shute I am Legend Matheson The Last Ship Brinkley The Postman Brin The Stand King Just to name a few. I sleep much better now knowing that I don't stand a chance and don't give a rats @ss. but I am loaded with alcohol, tobacco, firearms and other goods of interest....oh and a couple long rifles in .338 Lapua. Come on by and trade survival stories. Oh and Don't forget to pick up a copy of the SAS Survival Guide. The pocket edition may serve one well.