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Everything posted by DAdams

  1. Supply is loosening up. I wouldn't hesitate now, but I would buy ammo every chance and get a supply set-up. .380 wouldn't need the 1000 unit supply 250 would be enough in PD. Cabelas finally getting the Winchester ST in this month....Seecamp is hungry.
  2. The signed versions are pricey. Unsigned not that bad. gerber fairbairn applegate - Google Search= Even the signed can be had for $100.
  3. DAdams

    One nice K40

    Iv'e always been partial to the Kahr .40s for some reason. This one belongs to a fellow Firing Line Forum Member, Mr. PP. That is one illustrious Kahr.
  4. Will be certain to follow your progress. Hope it works. I was at SW Chattanooga the other day looking at one. The GS pusher was pushing it.
  5. Maybe you would like the new S&W SD 9 or 40? Introducing the SD9 & SD40 - Smith & Wesson
  6. Here is some Herters 500 for $149 at Cabelas. They also were pushing Aguilla a few weeks ago. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?_DARGS=/cabelas/en/common/catalog/item-link.jsp_A&_DAV=netcon&id=0077402217240a&navCount=1&podId=0077402&parentId=cat20837&masterpathid=&navAction=push&catalogCode=2UG&rid=2146251080&parentType=index&indexId=cat601233&hasJS=true Supposedly the Hornady Critical Defense will be around in two weeks according to the order page. Here is bulk MagTech which gets good reviews. In Stock. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/pod/standard-pod.jsp?_DARGS=/cabelas/en/common/catalog/pod-link.jsp_A&_DAV=netcon&rid=&indexId=cat20837&navAction=push&masterpathid=&navCount=8&parentType=index&parentId=cat20837&id=0064205
  7. How long did it take from the time of order to delivery? Do you mind sharing your outlay w/0 optics? Sweeet.
  8. DAdams

    snub 357

    Keep the J Frame. You have to have a snub. I would then look for a 686 or 586 for holster wear. They can be had used for a reasonable price. It's also a must have classic.
  9. DMark that 27-2 is a beauty. Seecamp LWS .380 S&W 686 CS-1 3 inch.
  10. I like the 2XAAA styling and carry ease of the 4Sevens Preon. I have been carrying it since December. The Basic Black version. I bought the "kit" which came with a 1XAAA body also. Preon in the 1XAAA format with a Quark Mini 123A and Seecamp .380.
  11. NEW EDC LED Flashlight The size and power to size/weight ratio of these lights make not carrying not an option. Check this out. 4Sevens Quark MiNi 2inches long, 3/4 inches in diameter and .5 ounce. 180 Lumens!! http://www.4sevens.com/index.php?cPath=297_355 $39 includes shipping and if you use the cpf8 code you get another 8% discount. Pre-orders for April 15th shipping. A bit of an oddity for a battery though. CR2. There are rechargeables available on Amazon. There is even a Titanium version with a "battery for life program". My favorite EDC is still the 4 Seven Preon 2XAAA. 160 lumens. Eneloop rechargables. Preon 2 - 4Sevens.Com
  12. Yep, same here. No more .380s for me. I don't care if the shelves are awash in ammunition and the price drops 50%. I have two and that's sufficient for a round of such ilk. That said I have had .380 Winchester ST or Hornady PD IIRC correctly, whatever it is that Seecamp recommends and it hasn't shown up in months other than the high prices Hornady I bought to get my by for PD. I actually feel about the same with 9mm right now. It's not too hard to find but I'll be go to hell that 4 years ago the shelves were piled high and the prices were pre high metals prices. The only thing I see a wealth of these days is .40. Now I will say the .223 is certainly back with a vengance.
  13. I'm thinking Walther P99AS in .40. What do you think about that?
  14. Has had the same issues for years....and years....and If you visit any of 10 Forums and do a Kahr search you will see one of two responses. Good to go right our of the box...or your story or mine. I bought a PM 9 a couple of years back, thought all the bugs were probably worked out but still figured I had a 50/50 chance to get a winner and sure enough I got about 150 rounds through the recommended break in of 200 and the thing went to S***. Sent it to Kahr, they paid freight back I paid it in. I heard later if you press them they will pay both ways. In any event they fixed it, replaced most all moving parts and it has been fine ever since. Service was good and about two weeks turnaround. Dottie was there then doing RMAs. I spoke with one of the techs, who indicated a PM9 should be able to run any 9mm round since I fiddled around with different noses, thinking it was a fussy eater. Buy a $500 dollar pistol and spend $150 to break it in ..... hmmm. BTW if it is any consolation, work through the issues, they are a great form factor and once up and running seem fine. I have about 400 rounds of 5 different JHPs through mine now. Like Larry Seecamp says, "Break-in is a bunch of crap". or somthing like that. My Seecamp .380 has been great from round one.
  15. Frontier Firearms is in the throes of building a new retail store and range. U can see the progress on their website. NEW RANGE and RETAIL STORE UNDERCONSTRUCTION!
  16. The MK9 is a nice gun but as a pocket piece at 24 ounces much too heavy IMO. The only thing in a Kahr that is pocketable based on actual experience in 9mm is a PM9 at 16 ounces. I find even 16 ounces marginal for pocket carry. 13 is about my cut off. Kahr P380 would definitely pocket but it's a .380,...not that there's anything wrong with that. http://www.mouseguns.com/PocketAutoComparison.jpg I don't know if you have ever seen this comparison before. It should prove helpful.
  17. Agreed, mine aren't all beat up yet....The Titanium LE is a safe queen, and I just bought the 4Sevens to supplant a couple Fenix and EagleTacs. I really like the Preon as it is nice to move something to a shirt pocket and clear the pants. It is hard to beat 160 lumens out of a penlight!! Rechargable Sanyo Eneloops batteries are definitely the way to go with the LED lights. BTW if you decide to purchase anything Fenix/4Sevens etc use cfp8 as a code for an 8 percent discount.
  18. Good eye. The Seecamp is the "I'm pumping gas leave me alone carry".
  19. Sunday go to meetin carry.
  20. Some combo of this stuff.... M&P 340 with CT 405 grips and a Mika Roundcut Pocket Holster Seecamp 380 4Sevens Quark Titanium LE Rough neighborhood 1946 Winchester Model 1894 and Fenix L1T V2.o 4Sevens Preon 2XAAA or Quark Mini 1X123A
  21. One of these with formal attire. Gerber F.A.S.T.
  22. Good point Glockmeister. I recall those issues being reported and had forgotten that.
  23. Improper grip and trigger finger placement really amplify poor performance with snubs. Also 7-10 yards is about all I really care about since these are the classic up close and personal revolvers. I settled on Speer Gold Dot Plus P 135 grain for practice and carry. With these guns you really need to just shoot the heck out of what you plan on carrying IMO. You can dry fire the X42 to your hearts content. The trigger will begin to smooth out after about 2000 pulls. Hand strength is also important so while driving work those muscles. Snub Training – Stocks and Grip Strength Here is how the Master, Jerry Miculek recommend holding a 642. Note the finger placement. Remember these are COM, point and shoot revolvers. They can be challenging and yet nothing is more rewarding than the mastery. I wasn't a big fan of the standard grips. Try some Hogue Monogrips to start with. Then if you plan on pocket carrying get some Hogue Bantams. I prefer the Crimson Trace 405s myself. I have them on two J frames. Bantams on the left. 642 and 442 in a Smart Carry. TN reload. Here is a J Frame with the Hogue Monogrips, which if you plan on using the revolver for around the house, IWB or OWB is just a great grip. You may find the following insightful: The Theory of the Snubnose
  24. DAdams


    I guess the website needs an update as it states he "will have a FFL soon". I am looking for a place to do reasonable transfers and doesn't take it personally that I send items there to conduct such.
  25. Walther P99. Your results will of course vary because it is such a personal thing. I like my S&W 686 with 3 inch barrel and Hogue monogrips. You haven't lived until you unleash the "full house" .357 in an L frame and what's amazing is it isn't that dramatic on the shooting end...but hey that's just me. It is a practical carry too in TN. N Frames might be more fun but it is definitely a winter carry.


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