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Everything posted by tnoutdoors9

  1. DAMN That top pic is freaky
  2. I've always thought Outback was somewhat overrated. Haven't darkened the door of one in nearly 4 years. Don't get me wrong, the food is OK, but not worth the wait or price. Now I really have a reason to avoid it.
  3. Better wimmens on the internet anyway. Interesting.....I have been to only one restaurant since July 14. Eating at home more now, and I'm losing weight in the process.
  4. Nice setup. Good to see someone from Chicago interested enough in firearms to make a trip down and see how it's done.
  5. Great pic! I have a stealth cam pic of a deer and raccoon in a staredown at the feeder, but nothing like this.
  6. He is obviously a brass balls type of person who refuses to back down on his principles. It was funny to watch the interview deteriorate once he started figuratively slamming her forehead to the desk. I have to wonder.....did she come up with that BS retort on her own, or was a producer talking in her earpiece?
  7. *** VIDEOS *** Beginning in April 2009, I have been creating and uploading shooting videos to a YouTube channel. The focus is on Glocks, AR's, and ballistic tests. I strive to add 2 or 3 new shooting videos each month, as time permits. This link is directly to the "Guns and Shooting" playlists. YouTube - tnoutdoors9's Channel
  8. Another view of the Varminter, 24" barrel.
  9. Bushmaster Varminter Stainless Special, with Leupold Mark III scope, bipod. Outstanding accuracy.
  10. Frightening. It's disturbing that the UN, George Soros and their accomplices are hellbent on destroying our freedoms, all in the name of the NWO. It doesn't help that the current adminstration is giving these organizations and individuals a willing ear. This is just one of many converging links in a tightening noose around The Constitution. It's been 233 years....time to create another Declaration of Independence.
  11. That is freaking awesome. That letter would in no way make it to the Tennessean's editorial page, although Rep. Ben West has some excellent letters that have been published. We have some good reps in MJ as well, Mae Beavers and Susan Lynn.
  12. What a waste of time and tax dollars, all these municipalities convening to consider a "mini-repeal" of the 2nd Amendment. Their time would be best spent tracking down wanted felons and full enforcement of criminal laws.
  13. It's a threat to public safety that someone with this mindset is allowed to manage a police department.
  14. Nothing in Lexington, other than the aforementioned Lexington BBQ. The north side of Columbia seems to be more active, near the mall and Harbison Blvd. USC campus is nice for walking, during the day; especially on the side nearest downtown. Take time to stop by Maurice's BBQ and pick up some literature if nothing else. Maurice is a huge proponent of state's rights and always has something interesting to say. Lizard Thicket is one of the best meat and 3 places I've ever seen anywhere, several locations around town. I can't think of any clubs, but the local paper would be the source for nightlife options...sports page.
  15. I see this at only the Goodman Show. The location alone keeps me away. That, plus what HexHead said above. I never see Boyz in the Hood at any other shows in this area, or at the big Louisville gun show.
  16. I noticed you are in La Vergne. There are a ton of coyotes around Percy Priest Lake. I usually see at least one off the roadside each trip down 840 as you get near the racetrack. As others have suggested, use websites and video to learn the tactics, etc. Try to network and find landowners that have a coyote problem and are looking for someone to take care of it. Another site I've found useful: Varmint Al's Hunting Page
  17. That's not what we need, every mayor or public official in Birddrop, (insert state here) thinking they can supersede the Constitution. Where are people getting this idea? Oh, wait....never mind.
  18. I just saw this posted on another site. My apologies if already posted here; didn't see anything in this forum. The gist of it.....the BATFE is checking-in with gun owners in border states and requesting serial numbers of their firearms. This is somewhat disconcerting, to say the least. NRA-ILA :: In Border States, BATFE Asks: "May We See Your Guns?"
  19. Made the mistake of going there last year to find photography equipment, before they opened a camera store at Providence in Mt. Juliet. What a hellhole. I was overwhelmed with the number of people wanting me to give them money, ride back to their apartment, etc.
  20. Fan here, ever since my first MLB game there in the early 70's. Against the Astros, and I still have the ticket stub. Haven't been to the new park yet. Agree with an earlier comment, never another Big Red Machine; not in this day of free agents and lack of player loyalty to a team/city.
  21. I'm embarrassed by mine, not because of the volume of ammo, but because of the simplicity. My columns: Qty on hand Qty on order Caliber Description, including mfg, bullet weight, etc. Usage category for self-defense, target shooting, etc. I run totals only for each caliber, then a grand total fed by the caliber totals....that's it. I update it after each range session and change the date in a description field at the top of the spreadsheet. The total on-hand should be within 100 rounds of accuracy. Relative to this, I have created inventory tags on my ammo cans in order to check my totals at a glance. Keep seperate cans for each caliber to cover target and SD needs.
  22. I'm a newbie but would like to attend. Dinner is my preference, cannot get away for lunch.
  23. Good letter, from a fellow Wilson countian. My primary concern here is Charlie Daniels Park in Mt. Juliet. I have friends in LEO, both County and MJPD. They support our rights, generally. It's their bosses with political aspirations who will bow to the sky-is-falling mindset of the misinformed masses.


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