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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. I don't want to punt the boys off their X-box game or I would be watching a re-run of something in the den. Will probably run the post count up a bit higher tonight as she considers me watching even though the laptop is here next to the bed!
  2. They are only up to Ethiopia right now. You have plenty of time to listen to the cheesy play by play of people walking.
  3. The better half is making me watch the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics. I was switching back and forth with what I thought was the actual truck race on Speed only to find out they are replaying last years race due to a rain out. So, does anyone else already get the feeling that China kicked Canada's butt with the opening ceremonies? That said, I don't think any other country has spent like 10% of the GDP on an Olympics. My other question is what is that disturbing looking thing in the ceiling of the stadium? Decorum prevents me from stating what I first thought when I looked up and saw it on the big screen! Oh, and I'm first in on the Olympics! woot:rolleyes:
  4. What's a Navy?
  5. Hey 56Fordguy, can I borrow the forklift again? I need to move some pallets of 9mm and 5.56. You can have it back before you need to move any of that 7.62x39 from the semi.
  6. Passed that shop in Cookeville two days ago and they had a big sign advertising the indoor range you can see from the Interstate (if traveling east). Wanted to stop but it was late coming back. Give us a report.
  7. "be back later"
  8. Time for the tribes to merge!
  9. Keeping Bronker from stepping on it daily is a full time job.... Besides, this is an OJT site. Just jump in with both feet and start a fight, er, I mean discussion and it will all become clear to you. No one Master's TGO but David. And that's only because he can pull the plug any time he wants to.
  10. So, was it really a dummy or was Randy just really really still at that moment?
  11. 20 second man !
  12. Time is relative. I'll sue him with theories from Einstein.
  13. LOL Erik you gotta kind read a thread as a conversation. You say something, next guy says something. Bronker said he found it in 20 seconds....so I step in and state that he was reading it at the time (punch line is unwritten but it took him 20 seconds to find the article he was reading). It's usually quoted but if you can get it in right below the previous post it's usually pretty obvious. If you come in later, you use the quote feature as I did above to alert the target of your response that they are part of the post. Now, what you will see is a fast moving thread totally mess with folks as they type in their pithy comments to respond without using the quote and 4 other guys are hitting the same thread. You post your prolific statement or great comeback joke and it's 4 posts lower than where it's needed and now totally out of context! But with time you will be able to read between those lines. You were not the object of my derision, just that southern yeti Bronker. Hang out with us more and you'll see there are certain people that cannot post anything without others stepping in. It's kind of like saying Hello in TGO speak.
  14. webslang says that those that have issues with search are lacking in searchfu or googlefu. I was baiting Bronker to make one of his spectacular comebacks so I could get to sleep quicker tonight! LOL He's slow (keyfu) on the type but he likes taters!
  15. and you were reading it at the time.....so what's that say about your keyfu?
  16. You typed that with a smirk, didn't ya!
  17. To infiltrate the east.....if I can get off the mountain. It's 2 inches and getting deeper out there in the "snow showers" according to weather.com
  18. It was his decision, his problem to deal with and he dealt with it. He would have been responsible for his actions as all adults should be. Let's embrace the fact that one of our members was in a situation 90% of them have never even come close to facing and is here to post about it.
  19. Why can't we all just eat tuna and get along? Let the Sheriff stay up late as he has no school tomorrow!
  20. Fear....the best Laxative around.
  21. He would have left without warning like the other "orange" guy did.
  22. Yeah, I should delete that. No sense edumacating the gubment.
  23. How would you get the rifling already imprinted on the slug to match up the rifling in the barrel? A smooth (sabot) round gets it spin from the rifling. A rifled slug provides it's own spin in a smooth barrel. And like the author in that article posted, I never understood why a long gun with a rifled barrel that happens to shoot 500 grain bullets from a shot gun shell gets to be classified a shot gun. It's a big rifle! Fodder for some other topic.
  24. Dibs? Dibs? I sneer at you're Dibs. And you smell of elderberry!
  25. Finally I get to see my next used gun! Looks nice, get me a holster in brown please.


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