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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. I thought you were trying to rip mine before I saw it was another primate. Carry on.
  2. Those will work on the 45. The last pic shows them mounted on the full size.
  3. Definitely worth having. You can find them in all conditions and models. The most common are the 91/30's. If you find one in great condition, and there are still some minty fresh ones out there but not like they used to be, you'll pay a premium for them. The used and beat ones will be easier on the wallet and probably something you'll want to refinish (to me anyway). Ammo is still easy to buy in bulk and overall, they are a economical way to enjoy shooting. Plus they are a part of history. Good info on all the Mosin's here: 7.62x54r.net
  4. Welcome from the upper, middle, slightly right side of the state.
  5. Relax...you live on a hill.
  6. That's the point!
  7. IWB
  8. "I must beat you"
  9. Mike, These guys as well as Oh Shoot and Bronker sent me a PM stating they would take up a collection for a Greyhound ticket to Florida and 50.00 bucks if you don't come back. I don't know why they appeared so happy? Seriously, I don't have grand kids yet but seeing how my folks and the wife's act around mine, I have a bit of perspective. You should plan lots of trips. Also feel free to not pick up your clothes and eat anything in the fridge you wish.
  10. Yeah! XD45 Service 4 inch model. As always, brown is the color. Will give me a reason to come your way on the way to Wayne Co some day soon. You da man (in the central part of Dickson Co anyway)
  11. That's really obvious.
  12. Where are you getting your Don Hume's by the way? I need one for the new XD in the stable. He's a little higher on his website.
  13. If it's that close might be worth buying another Don Hume and wetting it good and form fitting it a bit more. Wrap the CZ in plastic and let it sit in it for a few hours after it softens up.
  14. Clean my gun Bronker!
  15. Never mind. My link to Hogue's site was an old one and I just didn't look around. They were Hogues. For anyone else with an XD that likes the wraparounds, here ya go. HANDALL Hybrid Grips - for XD and more : Hogue Inc., The Best Value In Handgun Grips, Rifle Stocks and Accessories - Bar None!
  16. I'll help, I'll help!!! Do I know that Mosin or was it your other stable mate?
  17. I saw a site while surfing the other day about some new rubber grips from Hogue or someone like them for the XDs so you didn't have to trim them around the lemon squeezer safety. Who knows a site or shop that's selling these?
  18. Uh oh....we have a problem in Canada.
  19. OMG, is that KD Lang or Wayne Newton singing?
  20. 2 Beams of energy representing the diverse and cosmopolitan city of Vancouver.
  21. Geez, Now they ripped the guy on a wire thing off of China. Hex, You did mean that China's was awesome right? This one is China Lite to me.
  22. So far I have noted that the creative team for Canada has A. Ripped off China for the interactive floor B. Riverdance for tap dancers C. Hee Haw for fiddle players D. So You Think you can Dance for folks that can't tap E. Charlie Daniels for tearing up fiddles We got lots of time left, I'm sure they can work some more subliminals in. I've see the whales and the trees....couldn't take points for them as no direct commentary was forthcoming.
  23. That was horrible. The Georgian contingent still marched and came out with black bands on banner and arms. They represented the competitive spirit well. That's what I wish they would get back to. Stop the production and see how many special people we can get on TV and just introduce the countries athletes and let's get it on!
  24. 1 They are now displaying the cultural diversity of Canada !! ! Not 3 minutes till I say it will happen and bang. Now I need to predict lottery numbers
  25. Now that the parade of Jamaica is over, let's fun this one up. It's a safe thread to post in tonight anyway so I'll probably just stay in this one. Anyone that can catch a reference to Global Wamring, diversity, re-distribution of wealth or any other PC statement, Post the cliff notes version and we will keep a count. It's on NBC after all, how could they not work it in somehow. Commercials do not count! I wasn't paying much attention during the trudging of nations but will perk up a bit now waiting to see who lights the flame.


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