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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Specious argument. Where was the minority then? They still could have railed on about healthcare as the butt hurt people they are but they were silent ! It was not an issue because it wasn't an issue then and isn't now. The Republicans have to jump in since it has become the issue for the now majority. Both sides have lost touch. I never claimed any connection to Dems and no longer claim any connection to Republicans, but to make the above statement sounds petulant. Also, we hammered two threats to not only our security but the security of our allies in the middle east. It's always been the American way to help those we have defeated. Look at Japan, Germany, etc. We didn't have to, we just do. If we don't assist in rebuilding a self sufficient infrastructure then the void will be filled with another dictator or muslim based zealot forming a hostile theocracy and we would probably just have to go back in. Come on Shoot, we can all point fingers at Bush, Clinton, Nixon or FDR. Can't change the past but we can effect the future.
  2. I came in as just as they were finishing up some discussion of procedural votes. Apparently they mixed in a resolution to recognize Cold War Veterans as well as a test vote on a procedural process to see where they were at on Healthcare and got 228. I think all they have left is general comments to the chair and then they will throw it to the real vote. At least they are voting so the targets can be assigned.
  3. The good ones will smoke a hot dog (albeit unevenly) in under a minute!! Seriously, we have one for the wife's crafts but I have used it to remove paint, shrink wrap and assist in drying glues and paint. You just have to be real careful as it will burn you and items very easily!
  4. What's it matter? Pre-existing clauses exist because your dealing with a "pool" of contributors and payments are made out of their premiums minus the insurance companies expenses to manage it and their profit margin for providing the service. When you accept policy holders that are automatically going to pull more money out than they will ever pay in you are operating at a loss from day one. Name a company (besides government) that takes on new contracts they know they will lose money on. It's a sad fact but you might as well outlaw death, you get the same results. Premiums are going up every year because we already pay for those without healthcare and people are so disconnected from health insurance that they don't understand it's flaws. You couldn't afford car insurance either if they had plans that allowed you to pay a 20 dollar co-pay if you took your car to the dealer because it was running rough or you couldn't identify a squeak or squeal. How about 10 dollar co-pays for oilchanges and brake jobs. Nope, you understand that is maintenance your responsible for, so why not take care of a cold or a sprain yourself? You have a plan that let's you run down to the emergency room on the weekend for something you could either take care of yourself or wait till your private physician could see you but no.... Health Insurance is abused now! We allowed and caused it ourselves. To many levels of administration and bureaucracy across the board under current and definitly under the planned one for this to have any chance of success. They are dooming private insurance with this mandate. That's what they want. Once private insurers go belly up their only alternative to all those they have forced to this new form of insurance will be single payer.
  5. I hear a flushing sound. Appears Freedom just took a swirly ride down the toilet. They have their votes in the rules. We are just hours away from being a totally different country. Time to clean a few items.
  6. This probably has more to do with the locktite under the nut rather than what type tool you used or will use. I also broke a castlenut wrench trying to install an adaptor for a single point sling on my Rock River AR. I finally sent the lower back to them and they installed the adaptor and sent me back a new wrench. You have to really heat that nut up with a heat gun. If you don't loosen that locktite up from the factory install, you will continue to break wrenches and nick up the rifle. Get it vised down good, heat it till it's to hot to touch away from the nut itself and then crank down on it. Should break loose at that point. If not, you're probably looking at sending it back as well.
  7. Great. More good government. Can someone call a local govt. official for me. I need to be tucked into bed and rocked a little.
  8. Uh, you're focusing on the wrong part of my post. I still don't care what little car it is.....he's driving it over rocks.....!
  9. If you ever look at the "who's online" section, once you get past the members you will see "guests". The search engine bots have this topic from like two years ago being looked at like 24/7/365. I have seen as many as 7 or 8 search engine bots looking at that one thread at any given time. Here, take a look, 6 of em scanning it now at 11:21 PM Friday, March 19. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/online.php?sort=username&order=asc&pp=20&page=4
  10. Took all of one query
  11. I think it's closed due to a huge rock slide right now anyway. There was video on the news the other night of a "insert adjective here" driver that ran his little Toyota Camry or Nissan Sentra looking 4 door right up on top of some 2 to 3 foot rocks. Caught on film by a news team. Said he was distracted by the camera crew and didn't see the road that was totally covered by rock. Let me see if I can find that gem of a vid.
  12. You just had to put some "ass" into it. That or switch over to vise grips. Congratulations! (did anyone tell you that putting the pins in your new gasblock are always twice as hard and getting the old ones out?)
  13. That would be great! I'm looking forward to a nice long ride. The longest I have done on it so far was up to Cookeville and back in an afternoon. I also want to hit the Dragon with it but I'm skeered of all the rocks that keep falling off the mountains over der in E. TN !!!
  14. Thankyou David. That does look like the ticket.
  15. May get the license for that as well as it's on special or something for 9.95 for the year. It done good!! The anti-virus program I'll be buying is the big question.
  16. Reckon I'm back from the dead. Thanks for the links, I didn't really want to wade through all that in slower safe mode. I ended up using the Superspyware and Malwarebytes to clean it enough to get Avast to finally fully install and get to a boot scan and clean up. Seems stable now. I'll invest in a paid program after a bit more research. Need to find out what we are using at work and see if they have a home version. Thanks again for the assist folks. Back to TGO. Tech Geeks Online!
  17. Will try again tonight. Thanks for linkage, I did get Super to install and run. It said there were 19 entities! I rebooted right to a core dump! Later (safe mode still working)
  18. Backing up now would back up the bug I think. It's a smart bug as it shuts down the services of Avast. Avast is present and starts but then states it's inconsistent or the service is not available. I go to the services file and find three Avast services, one for the program, one for the mail scanner and one for something else. All are disabled. I cannot access them in anyway to set them to start. Wow. I'll try a few of the other links but I'm pretty much set to back up my tax info, some pictures and then reinstall the factory (Dell) original files. If I'm not back in a week, some of you come by and see if I'm alive, it may have spread to me by then! LOL
  19. Sounds good. Last time I was going to head on down and travel the first part to the meet spot with TDR. We can look at meeting at the 4 way and headed on through Gallatin and find him in H'ville. He will need directions to his own ride anyway.
  20. I down load almost nothing. If I'm on, I'm here or doing some online bill pay. Also hit U Tube quite a bit. As stated, been using just the router as the firewall since 2006 with no issues. Will go back to safe mode and download this malwarebytes or reinstall Avast and see what happens. Thanks
  21. Think I have picked up a virus somehow. Did not have anti-virus as I'm behind a router and have been for 4 years with no issues. I am running SpyBot. I got it to run last night and it said I had two Trojans which Spy Bot removed. Machine then started running slower and slower. Checking with Hi Jack this, I couldn't see anything I could identify as running in the background. I then tried to update Spy Bot thinking it was something new and Spy Bot quit working! I then got really concerned and went to download AVG. Wouldn't even connect to the internet when I tried to download it after getting the start up file. Then tried to get Avast. I at least got it downloaded but it never appeared in the programs file or desk top. What ever this is is smart! After trying repeatedly to get Avast to install and show up, the machine went to the blue screen of death and dumped its memory. I was able to get it back up in safe mode and then "last known good config" which is where I'm at now but it still won't let me load Avast or update Spybot. Anyone know a fix using hijack this to get what ever this most recent attack is or do I need to go spend dollars on a box version of AVG or something else.
  22. Basically from what they said, the fuel system! Apparently most of the rubber seals around jets and the petcock were being dryrotted by ethanol gas. I still have to go pick it up.
  23. I'll have a fully functioning, non leaking bike for this one. I'm in barring any foreign travel.
  24. Spend a little more man. You don't have to have a Ziess on the thing but you will not enjoy shooting with groups that are all over the place.
  25. Here ya go. Not the agile quick release of the LaRues but great quality and made just for the ARs. Rock River Arms: RRA Hi-Rise Scope Mounts and Rings Anyone else get the new 2010 RRA catalog ! My gosh they are branching out with all kinds of new ARs. Even finally bringing the 40 S&W online. It's my yearly porno mag!


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