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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. oops, totally forgot it, seriously. Guess I'll give em the minimum tonight and drop it off tomorrow. Can't help it if the guberment ain't there to move it right along. Out
  2. That is really nice country there Tacoma. Been way up past the prison a couple of times in the past doing "sum bidness" back when I did workers comp investigations. When the boys up that road decide they don't want to be found, it's real easy to get lost up there!
  3. LOL, I hear ya. Was hoping you were an old Army ROTC buddy. Had his sailboat in the parking lot of the apartments he was living in way back the last time I saw him. Works (worked) for Metro PD. Haven't heard from him in ages. I'm friendly, don't bite but will occasionally fire weapons in my friends vicinity. They are usually firing right along with me.
  4. Heard a good comeback for conservatives to pursue when they get back control of the house. In order to reduce rampant crime and thus cut costs on prison systems, mandate that everyone own a handgun. Heard that on Phil Valentine. I'll add my own analogy's, you all weigh in as you wish. Could even be it's own thread I reckon. If you already own a handgun, you will not have to change your handgun. If you don't, the government will subsidize your purchase using LE or Mil turn ins. Everyone must have access to handguns. Everyone must show proof of firearm ownership in order to obtain a student loan or file their taxes. If you loose your handgun, you will immediately be covered by a local LE agency that will provide you one. Your handgun can be transferred to any other citizen (portability)
  5. Soulless beings. The guff is empty. (I don't believe in the "guff" but I do think there are many amongst us that no longer have any morality whatsoever)
  6. In case you hadn't noticed "fashion" and the "in look" is all set by males without an inclination to like females. The closer to a little boy look the better for them. Disney has been well known to supoort that lifestyle. A size 4 to 6 won't have much to show or tell, especially with a dancer or swimming background. Notice they did say they had to be female, with those requirements a lot of "nice young men" could have applied and fit the size guidelines. Give me curves, all day and twice on Saturday!!
  7. Now your posting video just to piss off David.
  8. But you can't have a Cadillac if I can't. You rich bastard. Quote Strelcevina
  9. Mostar, Bosnia
  10. I will find anyway possible to NOT be a part of this plan. If it means dropping all insurance then so be it. If my company or my wife's do what we are hearing is the game plan and drop everyone and pay the "fine" so we are all forced to Obama care, I will not have health care and will either pay for what I need out of pocket or just do without. I will also NOT pay their fine and challenge it in court if need be. If I crap out because of it, it was my time to go, but I'll go a free man and will not have taken the mark of this administrations illegal and immoral grab for power. Is that your Cadillac on that "Reef" website? Nice car. Wish I could own one.
  11. I took Spanish in high school and Portuguese in college but I don't claim them as 2nd or 3rd languages since I can't effectively communicate written or orally in either of them. I also learned some Korean while stationed there. Guess that's my 4 if we are counting.
  12. Name the personal attack and I'll apologize. As to "attacking" those who want the rest of us to pay for what they feel is their rights, I'll go to the grave stating it's wrong and those that think that way are taking up valuable resources like air and water. "Don't even see right"? What? Translate to English please. Feel important because my tax dollars will go to you and others that pushed this on us when the majority was totally against it? Not in the least. What I am is totally ticked off that my hard earned dollars go to those who cry the most and don't do what it takes to reach where I'm at. Believe me I'm not rich but I couldn't tell you where the unemployement office is anywhere in the US, nor have I ever taken foodstamps, SSI or any other government support even though there were times I was in dire need. I had some bills to pay this coming week, I sold some guns rather than put it on credit cards or ask for a handout. Do you feel important taking what you didn't earn in support?
  13. He ends up a few feet in front of the front wheels and pops right back up then backs up as the security teams come in. Still wow! How would you like to be one of the "perps" on the bus through that? Guess Lacrosse players have a future in some countries security forces.
  14. Because the Constitution states that the Federal government will provide the standing Army. It's like a rule Strec. Why are you diverting your argument to the military? You want to go off topic and talk the whole ball of wax you will just dig yourself in a deeper hole. You want other people to pay for your healthcare. The government is using you and your wishes to grab power, not to help you. It's that simple. It's illegal, cannot and has not worked anywhere in the world and if you try to bring up the few (small) nations like Switzerland you use a specious argument. They were not based on the same structure we are and are now taxing themselves into oblivion trying to be socially progressive. If everyone were working for the same goals, some of this socialist crap might work but you have the bottom feeders of society that push this and the elitist that wouldn't accept the same standards of healthcare for themselves that vote it into law to keep you all coming back to them and damn the consequences. I can't go any further without violating the code of conduct but to say you are obviously not able or willing to see the true cause and effect of what's happening so we can't change your mind on this. If we can't get this repealed and fixed, come back in a few years and tell us all (if your allowed to speak ill of the government at that time) how this all made your life so much better. Until then you should just say thank you to those of us who continue to work hard and pay our way (and your healthcare). At least until we can't see where there is any reason to continue and back into our holes or come forth to take it back. Either way you lose.
  15. Another Thanks for your son's service guy. Your pride in him is shining! as it should be.
  16. I think I shaved with a Russian Typhoon class boomer last week!
  17. Your proving OUR point. That's what the Federal government is mandated to do. Provide for the common defense! And they don't always do that well in procurement. That and interstate highways is all I want them to do. We don't even need the post office anymore. The rest we can and should demand be handled by our own means and methods or let the state we live in handle it. I have more than 1 dollar in my pocket and if you don't, you aren't handling life or finances correctly. You obviously have access to internet, you don't need that. You probably have a cell phone, don't need that. If you want more, work harder, invent something, dare to be more than you are instead of looking up, vilifying those that did dare and having your fellow "takers" vote to even it up by rule of illegal law. Otherwise, if you have done all you feel you need to, accept where your at and smile and live the American dream of mediocrity.
  18. Hardee's spicy chicken sandwiches. .99 each. The boys and I are bachelors tonight.
  19. Those damn rich people. They should all be tossed out of the country and take everything they own with them. Of course what's rich?? Well to Strecelvina, probably everyone that makes more money than him. Look up envy. So when they go, they close all their personally owned businesses and pull their investment capitol from the publicly traded ones. So a huge number of companies go belly up (don't have the numbers but you can logically figure its a big one). Yeah that's good for us. So now the whole nation depends on the small buisness owner or government to provide for the economy. The Fed doesn't make anything, can't make a profit. Hmm. So the entire USA is now looking for an infrastructure run by small business owners who are below the "ERG" line (evil rich guy) which we have yet to establish a number on. Are you really that ill informed Strec? Do you not understand economics at all? Are you willing to be informed and educated instead of living in your preconceived notions and rhetoric based thoughts? The government will do nothing on your behalf, NOTHING ! It currently only acts to help politicians maintain their hold on power and that comes from the ill informed and weak with their hands out for OTP (other peoples money). You can wish for "good" all you want, and in the other hand you can...fill in the blank.
  20. If you really listen to those words from Sunztu's video it fits like a non OJ glove. Don't worry about planning, live for today. This is how a large portion of our nation thinks. Someone else owes me a living, a home, my food and now my healthcare. I work for a living and I'm tired of paying for everyone else who refuse to contribute their fair share. In my USA, there are two laws I would push for and sign into law. 1. Abolish Insurance and make it punishable to sell like drugs. Costs would come down based on all the savings that having no administration costs associated to it. It's always going to cost something more than food or gas folks, its life saving stuff! And worth it. 2. Make it so hard to apply for and receive aid that it would be easier for someone to just go to work. Requests for aid would demand that you provide all documentation on how many job interviews were applied for, you would be drug tested, you would clean highways and roads or other "community service" while receiving benefits and it would all begin again each year. You could have only the basics of life, housing, food and I'll even toss in a land line phone so you can keep looking for work. That's it. The constitution states you can pursue happiness, not that it will given to you. My safety net would automatically provide aid to those born with life disabilities (downs syndrome, etc) but those that have decided to "almost" take their own life's with drugs or alcohol will be their families responsibility, not the rest of society. If you want to go to the old rhetoric of how uncaring I am, truly think about it. What's more caring than parents passing on good morals and ethics and our society getting stronger instead of the mass of crap we have now. We actually care less now than ever in our history. If we truly cared for each other as a society then we wouldn't just pass the buck asking a faceless bureaucracy to spend in their eyes, others money, on taking care of those that didn't care in the first place. Rant off
  21. By the sound of thunder it's mad too! You folks in Clarksville and Dickson Co hunker down, nice line of T-storms hitting you now at 1:30 AM. and no, I don't know why I'm not sleeping. Stupid remake of the Andromeda Strain is holding my interest I guess.
  22. A trip to Carousel at age 30. Sandmen to keep us from running. Really testing the young ones knowledge of old movies now. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0074812/
  23. Really? It's just linked to Youtube, not thrown on the server. Had not heard that. Guess I shall refrain.
  24. I don't owe anything yet but maybe someone needs these and I can chime in quick when something nice comes along (monkey fist would be nice as I keep missing those) Model number is PG1911-1 These go under your standard grips and give you finger ridges on the front strap. http://www.midwayusa.com/viewproduct/?productnumber=799381


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