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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Cuz if it's working you don't look around. When it quits working you come here and ask. Don't ask me about the whole "retention" thing after all the above.
  2. You getting that on your dental work too! I need another frequency. I'll get Bronker to hit me upside the head as I don't want it to hurt switching channels!
  3. Bronker's just upset that Obama's making him change careers soon. No longer the medical icon we all know him for now. Bronker will be switching back to his first calling, cheese making and tasting. Ya'll hide the cows, he really likes his cheese.
  4. Warn me first. I'm gonna run out to the garage and get some brake cleaner for my eyes first.
  5. Using Bronker words
  6. He stole his kid's bed too!
  7. Your kidding! Please tell us he is not actually amongst us! I figured him for.....anywhere but here. The horror.......the horror
  8. I want a coke now dang it. Thanks.
  9. Take it to Vegas. Those boys on Pawn Stars will take it off your hands. Serious money from what I've seen on that show.
  10. Get the C-products 6.8 mags. Excellent quality and good prices (2 years ago). I have lots of C-products mags and nothing but good stuff to say about them.
  11. That would be the one. Burn your pinky again?
  12. +1 on the .22 conversion bolt and mags. Just ordered one from Hero Gear today.
  13. I think I need to get a trim, what do you guys think? Bronker, forgot to tell you that some of them bullets you got have anti-matter in them. You go shooting and tell me which ones, okay!!
  14. Could we get TGO on a sponsor sign in front of one of the houses? That would freak some sheep !
  15. +1 Wait for Dralarms to chime in before you make a move. He won't steer you wrong.
  16. I had one and got some Silver State Armory ammo. The upper was a good one, Kotonics and it shot well but I could tell little difference between it and the 5.56. I'm thinking 6.5 Grendel now and owned a 458 SOCOM which I will own again. That thing makes your standard AR lower into a small cannon. Deer capable definitly. Big holes! Smaller holes are 5.56 and the big one, .458
  17. Thanks Brooksjr for being the POC on this. Conspicuously absent are our brothers that espouse ideas from the left of the aisle. Would have been a great opportunity to show their empathy for their fellow man, the down trodden, those in need! Nothing unexpected though.
  18. I think it was plain or peanut?
  19. Opinion only. The P series are great guns, the hawg series not so much. I haven't owned a P14, but my brother carries one daily. I have shot it and he has thousands of rounds through it. Flawless. Now, I did own a Para Light Hawg, the .45 ver of the subcompact with a light rail. It wouldn't run through a single magazine without choking on something, stovepiping, failing to eject, the whole ball of wax. It was a purty little gun, I had it done up with grips and Pearce extensions as I ordered it online and had it shipped to FFL. Just never could get it to run. Sold it to Uselton's. It went home to another area of useless.
  20. Wha? huh?
  21. Or press F1 twice....just numbers Mike !
  22. My tip for hunting any predator as well as turkey and deer is invest in a good climbing stand like a Summit and take it to the woods! You gain such an advantage being up above the area. They don't see you as well, don't scent you as well and you see them a lot further off. The best Tom I ever got came in behind me when I was in a tree stand. He never made a noise and I only heard him walking when he was within 25 yards. That same bird would have seen me turn to look at him if I had been on the ground. I was able to stand up, take a good long look and purposefully aim. If you know there is game in the area, get a stand! It will pay for itself in enjoyment as well as comfort. (keeps you out of the ticks better too!)
  23. Mine just goes weeeeeeee
  24. I'm bringing my hearing protection.......lots of Harley's in the herd.!
  25. TDR you better round up some Kawi support or your gonna be all by yourself!


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