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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. A little duct tape and some fuses will have that thing running Linux in no time!
  2. Sam Hoster fixed exactly that problem for me on exactly the same type 30-30 about 2 years ago Blake. There was a worn spring and another piece not allowing the lifter to operate. Fix was under 30 bucks for parts and labor as I recall.
  3. Crap guys, you know even the M9 if it gets wiggled up behind you when you do the sack of crap, er.....PLF can beat the crap out of you and leave a mark. My worst was jumping in the tac sat and extra batteries into Honduras back in the late 80s. No wind and I didn't slip, landed right on top of it, feet, back, head, head, head. "Someone wanna hump this crap off the DZ for me while I put my brains back in?" Keep em together you guys still on status!
  4. They are sucking up penalties left and right. The boys are angry and not thinking tonight.
  5. I slept in and scratched yesterday's chigger bites.
  6. I'm just going to stay home and wait for the play by play from 56 and Volzfan. Go Preds
  7. Guy, bullets do funny things after hitting things. I just wouldn't take that chance with cars in plain view at an angle from where you were shooting. Your call, you were there or will be again. It just doesn't look safe from that video. Just like on a range, anytime an unsafe or perceived unsafe action is observed, it should be noted.
  8. I wish I could just live down there sometimes. May just run into Hendersonville since the game doesn't start till 7:30 central anyway. Maybe splurge and get some wings at Buffalo Wildwings or something. Tempest, Uker, 56Fordguy, Verne, anyone, anyone interested in getting out?
  9. Anyone want to do a short run today, maybe end at a place showing the Preds game since I can't see it here? Weather Channel 10 day has Saturday at 40% chance of scattered T-storms. I do think we need to make the call by Friday so we can go to plan B for Saturday. (Bronker? we going hunting?)
  10. There are cars moving down a road in view of this non back stopped shooting area. This looks entirely unsafe.
  11. Let me check my schedule for the next time I NEED it to rain so we can go ahead and set up TGO Ride #3. I'm thinking sometime in August so the grass doesn't die out from the yearly drought.
  12. PM or text me the next time your going. I have the TGO bike ride next Saturday though. Unless it's raining. I hunt in the rain, don't ride motorcycles.
  13. Really? I'm not recalling real good these days but I'm positive if I had been asked to come to that field I've seen pictures of you two in, I'd be there!! With biscuits! And Bacon! Just admit it, until your boy gets that big sucka, you ain't letting no one in there with you! Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  14. I was going to get in a ladder stand today but that fella either removed it after deer season last year or someone else has stolen it. I don't have any land to hunt on with fields so I have to hunt from the woods and mostly ridges. Evening hunts are all like deer hunting for me as they won't answer a call so you ambush them on the way back to roosting areas. I get up off the ground whenever possible. Nothing showed up tonight but the ticks, mosquitoes and apparently a woodpecker that ate mexican earlier today as he crapped a six inch string on my right arm (ewww)
  15. Way to stick to him! Nice bird! Wish I could have just heard one at this point. Well, gotta go scratch.
  16. Same here, had no intention but to look in, 20 minutes later, I have a .308 sniper rifle ready! Fun to mess with.
  17. Seen more ticks than turkey when hunting! Sucks to be me right now.
  18. Hey, the keyboards over at my house if you want it back!
  19. Thoughts to McFlurry!
  20. The Butler of the NHL !!!!!!
  21. as opposed to this? Give me the mushrooms any day and twice on Sunday.
  22. Don't have either one. Oh well, Rocky's on, he's gonna run here in a minute and I'll feel better.
  23. I got Ottawa vs Pittsburgh here on Vs. What channel you watching?
  24. Yep, I have to admit there are some sorry "locals" down in Wayne Co that like to ignore property rights and posted signs. We had a confrontation with an individual on our lease last fall. This lease adjoins property owned by my brother. He was parked up on the property with a "lady friend" (this is 5 AM Sunday morning by the way), not his wife, and when the first guy showed up, he was pretty brave and mouthy. As trucks number 2 and 3 showed up and we all got out to speak with him he got real "respectful". Funny thing was we knew who he was as we had already had the Sheriff's department come speak to him about why some of his trash ended up on the property! He forgot when illegally dumping your trash, you should remove your prescription pill bottles!! Needless to say he departed the area with stern warnings not to return without permission. We have had the ladder of a tree stand stolen, they couldn't get the whole thing as I had it locked to the tree. Fence posts with concrete foundations ripped out and taken. More trash including an old couch dumped. And we just keep playing by the rules, contact LEO, and come back to find out what's been violated next. I only wish I could stay down there a full week or two during hunting season as we know they are coming in on 4 wheelers on a pipeline during the week (does no one work anymore)? I would like to say what surprises I might leave but this is the web and I don't want "no trouble"


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