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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Did you just make a reference to "Bobbit Cheese" ?
  2. Bwah hahahaha wait yeah Bwah hahahahaha
  3. try the weather channel page. The zoom feature is a nice variant to what the NWS has. I flip back and forth when the weather is coming. National and Local Weather Forecast, Hurricane, Radar and Report click the "my page" in the upper right and give it your zip code and off ya go.
  4. Does this mean I can say some of my writing has been published now? You can purchase your Tac/Jack receiver for only 3 easy payments of $8.49 by sending a SASE to: TNYCHINESERADIO c/o Bronker International Dickson, TN oU812
  5. LOL When I worked at the Gallatin PD, we had an officer on the evening shift that would come in early and sit in the break room/shift meeting room and watch the weather channel radar channel for 45 minutes straight. Every day! I'm sure he was getting something out of it, what I'll never know. Do moonbats feed on radar pictures?
  6. What did the buck say there Brokeback?
  7. Can't pick just one....picking one says your a lowbrow. Cheese is the "woman" of the food groups. Many varieties Many shapes Many sizes Many flavors Some make you want more Some will make you back away like they had plague. And some are Pepper Jack
  8. I thought the "tactical Planet Jack receiver" sentence had some merit.
  9. That will learn you to take the tenderloin OFF the antelope first there big guy.
  10. I really like a bacon, cheese and mustard sammich in the mornings. May ask for one when I finally get up after following all the debauchery here tonight. It's been kinda light weight debauchery though...what gives? Somebody post something stupid so we have something to post tomorow. I also wish David would bring back the short lived chat room. It would clean the boards up a bit as the "talking" could go there instead of into drifted threads.
  11. I was hoping you would add my quip to your copy righted sig line Jack. That way I'll live on forever with every post you make.
  12. I think Jack was messing with you on your wish to change screen names. I also think Jack is testing adult beverages again. Let me adjust my tactical Planet Jack receiver to find out more.
  13. Bravo Merril ! My kids fear what me and momma will do them more than the teacher. One graduates at the end of the month, two more will make it to graduation having never seen the principle in a disciplinary situation.
  14. That is gonna be awesome to driveby. (no pun intended) Who wants to bet it's one that will receive it's fair share of graffiti though? Wish I could recall all of what Kramer did on that Seinfeld episode where he got his own section of the turnpike or something. Didn't he wax the road??
  15. Uh, yeah, that is a great hypothesis. Wish I had thought of that... (like around page one, of course I was wearing to much tin foil at that time) Info: All rigs have multiple safety features such as pressure valves both at the surface and at the well head. Problem is they don't react well to explosions.
  16. I want to know which fringe environmental whack unit sabotaged the platform. Just look at the timing. Nothing has happened on those rigs for years and a few weeks after BHO announces drilling will ramp up and re-open, low and behold, a disaster strikes. This wasn't an active well either.... Maybe someone got their intel screwed up and were just trying to make a small incident and it went way beyond their control.
  17. Who says we aren't already?
  18. Their all still hiding from the challenge to make a charitable donation I threw down....and yes, it was noted that not one of them stepped up to back their dialogue. It's always big talk when dealing with OTP (other people's money)
  19. Your all wrong and now you can't even get them so you'll never know! The original Goo Goo cluster made at Standard Candy in Nashville NOT the ones they have now. The marshmallow in the new ones won't even melt. I used to get a Goo Goo when trips to Wayne County took a weekend because it was 4 hours + driving on the two lanes prior to I-65 existing. We would listen to the Grand Old Opry and they sang the commercial. "Go get a Goo Goo, their good!" So we did!
  20. I'm always in trouble with Bronker's wife. Even the mention of my name in that house brings about the inevitable "what are you two cooking up now" so don't bring that little topic up with her and make her hate me before we have been properly introduced. Plenty of time for the hating later on when we have swapped guns or motorcycles and stuff. You know, guy stuff.
  21. She's a nice girl Bronker, no more of that dream to run your own brothel.
  22. Not nearly the same caliber but when I first started shooting a .458 Socom with a brand new BCG it put some pretty good marks on the brass as well. They started easing off as I shot more. Shoot some wolf steel case to smooth it all in, clean the heck out of it and see what happens. I was also thinking the buffer weight issue might slow it down a bit and it's not that costly to get an H buffer. Maybe someone put it together with a worn out buffer spring. That would be an easy check, swap out a buffer and spring with an AR friend.
  23. Plain old PSPs in 55 grains. I do have some Nosler Ballistic tips but I'm hoarding those for zombies.
  24. Another Thanks for the Service (we called the black service issue glasses RPGs. Rape Prevention Glasses)


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