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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. I'd ask what the first tentative date for a clean up would be but we all know what happens when you post dates!
  2. Shhhhhhhh, don't let her know!
  3. Bingo! Dual XDMR7710 MP3 CD Players - In-Dash Receivers at Onlinecarstereo.com and I was going to do something really exciting with my 3000th post, here it is....da da
  4. That means the fish smell has been removed. It's a Cumberland special
  5. Platinum edition Planet Jack receiver. Hands free operation as it has only one channel to receive his gospel. The rest of the buttons are to keep others in the vehicle from figuring out how to turn it off. Seriously, I checked a few online car audio sites and see some with a big volume knob but nothing just like that one. Top is probably the information center.
  6. You tell us. I'm hating rain right now
  7. Who squealed?? I say we don't try to ride next weekend at all. Not a bit. Definitely not next weekend.
  8. I'll even make it a good experience, gold paint balls.
  9. Three words Bronker, to refresh your memory Tennessee Gun Owners (paintball guns count, and it's easy to hit big targets, even when moving)
  10. Lets go, but say it quietly Might recap meeting place, times, etc. All I need to know is when your leaving and I can be at the Exxon below you and follow you on over.
  11. Used it some last night just watching the dog run in the back yard after dark. Very bright. Of course the energizers I had in the light have been there since deer season last fall. Off to a good start though. If these make a good "hours" count, they are definitely something to go with.
  12. You can edit the title. Just have to go to the advanced edit. It's there, I've done it to add "Sold" to a trading post sale or three. Click edit. Then the "go advanced" and go up to the top and change the title.
  13. Saw the picture first, backed up to read but thought you already HAD !
  14. Nice job and congrats! Mom must be doing a great job judging on the smile on that little fellas face. Life, wow!
  15. Another great point here. My solution to scent blocking may not work up where your going. I have a full size plastic storage bin on wheels that I keep in the garage. I store all my hunting clothes in it after washing them in scent free detergent. The kicker is I have an old pillow case that I fill with cedar shavings. Bag is a few bucks from any store that services pets. All the clothes have had plenty of time to absorb a very light scent of cedar and it's pleasing to put on. Why it might not work for you? Are there cedar trees where your going? Never use a scent for something that is not natural in that area. We were trying to pattern some deer down in Wayne Co a few years back and set up trail cameras all around the property. One guy got a deal on red apples by the burlap sack. He spread two bags around two of his cameras. NO DEER ! These were in or near sites where plenty of deer had been seen before. They wouldn't come near the things. We saw a oppossum, but pretty much two bushels of apples rotted in the woods. No cedar, don't use this method! Once I'm in the field, I will "smoke wash" my outer garments if I have worn them quite a bit or got hot and sweated at all. A good wood fire of oak, hickory or cedar again provides a quick odor cover or elimination. Just wave your coat and overalls through the smoke a few times. Folks down where I hunt use wood stoves in abundance and the smell is quite normal. I also don't bring any of my outer hunting cloths that would be hung up inside the cabin. Cook something inside with your clothes on a peg nearby and you might as well tell everything down wind your a steak or hamburger eater!! LOL A final quick fix to help, and my brother used to laugh heartily at me until I kept getting kills, before you walk in, find a nice leafy area, damp actually works better, and roll around in them. Natural "mossy earth" smell anybody? You look stupid as hell, but I'll look stupid going in while draggin something out later!
  16. Can you alter the sign from TGO to "TDR and RW" ??
  17. Holder says she's done a nice job.....that's the nail I needed for that coffin.
  18. Don't know if I'll be able to make it to this years meat and shoot. When another guy's wife sets me down to give me the business, well I can just stay home for that and wear my comfortable shorts while taking it.
  19. 2 Guess I need to work on my scowl.
  20. Wondered why my back was hurting today.....guess it was the bus!
  21. You'll fit right in on the east side of Nashvegas wid yo esstended.
  22. Get a larger slide release Glock Extended Controls - topglock.com Look around here for other things that will catch your eye. Good site. Get the Pearce extensions here: Glock 19/23/32 Grip Extension Look at some of these. <FONT COLOR=BLUE>*** SPECIAL OFFER *** </FONT><BR>Glock 17 9mm 17rd Ambidextrous Non-Drop Mag New Asian Military <FONT COLOR=BLUE>*** SPECIAL OFFER *** </FONT><BR>Glock 17/17SF 9mm 17rd Mag New Factory
  23. Shouldn't need a translator for the trial that SHOULD be conducted. I'm done with these people. Please start the fight....quit yanking your mouth in the protected campuses of left California. Bring the message to the deep south....please.
  24. Batteries arrived quick. They did the new UPS to local post office thing so it went one day longer than I though when I saw they shipped from Indianapolis. Batteries are easy to see as they are bright yellow! First set is in the Nightfighter (incandescent bulb) and we will see how long they go. I'm not going to do anything different. I would say I use the light 2 or 3 times a week and a bunch when I go to the cabin. It's Sunday, May 9. Clock is ticking.


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