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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Son graduating High School, this one is a no go for me as well.
  2. Sell your Intel and AMD stock NOW (if true)
  3. Now to Swamp Loggers and a touch up clean on the AR so I can install and function check the .22 conversion kit. Kid is touching up his 25-06 and my 30-06. Other than having a summer cold, it's been an okay day.
  4. You killed it! I get page not found. Must have noted hits from a gun site.
  5. Deadliest Catch again
  6. Bet it connects to Mammoth Cave somewhere....betcha! That's a big hole!
  7. If you are a state employee and the state cannot pay you, you lose your job. Welcome to corporate America where we face it day to day. Now to get those performance evaluations started as well. Sorry to be blunt but we want smaller government, we NEED smaller government. If I were governor, I would call all the state Department heads in, tell them they are fired and then interview deputies to see if they cut the mustard. One of my questions would be what is the minimum amount of staffing you need to get the job done in a 40 hour work week with no overtime. If they can't come up with a lower number than present, fired. Jobs in the private sector have contracted the last two years everywhere. We have had two rounds of layoffs, no pay raises and tell ya what....I'm darn happy to have a job! Maybe those two guys telling the one guy shoveling gravel can go consult elsewhere?
  8. I got no complaints about timing or funding. We generally are last in line up here anyway, not a bad thing IMHO. My only issue is why it takes two 5 ton trucks to do what some flashing barriers could do. Those "on site" folks ain't moving and they sure ain't walking up and down that hill replacing cones or barrels. There is about a mile of it. Your in Lafayette, you must have seen it by now.
  9. We need a couple of La-Z-Boys up on the embankment so we can observe our stretch of highway. Where abouts is it again? I don't hit the Vet much but since I need to get down to H'ville soon anyway, I'll make a drive by. Imagine, a guy with a gun, doing a driveby, and nobody gets shot! How can that be!?
  10. Got a hill sliding away on Highway 31 coming into Westmoreland. The road is 3 lanes coming up the ridge to allow folks to pass slower traffic. Well about a 40 yard stretch of the far right (uphill) lane decided to sink about 4 feet during the flood weekend and crept a few inches further into the middle (uphill) lane over the past weekend with more rain. All they have done is put cones and barrels in place and burned a ton of fuel with big county and TDOT trucks parked above and below it with their yellow lights on. If anyone is coming this way, especially you big truck drivers, beware, it gets tight in there and could go away at any time now.
  11. Rightwinger

    Four Lions

    Hav ing har d ti m e typ ing. Tryi n g to ke ep my face bl urr ed! Bwaahhahahahaha
  12. Uh Oh! Bronk, I got a Wolff spring and metal guide rod for the G22 I had a smith order the non captive guide rod and springs for the G30. He got them through Midway I think, maybe Brownell's.
  13. Seen the newest Haslam ad? He's got some shill on a farm stumping for him and says that Jim is pro 2nd Amendment. Really? I guess all that earlier work with Bloomberg was done by his staff and he didn't really know it was going on. LIAR
  14. Thanks. I've been on Canyon Creek's site before. Probably have it bookmarked somewhere in the "guns" folder. I saved it directly to the XD45 folder for reference when I get funds to get that. Anyone gone with a lighter spring, say a 19 in their 45s?
  15. When you find a replacement guide rod and spring(s) for the XD45c post it up. I would like to have a spare on hand as well.
  16. Ahhhhh It was great till he brought the rifle into the scene and left his booger hook connected to the bang button.
  17. "HeroArms" Huh, guess Joe got his factory in China up and running! You tell us what you find out.
  18. Small oil stain on the couch, otherwise, looks normal to me. Carry on.
  19. It's probably 56Fordguys. He is a flashlight whore! Right now as I sit in my bedroom, I only have 4 lights in view. A mini-mag light, a TLR-1 on the XD45, a low cost multi LED I picked up at the first Hero Gear gun show and a little jewel that recharges in the cigarette lighter with one really bright LED. When I got mine off TopGlock they were like 10 bucks. Best I can find now is 18.99. Check these out. If you travel, they are a must. http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.20161~r.24492410 I'm no light Ho. 56 probably has three on his person at any time and 5 more within reach. Ask him to show you pics of his collection. They are in bound leather volumes.
  20. That would be mine. It's a 'Coast LED LENSER v2 6 Chip Dual Color Ultra-Violet Light' (Model: 7732DUV). It has 5 white LED's and 1 UV LED, both operated by seperate power buttons. I lost it on the road. Glad you found it. I'll pick it up soon! Thanks :p;):p
  21. I'll pick up trash on a rainy day. It's got to be better being wet and cool than just hot and sweaty!
  22. Yeah, we might have been able to avoid it but its raining cats and dogs on the southern end of the trace in Wayne Co. right now. I'll admit it, I'm a wimp when it comes to riding in the rain. I rode on the wet streets Wed in Gallatin after avoiding a T-storm and still didn't like getting sprayed by cars and the feeling of just that little bit less traction. I'll live to be called a wimp. That is all.


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