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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. And we will all keep buying gas from them or someone doing the same thing and we will LIKE IT!! Period. Like the drug wars, demand drives the need. Until a significant portion of the nation throws their car keys in the gulf and starts walking, or riding their new horses, there will be a need and demand for gas and this is the only way to get it! This is all still an accident that statistically was going to happen somewhere. Tragic yes, but until we discover some other cheap efficient means of moving about, drilling will continue and there will be other spills. Minimization of future events is all that can happen. That or shut the doors and close the country.
  2. That's just freaking cool! One day, when I grow up and get some money I could throw away, I'm building one of those! Seriously!
  3. Psychotropic drugs just aren't that popular anymore
  4. Lamb, Loins, Ribs!
  5. Cooked for HOURS!
  6. so much meat!
  7. You ever drive the interstate? Deer LOVE asphalt! I see em sleeping there all the time. (agree with Jamie, should have left the trees and put a pile of corn and a salt lick out)
  8. Nah, I see teenagers doing it all the time. Must be easy.
  9. Walmart.com: Tennessee Atlas & Gazetteer, Delorme Mapping Company: Travel & Nature A map or gazetteer never needs power, never needs updates and provides detail the little distractions in the window can't. Pick up one for your favorite state!
  10. Rightwinger

    Sarco Inc

    Note to self. SARCO sucks...do not use. Got it.
  11. With that Hwy 52 garage sale going on today and 231 closed, its close to being choked down to a standstill for traffic up here today. Had to take the youngest to his soccer game after graduation at the High School and it took us 20 minutes to go 1.4 miles from the house to the field. I love people.....and traffic NOT can you apply for curmudgeon or grumpy old man at 46?
  12. Was wondering when the thread would finally wander to that question!
  13. Keep em in your car/truck and take the ferry from Washington State up to Alaska. Alaska Marine Highway Ferry System Reservation and Ticketing Agent
  14. I'm innocent on this one! Don't you have a piece of tupperware to clean drool off of?
  15. or not
  16. Yeah, that's it! That's where I live! I'm so proud. Look at our crack! And its so close to the worlds smallest train tunnel! The Littlest Tunnel
  17. No picture photography allowed in the Westmoreland area. All very hush hush ya know. Look at the one in Wayne Co, little shorter, bigger hillside to drop off of though. I did look for a pic the other day, let me try again. We being the step children of Sumner Co, they can't allow any reporters to stray this far north. If they do get this far out of Gallatin they generally end up drunk over in Lafayette.
  18. oooooh you gonna burn for that one! LOL
  19. Tis a big hole. Ask Greg. I would hope some deep driven shoring and a build up. Good thing Westmoreland isn't running this show. It would be a couple of rounds of hot mix and some gravel.
  20. A good 4 wheeler!
  21. Dickson Co Highway Maintenance team
  22. Barney Fife wants to know if that gives us citizens arrest powers for our section of the road! I've always wanted to PIT somebody


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