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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. I have absolutely no responsibility in this matter.
  2. Your gonna burn for that one Strik! Shields up!
  3. True but Fruit of the Loom had not been invented then....now it's just tacky!
  4. Sounds like a modern version with newer tech of Alas Babylon by Pat Frank. This was written back when SAC still flew 24 hours a day and had ramp ready B52s but the premise is close. The main character has to deal with power going out, which eliminates refrigeration. That means Insulin can't be kept so even if you lived through the attack, diabetics all died soon after the Day. Roving bands of looters, members of the town banding together, all the basics for what Jericho and other recent stories are based on. Good read, even if based on a much earlier time in our history. I'll check this one out as well. I always do. Right after I finish Atlas Shrugged.
  5. Didn't Cinderella promise all that during his job application?
  6. One is the loneliest number! Haslam? Really?
  7. Go to BP's site. They have 10 different feeds. Not all are active at the moment but I'm watching 4 different cameras right now. They have one running inclinometer tests to see if anything is "leaning"
  8. They just found a full size freezer on the ocean floor. So what do they do? Open it of course!! Just stirred up a bunch of dirt, couldn't see anything but they have one ROV just riding around the area. I would post the pics but I'm saving them from screen shots and don't know how I would stick those here.
  9. Give em a few shows to let the stupid rise to the surface.
  10. Some interesting stuff. They are moving around with a bunch of the ROVs. been using impact wrenchs and brushes. Now moving a cable for some reason. If you can get several windows going its pretty interesting, especially during commercials. Live feeds from Viking Poseidon
  11. I guess he just isn't that good a shot. He's gonnnnnneeee. The kid seems like he can shoot. Other than the elimination, we still haven't seen 80% of the red team even shoot and one of em's gone. It is holding my interest.
  12. How can we tell? Only two have taken a shot. I can't tell if he was a terrible shot with the 03 or his spotter had him chasing the other teams shots. I do not like the Survivor theme though.
  13. "I can't find the target in the spotting scope" The tribe will be speaking!
  14. Oh, I was going to post this link days ago but got sidetracked by something. Good info for the "non rough neck/oil engineer" on the why it happened. I really want to see the data, especially if they have a black box type record, of what happened that day. It's a PDF file so you will be downloading. No virus noted on my machine but I am not the source. http://media.nola.com/news_impact/other/oil-cause-050710.pdf
  15. Now that's a sharp knife!
  16. Your on a jury , in a trial of a man up for child rape/murder. This man has a PREVIOUS record of molestation, and one attempted murder years ago. In YOUR mind Rightwinger...NOT what the law says... but YOUR mind...does that have ANY bearing on what your verdict will be? Id love to hear your answer on this. I'll hear the facts of the case and make a judgment based on what I see and hear. Any intelligent person would. These are the same rules you would demand at any trial you were the accused in. Why should they be different unless you just make up the rules according to Straight Shooter. And Ill tell you what else that I would take into account as far as BP goes, if I were on the jury. 1. The fact that for DAYS they denied there was any major problem. You mean besides the burning rig and the injured people that they couldn't deny? What were they hiding? They didn't know any more than anyone else on the scene. Until the oil continued to be in the area and they got some ROV's on scene they could only sit on the surface and wonder like the rest of us. 2. The fact that they only put up that 24/7 camera only after INTENSE pressure to do so. No win situation for them here. To put it up immediately inflames people like you all that much quicker. To deny access inflames you as well. It's on now. 3. The fact that..barring the CEOyou said you saw...MOST of the BP executives will not give interviews still. How many people does it take to push out the info? Heck, most police departments use a PR or Spokesperson to push out their info. The top dog is standing there taking it. He's done for unless they get this stopped soon and the clean up is successful. He's probably done for anyway. 4. BP reported before the spill to the U.S. Government, that they had the skill, equipment and know how to handle a spill TEN TIMES.....10 TIMES..bigger than whats out there now. What day? What info did they have at the time of that statement? Willis could add more to this but he's busy fixing the problem. That little logistics thing sticks it's ugly head in there again. You had to get the ROV's operators, engineers and other support folks in there to make the determination. I would still say that an oil company should know more about taking care of this than, oh, say a guy in south middle Tennessee sitting at his computer. 5. Their initial claim that, because they didnt 'manufacter" or "own" the equipment out there, they shouldnt be held liable.. or "as liable". You have seen this time after time. Brakes fail on a Toyota, they buy the brakes from a supplier. Toyota will go after the source of the negligence but they have the big money, not the smaller supplier. Guess who gets sued? The BOP failed. BP purchased it from someone or bought the parts to put it together. Again to my point...we need to know why it failed and all the other facts to determine negligence and who is the root cause of it. What are you going to say when BP produces the safety inspection from DOE or other regulatory agency that says the BOP passed their safety tests? That's speculation and wrong but you like to keep hammering me so a little speculation as an example of what could happen from me seems appropriate. 6.The past dismal safety record of DOZENS killed & HUNDREDS injured. And that will be taken into account when facts are presented I'm sure. They suck, point taken. 7. Millions and millions of dollars paid in criminal and civil fines. Found guilty and damages assessed. Again they suck but somehow there was enough demand for their product that someone wanted them to keep drilling and producing. Know anyone close to you that uses gas, oil, plastic, etc...? You know "rightwinger"....I could go on and on all night. I have nearly done so. So true! You yourself have brought NOTHING legitimate to this debate, except personal attack, (the one where I asked if you were injured as a young person or the one where I speculated that your textual vomitus was issuing from your lower opening? Nothing personal, just an opinion of how I thought your argument was proceeding) and, oh...LETS WAIT AND SEE. What's your plan. I have articulated mine, still waiting for yours, the one besides KILL BP. Then you LUDICROUSLY quote the U.S. Constitution to me, like your some ACLU lawyer. No the ACLU picks and chooses which laws and which cases it wishes to befriend. I choose only the Constitution and it's amendments as they are presented to be the basis of my arugument...for everyone, even you, and even BP. If you won't let them have their protection under the law then we need no law. You do like law, right Straight? Ive read it more than you ,my friend. Statement not supported by the evidence at hand I'm afraid. Your argument is, and has been weak. You are, and have been.. wrong. So your argument to boycott BP to "hurt them" and support people who are out jobs by killing jobs locally is a good one? You have stated no plan on how to compensate those that are suffering. You can't fathom the fact that if they are found negligent that your plan on running them to extinction destroys the only method they might have to repay in full. Yeah, I'm wrong. I'm not taking the time to think it out to the fullest. I'll join you with the pitchforks and torches. Geez. It is my FERVENT hope, that after paying fines, restitution and clean up expenses, that BP will be as extinct as the jobs and livelihoods they have destroyed. If that means THEIR employees must lose their jobs....just keep quoting ole EL Rushbo. THEY WERENT ENTITLED TO THEM ANYWAY. I'm sure the smart ones are already moving on to other locations or companies now. The ones waiting for "someone to do something" need a copy of your contract for entitled jobs. Good word there for you, entitlement. It seems fitting. I hereby leave this debate permanently, having won. Congratulations!
  17. How do you suggest that they start paying? Just cut the checks to folks based on the phone book? Peter Zacharia is gonna be pissed! How much should it be? 2K, 4K? True claims of damages would need to be documented. That's generally the province of the judicial system. That's what I have been saying all along! Lets get it stopped, get the cleanup in full gear and let BP pay for all that as they say they will and get the ball running for a series of claims centers, which I believe should definitely not be run by BP or the US government as they are both players or litigants and have it ready to go once the facts are determined. This should cut down on fraud from the riff raff that always shows up when big money is in play and protect those that will have claims against those at fault.
  18. They do have a poor record. I don't recall anyone saying they were pristine as new fallen snow, but again, your not interested in debate anymore. Your more interested in some inane name calling and presenting details not part of the original debate or your entry into it. What does their record have to do with what they should pay in this instance? Are they on double secret probation now? That's for a judge to decide as a mitigating or enhancing issue based on the total facts and merit of the case? You have already stated you hope they are forced to pay until they are eliminated as a business entity. Wonder what they will be worth once months of bad press and public opinion's like yours are allowed to fester and fully tank what's left of their stock? That means only their assets and cash on hand at the end of this will be available for those who do have claims against them. If claims exceed available funds, guess what, a judge will have no choice but to limit what can be handed out so as to compensate in some way all who are found to have a case. If the government gets their piece of the pie first, then you start seeing the checks get cut down to laughable portions. Oh the hue and cry that will come then...but how do you get cash from a dead giant? If the government backs off of their claims for compensation, then the tax payers pay for their portion. I also hope that I'll never get in a situation where I'm tried and convicted before I see the court room by folks like you. I prefer to remember a few of these small points: Amendment V No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. Amendment VI In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence. BP had to incorporate in the US to conduct business so they are subject to our laws. You want BP to pay and pay in full? Then they have to remain a business entity generating revenue! Your method of slash and burn will not lead to them being able to handle this bill if they are found fully culpable and no other parties are considered. So if your upset that I and others prefer to wait for the rest of the facts to come out about this incident AND that BP try to meet some of the benchmarks they have stated they will do (compensation and full cleanup) you'll just have to remain upset.
  19. Bonus!
  20. Could you just have said that in the post where you sort of pounded on the rest that were trying? It might also help anyone else dealing with a landlord issue to know some of the basics, not the details you told the OP, on how to handle this. I'm very glad you talked to him though and have helped him with this issue.
  21. What's the dispersant for a molasses spill? Biscuits? Bronker could have saved a few of them I think!
  22. Those were good days. I couldn't drive myself then so I had to go with who ever was going to any beach. There was some State Park there that my folks always took us to. Not as many young people there but still nice beaches. Tar balls and jelly fish were a common thing.
  23. Wow! I was hoping that someone in the business could render great assistance here. OP asked for us to help. The other posters and I tried to the best of our ability. Would have been nice had you contributed to the thread.


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