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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Let us know. Had not heard of this one either. Very very interested in a range report. If you reload or have calipers, post up the dimensions as well. The only thing I can think of is they're using a hotter powder.
  2. Let us know. Had not heard of this one either. Very very interested in a range report. If you reload or have calipers, post up the dimensions as well. The only thing I can think of is they're using a hotter powder.
  3. I was the first to answer David's original post and probably the last to get one, got the notification but it might be July before I see mine. TGO Shall Not Be Infringed T-Shirt Expected Arrival: Mon, Jun 27 — Fri, Jul 8
  4. Blake, I've been on that hill and you couldn't pay me to put pipe up to that pretty house in 90+ weather. You're a better man than me. I wish I could find the means to put myself in more debt to have that property though.....man it's a great view up there.
  5. Well done Buck!
  6. PM Smith, he can help ya
  7. Took the same path afterward and hoisted one for Rick. Sleep then gratefully a new day will appear!
  8. Went to funeral of a co-worker, came out, turned on phone, one of my employees is on the way to the hospital after a fall at work. Yeah, today sucked.
  9. I'm in! That was easy, one for me and the wife inbound. Thanks David!
  10. Create is reserved for a certain super user you never see logon
  11. Your defective....now?          I had that figured out at hello...LOL
  12. I found Dolomite's thread and fixed it by turning off the smart screen filter.  Microsoft, led by the nose by libs....
  13. I get this everytime I hit the TGO site on this new laptop.  I reported the site as good.   This website has been reported as unsafe www.tngunowners.com   We recommend that you do not continue to this website. It has been reported to Microsoft for containing threats to your computer that might reveal personal or financial information. Go to my home page instead More information   This website has been reported to contain the following threats:  Malicious software threat: This site contains links to viruses or other software programs that can reveal personal information stored or typed on your computer to malicious persons. Report that this site does not contain threats Disregard and continue (not recommended) Microsoft SmartScreen
  14. Yeah, those were good times.  Tiring, but really good.
  15. No need to change, besides all my kids are grown now so I have no one to build an AK for me. I'll stick to the unreliable and obviously too technically advanced sticks Here's the latest
  16. It never ends.  Built a pistol last week and got the upper in yesterday for the second in two weeks yesterday.  Trying to keep up with Smith only I never got downgraded to building AKs......
  17. Free cats, must pick up......no returns
  18. Didnt I just hear that the Ransom virus is targeting Mac?
  19. One week in on a new Dell with 10 on it.  Takes some getting used to.  May get that app/add.  I tried importing my favorites from the machine that was dying and it apparently only want's to look at itself.  Would not look at the files I transferred.  I'm just using short cuts to links on the external HD.  It's like a big smart phone.  I hate smart phones.
  20. Build or buy a .458 Socom.  You know you wanted to.........LOL
  21. Rightwinger


    I so got this  Was hoping he was sending the message like this.  To bad.     Did anyone else see this?
  22. Was Triple H moderating?  I loved listening to him back in the 90s every morning.  Very conservative and moral black man who I admire to this day.  If he was on there, it was worth listening to.


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