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Everything posted by Rightwinger

  1. Shucks, I knew you were poking. This is our thread, why shouldn't we have a little fun. Since we are the only two souls on TGO with the 25-06, we should be able to do a bit of joshing. Looks like you and I will have to do some developing after all.
  2. The round is new to me so why re-invent the wheel if someone has already found a proven performer. I'll work something up this year once I free up some cash if no one does have any input. It's a somewhat less than common caliber. The boy loves that rifle though.
  3. Would be interested myself as my son has the 25-06 and I have dies for it but have yet to purchase any bullets or powder as we have 6 boxes of factory and have generated little brass for it as of yet. No load data yet at all. Post em up.
  4. I told you 23 that counted Jack.....you didn't believe me!
  5. Good to have you back.
  6. and 23 of em had something worth reading!
  7. +1 on the Stack On. Got mine from Dicks several years ago and love it.
  8. I wonder if they ship?
  9. They outlaw Pizza in east Knoxville/Corryton Mike? Pick up the phone!
  10. It was asked "where do the folks that get banned go". I googled "the loneliest place on earth". Among the island that Napoleon was banished to was that lovely piece of real estate now aptly renamed "Banistan" ! Well played!
  11. So you want to borrow some meat? That'll be 45% grease, capiche?
  12. So the good news. Looks like they are choking it down much better now as you can actually see the top hat at times (the yellow behind the oil). You can also see the dispersant actually mixing with the oil. The weird thing, and somebody look and tell me I'm just tired, is the stack now swaying a bit? The ROVs are locked on to the stack, you can see one of them's arm on the right. Is it moving a bit? Live feeds from Skandi ROV1 Live feeds from Skandi ROV2
  13. There was one?
  14. Jedi mind trick "YOUR". You're of course welcome to share the waffle with Bronker. I live on a hill.
  15. Yep, got me there. Wrong their/they're. I hate contractions. Your right Jamie. I'll ( I will) do better. Dang it.
  16. Oh that's right. Make it all about you now. @ Bronker, not Jack. Ole Jack's quick with a keyboard I tell ya! Powered by a Rightwinger Tactical Transceiver with nuclear power chip by BP!
  17. Your really making this way to difficult. PANCAKES! Their Pancakes. We're talking 'bout pancakes!
  18. What's to understand.....their Pancakes!
  19. Oh yeah! Say something about Pancakes.....I dare ya!
  20. There's the gambit. A terrorist or nation state willing to try this would have to worry "did they see us". What we have left of our arsenal is shielded and if "they" want to come take over what's left of the US, they will have to swim as we can do the same to them. Makes you wonder if there are still some MAD scenarios collecting dust on a shelve in some underground bunker somewhere.
  21. The reason US warheads declined in yield size was better targeting electronics and the need to go MIRV as a force multiplier when the "race" was on. Once we didn't need the mega-tonnage to make sure a near miss still destroyed the intended target, we just made more smaller nukes. Technology also helped there as we got better at getting full yield potential from the smaller thermonuclear weapons leading up to "dial a yield" allowing for a range of destruction from a single weapon so it didn't have to be targeted at just one type of target.
  22. I live on a hill
  23. I don't know why it got to me but I'm crying watching that stupid little video Suntzu posted up. Now quit that, I'm home with the wife and can't be crying. They sense these things from the other room.


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